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Scientists Propose Using Bismuth Films for Radiation Protection

A new application for electrolytic films of bismuth was proposed by scientists from South Ural State University (SUSU) with colleagues from international cooperation (the Republic of Belarus, China, and Saudi Arabia). They have previously stated their effectiveness as a shield against electron radiation. Now, having studied the physicochemical properties of materials, experts have concluded that the films can be used in the development of protection against ionizing radiation. The research results were published in the highly-rated Journal of Alloys and Compounds (Q1).

A SUSU Student Creates a Programmable Complex for Radio Engineering

A student of South Ural State University (SUSU) created a laboratory for radio engineers. A distinctive feature of the development is the use of a programmable integrated circuit. The idea received grant support and recognition from the jury of the UMNIK competition.

SUSU to Help Secondary School Students Choose their Profession

South Ural State University invites you to science popularization and career guidance events organized by the Applicant Consultation Centre.

The Horizons of Science (Gorizonty nauki) Preuniversity is an educational project which provides opportunities to complete academic intensives on solving difficult tasks from leading Unified State Examination experts in Mathematics, Physics, and Russian. The courses will be held online once a week.

Scientists Prove the Northern Caucasus Focus of Horse Domestication for Eurasia

South Ural State University (SUSU) scientists and their foreign colleagues have continued study devoted to the time and place of horse domestication. A research group has established where exactly the focus of domestication is located in Eurasia. The results of the work have been published in the highly rated journal “Nature” (Top 10%).

Russian Scientists Conduct the First in the World Study of Electron Density in Appel's Salt Crystals

A research study important for the world science has been conducted by scientists of South Ural State University (SUSU) jointly with their colleagues from other research institutes. They have discovered the reasons for the stability of salts and have provided a detailed description of the results in a top-rated journal Acta Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science, Crystal Engineering and Materials (Q2).

The Most Delicious Holiday - International Chefs Day

On October 20, all the cooks of the world are getting prepared to celebrate their professional holiday - International Chefs Day*.

SUSU Listed in the Top 20 of Prestigious International Ranking

SUSU has taken a high position in the UniRank ranking of media activity of Russian universities. The ranking considers a university’s activity in social networks, as well as mentioning of the university on various media platforms. The ranking data is updated monthly based on 5 web metrics. SUSU has taken the 19th position out of more than 350 Russian universities. In the world ranking, the university has taken the 1168th position.

Vaccination for International Students at SUSU

Vaccination for international students of South Ural State University started on October 1st. Among the first ones to get vaccinated were students from China, Egypt and Turkmenistan. Some time later they were joined by citizens of Cote d'Ivoire, Egypt, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan. Over a few days, 56 people from 10 countries have undergone this simple medical procedure.

SUSU Sociocultural Adaptation Centre Celebrates its 5th Anniversary

The Sociocultural Adaptation Centre will celebrate its 5th anniversary on Friday, October 15th. Volunteers and international students of South Ural State University will come together to celebrate the event.

The Sociocultural Adaptation Centre was created at the Institute of Linguistics and International Communications of South Ural State University. Its main goal is to create comfortable conditions for international students at the university and in dormitories.

Manganese Improves Oxidation Resistance of High-Entropy Alloys

The corrosion resistance of high-entropy alloys (VES) is studied at the South Ural State University (SUSU). By adding various chemical elements to alloys, scientists intend to improve their characteristics. The scientists publish the results of their theoretical and practical research in highly rated journals indexed by Scopus.

International Students Are Getting Vaccinated at SUSU

A vaccination campaign was organised around the world to defeat the Covid-19 pandemic. Vaccines are basically the only powerful tool in the fight against various diseases: they rather prevent than cure the disease.

Scientists claim that vaccinating billions of people will help to stop the spread of the Covid-19 virus and achieve group immunity. And once we get it, we can go back to our pre-Covid-19 life.

Scientists Have Learned How to Weld a New Kind of Steel

SUSU scientists and their colleagues from China worked on welding a new and unusual structural material. A study on modeling and optimizing the weld profile under various welding conditions was published in the highly-rated International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (Q1). As a result of the research, the scientists determined the welding mode, voltage, wire feed speed, welding speed, which ensure high strength properties of the joint and the necessary microstructure.

The Media Ecosystem: Digital Modifications Monograph Released by the SUSU Publishing House

The team of authors of the monograph on topical problems of the modern media space associated with the development of transformational processes in the field of mass media now includes a number of doctors of sciences (Philology) in the field of journalism: Director of the Institute of Media, Social Sciences and Humanities of South Ural State University Lidiya Lobodenko, Head of the Department of Journalism, Advertising and Public Relations of the SUSU Institute of Media, Social Sciences and Humanities Liudmila Shesterkina, Professor of RUDN University Irina Volkova, Professors of the Academ

SUSU Students Swapped Roles with the Teaching Staff

Students of the Department of Russian as a Foreign Language of the Institute of Linguistics and International Communications congratulated the teaching staff members on Teachers’ Day in an unusual way. At the university's Sigma building an examination was held! Students acted as examiners, and the academic staff members pulled examination papers and, answering unexpected questions, demonstrated their attentiveness, love for the department, and professional skills.

Human Teeth "Told" Scientists about the Beginning of the Horses Domestication

Scientists from South Ural State University (SUSU) analyzed the composition of dental calculus and confirmed that people domesticated horses at the beginning of the Bronze Age. Dental plaque hardened during life retained traces of proteins - markers of the milk diet, which appeared in the diet of ancient people with the beginning of cattle breeding. The research was published in the highly-rated journal Nature.

SUSU Wins Grant in the Priority 2030 Program in the Research Leadership Track

Russian universities who will receive a special grant in the Priority 2030 Program have been determined. South Ural State University was one of the winners in the Research Leadership track and will receive 142 million roubles by the end of 2022.

Recruitment to SUSU Student Labour Unions Started

Students can get the opportunity of formal employment and earn money in summer, while having a good time studying at the university.

The Headquarters of Student Labour Unions of South Ural State University continues to recruit students in four areas: Pedagogy (Camp Counselling), Service, Construction, and Railroads Conducting. During summer, students can work in various jobs and receive fair wages.

SUSU Teaching Staff Took Part in Major Exhibition of Hospitality Industry

The international exhibition PIR EXPO was held in Moscow October 5 through October 8, 2021. This is the major specialized event in Russia for professionals in the restaurant industry. The exhibition brings together restaurateurs, managers, chefs, confectioners, pizza makers, manufacturers and suppliers, the best Russian and international experts. The exhibition was attended by the teaching staff members of the Department of Production Technology and Catering Organization of the Institute of Sport, Tourism and Service of South Ural State University.

Scientists Create Digital Twins to Control the Grinding Process

Scientists at South Ural State University have developed a new technology that will reduce the number of rejects when grinding parts. The digital twin helps to simulate various physical, chemical, thermophysical, and other processes occurring in the cutting zone. The research was published in the highly-rated scientific journal Russian Engineering Research (Q3).

A team of scientists led by Pavel Pereverzev, Professor of the Department of Automated Engineering Technologies, created a digital twin of the circular plunge-cut grinding process.

SUSU Scientists Analyse Work Process in Coronavirus Pandemic

Distant work will not become a memory after the ending of Coronavirus Pandemic. Scientists from South Ural State University (SUSU) have found out that even traditional countries such as Japan adopt a new working process and now work on building a team culture.

SUSU Is Arranging Vaccination for International Students

To be vaccinated is actually the only powerful tool in the fight against various diseases: they rather prevent than cure the disease. A vaccination campaign against COVID-19 was organized around the world.

Researchers confirm that vaccinating billions of people will help to stop the spread of the pandemic and achieve the group immunity. And once we get it, we can return to our pre-Covid-19 life.

For helping to get this goal South Ural State University is arranging the Sputnik Light vaccination for international students and encourages you not to miss the chance.

Historians of the Institute of Media, Social Sciences and Humanities Welcomed Specialists in Military Architecture from all over Russia at Their Venue

The 6th International Science-to-Practice Conference of Monuments of Fortification: History, Restoration, and Use has been organized at South Ural State University. An event of this level was attended by representatives of scientific community from different parts of the country. They included Candidates and Doctors of Sciences (History), representing major museum and university spaces of Kaliningrad, Arkhangelsk, Abakan, Kazan, St.

Recreation Centre Announces the Start of Selection Rounds for the SUSU Talent 2021 Festival for First-year Students

The new academic year has begun, new students have enrolled in South Ural State University. We are sure that every student is talented in something and we suggest not to hide it, but to reveal it with the help of the unique festival SUSU Talent 2021.

SUSU Talent is a contest that helps your creative and extraordinary abilities will be noticed and appreciated. In the future, you will be able to fulfil yourself in one of the many teams of SUSU, as well as perform at festive and significant events of the university.

SUSU Present New Technologies at the Russian Festival Technosreda 2021

South Ural State University participated in the Technosreda festival in Moscow September 25th-26th. The event brought together leading representatives of the Russian scientific community: researchers, research and technology companies, universities, and research institutes.

Scientists from the SUSU Institute of Engineering and Technology and School of Medical Biology offered presentations and demonstrated innovative developments aimed at combating environmental problems.

Scientists Taught Intelligence System to Accurate Forecast of Pile Bearing Capacity

Research in the area of geotechnical construction has been conducted by a scientist from South Ural State University (SUSU) and his foreign colleagues. They proposed a hybrid intelligence system that can help Civil Engineers to get the most accurate pile bearing capacity data. The results of the work have been published in the highly rated journal “Artificial Intelligence Review” (Q1).

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