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SUSU Signs Cooperation Agreement with the Ministry of Ecology of the Chelyabinsk Region and the "Zavod TEKHNO" Plant

On July 8th, the Rector of South Ural State University Aleksandr Shestakov, Minister of Ecology of the Chelyabinsk Region Sergey Likhachev, and Director of OOO "Zavod TEKHNO" plant Aleksandr Prokopyev signed a trilateral cooperation agreement.

The three parties agreed on cooperation and partnership in several fields:

5000th SUSU Applicant Plans to Master Clinical Psychology

The Admissions Campaign is well underway at South Ural State University. Today a five thousandth applicant has submitted her documents to the university. It is Alena Ershova from the village of Novogorny, Ozersk Urban District.

"I chose the educational programme in Clinical Psychology. Since there is a possibility to choose several majors, I also applied for Employment Psychology, and Sociology as a fall-back," says Alena Ershova.

SUSU Took Part in Miass Walk

The Fifth Anniversary Miass Walk took place on the streets of Miass on July 4th. Hundreds of citizens of Miass took part in this exciting and big-scale event, and students of the Miass Branch of South Ural State University were among the organizing partners.

The Miass Walk is a small, but at the same time exciting adventure with a variety of tasks: sports, intellectual, logical, historical, and humorous ones.

SUSU Signed a Cooperation Agreement with the Bashkir Academy of Civil Service and Administration

South Ural State University welcomes guests from the Republic of Bashkortostan. Representatives of the Bashkir Academy of Civil Service and Administration under the Head of the Republic of Bashkortostan arrived in Chelyabinsk to sign an agreement with SUSU.

Hear and Be Heard: An Hour with the Rector to Be Held at SUSU

The long-awaited event "An Hour with the Rector" will take place at South Ural State University this Saturday, July 10th. Every year, as part of the Admissions Campaign, applicants and their parents, as well as pupils of the eleventh forms of secondary schools are invited to a meeting with the SUSU Rector Aleksandr Shestakov.

"Science Is Fun!" – a New Project of the Department of Journalism, Advertising and Public Relations of the Institute of Media, Social Sciences and Humanities

Candidate of Sciences (Pedagogy), Associate Professor of the Department of Journalism, Advertising and Public Relations of the Institute of Media, Social Sciences and Humanities Olga Perevozova has developed a new project "Science Is Fun!" and implemented it in social networks.

Graduation Ceremony Held at SUSU

Graduates of South Ural State University have celebrated their graduation ceremony. In the Year of Science and Technology, the event was held in an online format. The graduation ceremony was broadcast on the big screen in front of the Main University Building, as well as on all the official platforms of the university: YouTube, VKontakte, Facebook, Instagram, Telegram.

IMSSH Staff Participate in the “Media in Modern World. Petersburg Readings” Scientific Forum

The “Media in Modern World. Petersburg Readings” International Scientific Forum was held June 30th through July 2nd, 2021. This year the forum is celebrating its 60th anniversary. The forum combines three major events: scientific meetings and discussions in the main program, the Strategic Communications in Business and Politics (STRATCOM), and the Language in the Coordinates of the Mass Media conferences.

SUSU Students of Elite Training Groups Received Graduation Certificates

Today, on July 2nd, a graduation ceremony for the graduates of the elite training of the 2020-2021 academic year has been held at South Ural State University.

The ceremony was attended by the SUSU Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Andrey Radionov, Deputy Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Marina Potapova, Director of the Centre of Elite Education Aleksandr Drozin and Deputy Director of the Centre of Elite Education Elena Kurkina.

Trade Union Youth from the Chelyabinsk Region Wins All Prizes at the Student Leader of the Ural Federal District Contest

June 28th through July 1st a district round of the Student Leader 2021 All-Russian Contest was held in the Sverdlovsk Region. The event was organized by: All-Russian Union of Education Workers, Student Coordination Council of the Ural Federal District Trade Union, and universities from the Sverdlovsk Region. This contest aims at finding young leaders. The best representatives of student trade unions presented the activities of their organisations, as well as demonstrated their knowledge in legal and regulatory framework and social projects planning.

SUSU Rector Alkesandr Shestakov's Address to Graduates

Dear graduates!

My sincere congratulations to you on receiving your diplomas at one of the leading Russian universities – South Ural State University!

Profound knowledge, respectful attitude to traditions, and experience gained by our teaching and academic staff members have ensured the high level of your training. Now you have a profession, but the learning process is not over yet. The school of life awaits you ahead, which will be setting more and more new tasks before you. To solve these, you will need to be constantly developing and improving your competences.

“Sirius. Summer: Start Your Project”: SUSU Scientists Taught School Pupils the Basics of Engineering

In July 2020, the program for school pupils “Sirius. Summer: Start Your Project”, supported by South Ural State University, began. The goal of the project is to involve talented youth in working on urgent tasks of Russian science and technologies that are the priority for the development of regions. The academic year is coming to an end, and we are ready to sum up the results.

Applicant 2021: Department of Building and Engineering Structures Is the Future of Construction Development in Our City

The Department of Building and Engineering Structures of the Institute of Architecture and Construction of South Ural State University offers training at the following levels of education: Specialist's programmes, Master's degree programme (Construction), postgraduate studies (Structural Engineering; Building and Engineering Structures).

Attendees of the SUSU Military Training Centre Took the Oath

On June 26th, during a military training session in the Chebarkul garrison, 370 attendees of the Military Training Centre of South Ural State University took the oath and solemnly swore allegiance to their Fatherland.

Traditionally, the event was attended by SUSU Rector Aleksandr Shestakov, Head of the Military Training Centre Colonel Nikolai Karpov, the command of the military unit, as well as relatives and friends of the attendees.

Aleksandr Shestakov congratulated the students on this remarkable event and spoke on why it is important for a man to take the oath:

Model of a Reusable Launch Vehicle Engine to Be Presented to Visitors of INNOPROM

Aerospace engineering is one of the claims to fame of researchers at South Ural State University. The current key development is the project for creating models of the propulsion system, rocket launch site, and space platforms. The results of our researchers’ work will be presented at the INNOPROM-2021 exhibition.

Where There Is a Spire on the Roof: an Excursion to the Observation Deck Organised for SUSU Students

On June 25th, an excursion to the observation deck was organized for SUSU students. On the occasion of Tatiana Day, Aleksandr Shestakov traditionally grants three wishes of students. Any SUSU student could write about his/her dream to the Rector in the official group of the university in VKontakte. All letters were reviewed by the Expert Council headed by the Rector; the most burning and important requests were selected. The excursion is the fourth wish of the students as part of the holiday.

Professions of the Future, or Where to Go Study So As Not to Be Unemployed?

The profession of an engineer remains one of the most important and in-demand ones in Russia and the world. And it is this specialty, surprising as it may seem, that experts call the profession of the future.

Applicant 2021: SUSU Trains Internet of Things Specialists

Students of the SUSU Department of Electronic Computing Machines learn to create new software, design information systems, and implement IoT technologies. They are trained to deal with the basic aspects of digital systems and services.

Become an architect of "virtual" dimension

Academic Staff Members of the Zlatoust Branch of SUSU Spoke at the International Congress of Metallurgists

International Congress of Steelmakers (ISCON) is considered to be one of the most important congresses among metallurgists: both for employees and heads of industrial enterprises, as well as scientific staff. This year, the congress was organised in Ekaterinburg for the 16th time.

Choose a Profession That Will Open All Borders

Confident command of a foreign language is a must for a good specialist and professional. Managing political processes and conducting election campaigns is a step towards a better future for your country. Analysing and forecasting political processes, building collaboration with partners from other countries is the basis of diplomacy. Do you agree?

Students of the SUSU Zlatoust Branch Participated in the AZ Ural Science and Technology Conference

The Cargo Vehicle (“Gruzoviye avtomobili”) science and technology specialist conference is one of twenty social programs of the Ural automobile factory. Its goal is to find promising design and technological problems, manufacturing solutions, and cases of fulfilment of creative ideas aimed at increasing the efficiency of manufacturing and improving product quality.

SUSU Immortal Regiment: Petr Agapitov

Petr Agapitov was born to a peasant family in the village of Mekhonka in Mekhonka District of the Kurgan Region on December 13, 1910. The life in a big family was difficult, so the sons were sent to work as farm labourers every summer. Later Petr Agapitov enrolled in a Perm vocational school and graduated from it with the speciality of a construction worker.

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