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Scientist from Pakistan Tells about His Research at SUSU

South Ural State University has one of the best structures for scientific activity in the country. There are about 40 laboratories at the university - the basis for the development of scientific directions for schools and institutes. Over the past few years, twelve international laboratories have been established under the supervision of leading foreign professors. The university is at the forefront of science, and SUSU scientists are published in prestigious journals.

Applicant 2021: Rocket Engine Is the Heart of the Rocket

To a greater extent, the success or failure of a particular mission depends on the engine. A rocket engine is a technically complex unit, to design which a large amount of knowledge is required, and this knowledge can be obtained at the Department of Aircraft Engines of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering of the Institute of Engineering and Technology.

SUSU Graduates Are Fluent in Two Foreign Languages

Learning foreign languages is not just a passing fad or a whim, but a process of knowledge acquisition that is vital in today's society. Knowledge of foreign languages in the modern world is one of the components of a person's success—a means of achieving professional fulfilment of a personality. South Ural State University offers excellent conditions for learning foreign languages.

The main reasons for learning foreign languages are:

Kurchatov Centre Summed Up the Results of Its First Year of Activities

On April 7th an event was held at the Lesnaya Zastava countryside complex in honour of the anniversary of the establishment of the Kurchatov Centre for the Identification, Support, and Development of Abilities and Talents among Children and Youth of the Chelyabinsk Region. Guests included representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Chelyabinsk Region, members of the Board of Trustees and Expert Council, and the Centre's partners and teachers.

SUSU Students Donated 30 Litres of Blood

On April 7th and 8th, the traditional Blood Donor Day event was held at South Ural State University. For two days, SUSU students, academic and administrative staff donated 30.15 litres of the most important component of the internal environment of the body for the regional blood bank. A total of 67 people took part in the event.

The Blood Donor Day at South Ural State University is a traditional event that takes place every spring and autumn. According to the Head of the SUSU Volunteer Centre Polina Patrusheva, there is never a shortage of donors at the university.

Faculty of Aerospace Engineering Designs Rocket Engines and Trains Engineers for Roscosmos

The year of 2021 has been declared the Year of Science and Technology in Russia. The theme of the new month is "Space Exploration", and a big cycle of events will be devoted to the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the Yuri Gagarin's flight into space. Thematic events are being held both at the regional and at the federal levels. Cultural, scientific, and educational institutions are sharing information about what role was played and is still played by Russian scientists, engineers, and cosmonauts in space exploration.

SUSU Invites to the Exhibition on "Pathway to the Stars. From the Calculations by Tsiolkovsky to the Space Flight of Gagarin"

Man will not always stay on Earth; the pursuit of light and space will lead him to penetrate the bounds of the atmosphere, timidly at first, but in the end to conquer the whole of solar space.

‑K.E. Tsiolkovsky

April 12th is the Day of Cosmonautics and Aviation, a holiday dedicated to the first human flight into space.

Meeting between the Representatives of Napoleon IT and "My Business" Centre Held at SUSU

Today, business more and more often faces problems, which can be solved only by using cutting-edge technologies: by analysing large amounts of information, working with databases, predicting and anticipating customer actions and market trends. At the same time, IT companies often need help with it. For example, some calculations can only be done using the capacities of a supercomputer, which the region's private business simply does not have, but SUSU does.

"Let's Go!": On April 12th We Reminisce about the "Space" Guests at SUSU

On April 12th the whole world celebrates the day commemorating the first human flight into space. This is a very special date – the triumph of science, technology, and human intelligence that crossed the limits of the possible. This is a day to praise all those who made the first steps towards the space exploration, and all those who today continues to develop this most global industrial sector on our planet.

SUSU Developing the Pushkin Institute Partnership Network in Neighbouring Countries

South Ural State University is promoting the "brand" of the Russian language around the world. At the end of 2020 and beginning of 2021 new agreements were signed on the opening of new Pushkin Centres offering education in the Russian language at University of Kokand, Uzbekistan, and Osh State University, Kyrgyzstan. The SUSU Pushkin Institute partnership network has 11 centres of open education in neighbouring countries and far abroad.

RAEX Holds Online Voting for the Top 100 Russian Universities

RAEX ranking agency begins preparing the tenth annual ranking of Russia's 100 best universities as of 2021, as well as subject-related university rankings (Mathematics; Physics; Economics and Management, and more). The purpose of the research is the creation of an independent system for assessing universities based on statistical data and the results of surveys of target groups.

Russian Scientists Engineering an "Arctic Bus" for Safe Trips around the Far North

A motor bus, which will allow to travel around the Far North in any conditions, as well as survive in case of an accident, is being engineered at the UIREC by SUSU scientists jointly with their colleagues from Bauman Moscow State Technical University. No analogues to such transport exist right now, that is why great opportunities open before the engineers.

The Anniversary of First Space Human Flight at SUSU

On April 12th 1961, Yuri Gagarin became the first human to orbit the Earth, opening a new chapter of human endeavour in outer space.

Modern science in Russia is developing rapidly. In the last few months Russian scientists have launched the world’s most powerful neutron reactor, organised dozens of marine expeditions, and developed several coronavirus vaccines.

In the connection the President of Russian Federation Vladimir Putin noted the value of the scientists' work and declared 2021 the Year of Science and Technology.

SUSU Welcomes the Participants of the Final Round of the “Prometheus” All-Russian Student Olympiad

The Olympiad is held in two categories: the English Language, and the German Language. More than 800 students from 20 Russian universities took part in the qualifying round, which took place online in the form of electronic testing. Participants who successfully passed the qualifying round have been invited to the final round, which takes place at South Ural State University April 8th through April 9th.

Results of the UMNIK 2020 Contest Announced

In December 2020, the finals of the UMNIK All-Russian competition of research and innovation projects of the Foundation on Innovations Facilitation was held at South Ural State University.

SUSU Office of Academic Writing Invites to an Online Seminar

The event will be held in English. The webinars are to be presented by David Connolly – editor-consultant of the Office of Academic Writing at South Ural State University. The seminar is entitled "Ellipsis, leaving stuff out to add more".

The webinars will be held on GoogleMeet. David will discuss the theory on April 13, 2021 at 16:00 and will guide participants through practical training on April 27, 2021 at 16:00. The webinars will last 1 hour. Participation is free.

GoogleMeet links for the online seminar:

SUSU МВА Centre Awarded Diplomas to Court-appointed Receivers

In the beginning of April, a ceremony of awarding diplomas to 7 graduates of the professional retraining program in “Crisis Management and the Activities of Court-appointed Receivers” was hel

Applicant 2021: Rocket Engineering, the Romance of Space Exploration

The ability to do technical design of rocket and space engineering products using solid-state modelling based on modern computer technologies is one of the goals that students of the Department of Aircrafts achieve.

Applicant 2021: SUSU Trains Digital Analysts and Business Development Consultants

Students who have chosen the SUSU Department of Informational and Analytical Support of Control in Social and Economic Systems can become specialists in the field of information technologies and process management in an organisation. Graduates of the department are welcome to work at industrial enterprises and government authorities.

Digitalization, a Way to Effective Management

The 2nd URAL FEST Ural Forum for International Students and Alumni to Be Held at SUSU

The big-scale URAL FEST Forum will be held at South Ural State University April 25th through April 29th, 2021. The Forum is dedicated to supporting and developing the international student and alumni community within the Ural Federal District and nearby regions. Registration is open until April 10th.

Young Scientists Are Invited to Participate in MENDELEEV 2021, the XII International Conference on Chemistry

To unite young scientists from around the world, who are aspiring after discoveries and innovations in the field of chemistry, is the intent behind the MENDELEEV 2021 Conference, to be held September 6th through September 10th. Researchers from SUSU are invited to participate in this event and share the results of their scientific work with their colleagues.

How Laughter Helps Us in Life

April Fools’ Day is a holiday celebrated worldwide in many states and countries on April 1st. On this day, it is customary to play pranks on friends, other people, or just make jokes about them.

SUSU Professors Took Part in Online Round Table with the Kyrgyz-Russian Faculty of Osh State University

On March 30, 2021, Director of the Institute of Media, Social Sciences and Humanities, Doctor of Sciences (Philology) Lidiya Lobodenko, Head of the SUSU Department of Russian Language and Literature, Doctor of Sciences (Philology) Tatiana Semian, Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science of the Institute of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Head of the Department of Mathematical and Computer Modelling,

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