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Russian scientists have obtained a new substance with liquid crystal properties

Substances with the properties of both liquids and crystals are used in modern technology. Scientists at South Ural State University (SUSU) have discovered a new substance with the same properties. They published the article in the scientific journal MolBank (indexed by Scopus). Also, on the cover of the December issue of the graphic abstract configuration.

How Do Likes on the Internet Influence Users’ Self-esteem?

According to the data presented in the short statistical collection of the National Research University Higher School of Economics, 78% of the population of Russia use social networks. Virtual space of social networks gives an opportunity to present yourself the way you want it to be and manage this impression. The ability to control self-presentation and the creation of the ideal self-image on social networks generates a number of negative impacts.

The Laboratory for Studying Genetic Predisposition to Stress Opened at SUSU

The study of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) at South Ural State University (SUSU) will reach a new level: the scientists will use the main tool of molecular genetics - polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to determine resistance and predisposition to stress. The PCR laboratory is already ready for operation, and it has all the necessary equipment installed.

How to Make Water Cleaner and Food Healthier: Indian Scientists Talk About Their Research

Every researcher dreams of working in a modern lab and releasing their scientific works, but another important factor is being surrounded by professional and inspired colleagues. That's why many scientists travel to other nations to share their knowledge and gain international experience.

What kind of scientific developments are Indian scientists in Russia involved in? Young researchers from South Ural State University (SUSU) in Chelyabinsk have taken time out from their schedules to talk about their work.

Let The World Know: Why Indian Students Go to Russia

What opportunities are there to study and work in Russia? Young professionals from India who are currently studying at South Ural State University (SUSU) shared their experiences with Sputnik.

Students and young professionals who want to develop actively in science and take part in international projects find it important to gain experience in foreign countries and learn about their cultural peculiarities.

Your World – Your Project International Student Championship Wrapped Up

The Your World – Your Project International Student Championship wrapped up on December 17, 2021. The championship is held annually since 2014.

Machine Learning Models Help to Calculate the Frictional Pile Capacity More Accurately

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence can be used in construction to predict pile bearing capacity. South Ural State University (SUSU) scientists have considered that neural network predictions are more accurate and less expensive and time-consuming. The results of the work have been published in the highly rated journal Sustainability (Q1).

A SUSU Graduate Creates a Portable Device for Electroencephalography

A graduate of South Ural State University created a new highly accurate and compact electroencephalography device. This device can be used at home and as needed. This development will help reduce the number of visits to clinics and hospitals, which is especially important during the COVID-19 pandemic.

New Year's Greetings from SUSU Rector Aleksandr Shestakov

Dear colleagues, postgraduates and students of South Ural State University,

My most sincere congratulations to you on the coming New Year! Before the holiday festivities we usually review the results of the year.

The year of 2021 has been filled with important events. Project 5 – 100 has been completed. We have had quite a number of serious achievements over the time of our participation in it. SUSU strengthens its standing in the QS and THE international world rankings, as well as in the national university rankings.

New Year is Different for Every Country

The New Year is coming; this is one of the long-desired and favorite family holidays. It is time for fairy tales and hopes, and everyone from the childhood truly believes that you will spend the whole year to come the way you greet New Year’s Eve.

SUSU presents its projects at the China Hi-Tech Fair

China’s largest Hi-Tech Fair 2021 is held on December 27-29. Russia and China are cooperating successfully in the fields of medicine, information systems, biology, oceanology, ecology and the pandemic response to Covid-19. SUSU scientists present their projects in the fields of biotechnology, safety protection technology, high-tech industrial production.

SUSU to Start Training Electromechanical Engineers for Work in Saint Petersburg

SUSU Rector Aleksandr Shestakov met with the representatives of the Russian Electrotechnical Group Ruselprom, who addressed the leadership of South Ural State University with an offer of training specialists for their subsequent employment at the enterprise. This offer was highly appreciated by the university, and now it is planned to open a new Bachelor's degree programme in Electrical Engineering after bringing the curricula in line with the requirements of the industrial partner and the latest trends in the development of the industry.

International Students Invited to the Kazan Holidays Winter School

Kazan National Research Technical University named after A. N. Tupolev - KAI is happy to announce the traditional Winter School for international students who study in Russia.

This year, the Winter School is organized under the name of Kazan Holidays and offers a unique program:

• taking classes in the Russian language and tours of one of the best technical universities in Russia: KNRTU-KAI;

• visiting the sights of Kazan: a city with a thousand-year history and unique architecture;

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Christmas is celebrated on December 25 and is both a sacred religious holiday and a worldwide cultural phenomenon.

For two millennia, people around the world have been observing it with different traditions and practices. Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ, who Christians believe is the son of God. His birth date is unknown and there is disagreement among scholars on when Jesus was born. According to that Christians celebrate Jesus’ birthday on December 25, but Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas Day on January 7.

SUSU Scientists Named Biomarkers of a Long-lasting PTSD

War veterans have helped scientists of South Ural State University identify biological indicators which signal whether people have a post-traumatic stress disorder or a susceptibility to it. The research results are published in the Journal of Psychiatric Research (Q1) top-rated scientific journal.

SUSU Student From Palestine Tells About His Study

South Ural State University is one of the leading Russian multidisciplinary universities with the fundamental scientific basis and high standards of specialist training. It is consistently ranked as one of the top Russian universities in national and international rankings. The university is multinational and nowadays is a home for more than 2,300 international students from 52 countries.

SUSU Main Building: What It Looked Like Before and How It Transformed

The SUSU Main Building is one of the main attractions in our city. But this has not always been the case.

In 1943-1944 the institute was located in different parts of the city: at School No.4 not far from the railway station and in one of the schools of Traktorozavodskiy District. Later the institute was housed in a three-story building, where the Detsky Mir (Children’s’ World) store is now located. In 1945 the institute received a new building on Timiryazeva Street (now Lyceum No.11), but it did not solve the issue of lack of classrooms.

SUSU Museum Opens a New Exhibition Devoted to the History of the Urals of the 17th – Early 20th Centuries

On December 16th, a new exhibition devoted to the history of the Urals of the 17th - early 20th centuries will be opened at the People and Technologies of the Urals Museum and Exhibition Complex at South Ural State University.

Ural REC Will Train In-Demand Specialists for the Leading Enterprises of the Region

In 2021 SUSU began training managers and specialists for leading enterprises of the Ural region as part of the Ural Interregional Research and Education Centre (UIREC) project. 15 advanced training programmes were developed and tested. The Centre for Competence Development trains heads of laboratories and research and technical projects, and the educational platform offers training for specialists of high-tech enterprises being UIREC participants.

Blended learning format for high-level professionals

International Tea Day

December 15 is the day when people celebrate the importance of tea in everyone’s day to day life. Also the holiday focuses on the health benefits of various kinds of tea like white, green, black, herbal, and oolong.

Tea is the most popular beverage in the world. For millions of people there is no better way to start the day than with the pleasant taste and aroma of tea and then have another three or four during the day.

From Germany to Russia to Become a Bachelor in Mechatronics and Robotics

South Ural State University is the most famous university in South Ural and no wonder international students choose it to get their education. It offers various programs including International Relations, Philology, Linguistics, Economics, Mechatronics and Robotics, Power Engineering and many others. Also a student can choose a Bachelor’s or Master’s program taught in English.

SUSU Rector's congratulations on the 78th anniversary of the University

Dear teachers, staff, graduate students and students of South Ural State University!
I heartily congratulate you on SUSU's birthday!

Our university is celebrating its 78th anniversary.

All these years, SUSU not only gives knowledge to students, but also develops innovative technologies, acts as a powerful generator of scientific and educational ideas.

ISTiS Technologists Present Scientific Projects on Diet Improving

December 7, 2021 the Department of Production Technology and Catering Organization of the Institute of Sports, Tourism and Service participated in the All-Russian Research and Practical Conference "Improving the Diet of the Population and Quality and Safety of Culinary Products" (Moscow), dedicated to the memory of an Honoured Employee of Higher Education of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), Professor Georgii Dubtsov.

Eufactcheck Recommends Article by IMSSH Master’s Students as Must-Read for All

In November, undergraduates of the Department of Journalism, Advertising, and Public Relations of the Institute of Media, Social Sciences and Humanities (IMSSH) at South Ural State University checked some facts about coronavirus and published an article in English "UNCHECKABLE: CORONAVIRUS CAN LEAD TO INFERTILITY" on the European portal EUfactcheck as part of an international journalistic project. 

SUSU Newspaper: A 65-year Journey

The newspaper of South Ural State University has been published for as long as 65 years now. The university has been growing and developing, and together with it, the newspaper has also been changing; its layout has been transforming, the number of pages has been increasing, along with the number of copies printed, and the title has been changing as well: starting from 1956 – “Politekhnicheskie kadry” (“Polytechnic Personnel”), “Tekhnopolis” (“Technopolis”) later (1991 through 2018), and “SMART Universitet” (“SMART University”) now.

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