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University Law Dialogue-2021 to Be Held at SUSU

The University Law Dialogue-2021 International Science-to-Practice Conference will be organised at the Institute of Law of South Ural State University March 25th through March 26th. The event will be dedicated to the topic of Law and Ecology.

Applicant 2021: SUSU Teaches How to Create Digital Twins of Production

Not a single modern production is complete without devices: sensors, automatic machines, automated installations collect and even process information, thereby completely controlling the operation of systems. Their work is monitored by instrumentation engineers who are trained at the SUSU Department of Informational and Measuring Technology.

Medications to Treat Coronavirus and Wholesome Products Elaborated at SUSU

In the Year of Science and Technology, declared in Russia,South Ural State Universitycontinues working on a number of studies in most of the priority areas. One of them is New Medicine. SUSU scientists are not only developing treatment regimens for various diseases, but also designing medicines and creating useful products.

Medical research at South Ural State University is conducted by members of theSchool of Medical Biology. Much attention is paid to post-traumatic stress disorder.

“Horizons of Science” Pre-University Project Operates at SUSU

South Ural State University invites school students of Chelyabinsk and Chelyabinsk region to study in the “Horizons of Science” Pre-University project.

“Horizons of Science” Pre-University educational and awareness-building project is aimed at developing school students’ motivation to study various disciplines and assisting in choosing the field of study to enrol in the priority programmes at SUSU.

Natalia Baturina: “Happiness Is Made Up of Subtle Things”

On March 20 the world celebrates the International Day of Happiness. The UN General Assembly established it in 2012 to remind that the pursuit of happiness is an inherent desire of every person on the planet.

Eight New Participants Entered Ural REC

Eight new participants have entered the Ural Interregional Research and Education Centre for Advanced Industrial Technologies and Materials. This decision has been approved at a meeting of the Supervisory Board of the centre, which took place on March 18 under the chairmanship of the plenipotentiary representative of the President of Russia in the Urals Federal District, Vladimir Yakushev.

2021 Applicants: SUSU Offers Advanced Educational Programs to Train Specialists in Metallurgy

The Department of Pyrometallurgical Processes of the Faculty of Materials Science and Metallurgy Engineering offers advanced online educational programs to train qualified specialists in modern metallurgical production capable of solving design and technological and production tasks in accordance with current requirements, including the import substitution of manufactured products and digitalization of modern metallurgical production.

Applications Are Open for the Zhores Alferov All-Russian Science-to-Practice Conference

The selection round of the Zhores Alferov All-Russian Science-to-Practice Conference within the framework of strategic goals of the Science and Universities National Project began.

The conference is held to create the human resources in the country by consolidating the efforts of enterprises of the real sector of the economy, the state, fundamental and academic sciences, aimed at finding, supporting and developing talented youth, taking into account the existing enterprises requirements.

A Meeting Between Students from Uzbekistan and Consul General of the Republic of Uzbekistan Held at SUSU

A meeting between the Consul General of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Ekaterinburg Abdusalom Khatamov with the students from Uzbekistan was held at South Ural State University. The event was organized within the framework of planned visit of the universities of the Ural Federal District, in which Uzbek students are studying.

SUSU Teachers Conduct Online Russian Language Courses for Applicants from Mongolia

The International Office of South Ural State University and the Russian Centre for Science and Culture of Mongolia organized and implemented a joint educational project. For two months the citizens of Mongolia, dreaming of studying in Russia, have been learning the Russian language. The training took place at the Department of Russian as a Foreign Language of the Institute of Linguistics and International Communications under the additional educational program Russian as a Foreign Language. The course was held in an online format.

Environmental School for Journalists: SUSU Tells About the Project Dedicated to Ecology

At SUSU, an Environmental School was held for students, where they talked about the National Project “Ecology as a Window of Opportunities for Beginning Journalists”. Its purpose is to create conditions for the practical training of journalists who will be able to professionally cover environmental problems and the right of citizens to a healthy environment in the media in the future. The project covers 5 large territories of the Chelyabinsk region, which have various environmental problems due to economic and natural reasons.

Participants of QA Assistant Hackathon Began Developing a Chatbot for Outpatient Clinics in the City of Chelyabinsk

During the first stage of the Hackathon, which was held at the end of February, students developed chatbot projects for the first line of outpatient clinics. Now future specialists, jointly with the staff members of iTerritory and SUSU, will not only create, but also test a digital product in practice.

SUSU Students Become Prize Winners of All-Russian Student Cross-Country Skiing

The All-Russian competitions in cross-country skiing among students, which took place from March 9 through 15 in the city of Zainsk (Republic of Tatarstan) at the Yalta-Zai Sports Training Centre, has come to an end. About 200 athletes from 23 educational organizations from 17 constituent entities of Russia took part in the competition.

Nowruz to be Celebrated at SUSU

South Ural Association of International Students and Alumni, with support from the International Office, invites students, staff, and guests of the university to celebrate Nowruz—the New Year for Iranians and Turks.

Nowruz, or International Nauryz Day, is the first day of the Iranian calendar, corresponding to Ormazd day of the month Farvardin (roughly March 21st). The holiday’s roots are in the pre-Islam era: Iranians and Turks celebrated the New Year, which in that time corresponded to the day of spring equinox.

SUSU Lecturer Joins Public Headquarters for Election Control

Maksim Dvoinenko, senior lecturer at South Ural State University, analyst at the Social Networks Monitoring Centre of the Chelyabinsk Institute for the Development of Professional Education, became a member of the Public Headquarters for Election Control and Observation, created on the basis of the Public Chamber of the Chelyabinsk Region.

The main task of the headquarters is to carry out an independent examination of the pre-election campaign and the voting process to ensure the transparency and legitimacy of the electoral process.

SUSU Summed Up the Results of Parnassus Writing Contest

This year, 18 applications have been submitted to the contest. For the first time in the more than 20-year history of the competition, not only poets, but also prose writers could take part in a writing competition. According to Oksana Ralkova, head of the Student Parnassus Literature Association, this year the contest has shown that the new nomination is in demand among students of South Ural State University: five students have sent their prose. Also this year the format of the competition has changed.

SUSU Students Are Invited to Participate in “Youth against Extremism and Terrorism” Competition

The interuniversity competition of student research papers “Youth against Extremism and Terrorism” is organized by the Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov. The intellectual competition will take place from March 24 through March 26, 2021.

Students, Master’s degree students and postgraduates are invited to participate in the competition. In their papers, the participants are invited to express their attitude to the problem of extremism, terrorism, and to contribute to campaigning against the ideas of extremism and terrorism.

Scientists Patented a New Film Model for Solar Panels

Scientists of South Ural State University have developed and patented a new type of holographic film to protect solar panels from overheating in terms of hot climate. The patent for a utility was granted last year after a series of scientific publications and experiments.

SUSU Students to Study in China

Centre for International Education of South Ural State University invites 4th-year Bachelor’s students planning to enrol in the Master's degree programme at SUSU and freshmen of the Master’s degree programme to participate in the programmes of academic mobility in the People's Republic of China (autumn, autumn-spring 2021-2022).

SUSU Team Takes Silver at the Russian National Track and Field Championship

On March 5-7th the National Championship of the Russian Student Athletic Union took place in Yaroslavl. The competition was attended by 47 universities, which were divided into two groups according to the presence of a sports department or institute. The first group included 20 teams, including the team of the Institute of Sport, Tourism, and Service of South Ural State University. In a highly competitive struggle, the team of SUSU took the silver medal, losing only to the team of Moscow State University of Physical Culture and Sport.

“Long Live the Luxury of Human Communication”: SUSU is to Hold Communication Leader of the 21st Century Forum

It is for the sixth time the SUSU Institute of Media, Social Sciences and Humanities becomes the venue for holding the largest International Forum called “Communication Leader of the 21st Century”. It is to be held in the first decade of April under support of the European Journalism Training Association (EJTA).

The Department of Modern Languages Invites 3rd Year Students to Prepare for IELTS

The Department of Modern Languages invites 3rd year students to extracurricular lessons to prepare for international exams.

IELTS preparation “Module 1. Introduction to International Exam” (64 hours) — for students who have completed in-depth English training in semesters 1–4, having confirmed their English proficiency at B2 or higher.

Start Module 2 “Developing Skills for International Exam” (64 hours) — September 2021

Exam dates: December 1–7 2021.

Students can enroll in two ways: by contract or by state scholarship.

SUSU Invites to the Open House Day

On March 14th, South Ural State University will hold the Open House Day in an online format. It will be devoted to student life at the university. Applicants will be told about the possibilities a student has when enrolling in SUSU.

Scientists Create New Containers for Radioactive Waste

A team of scientists from South Ural State University patented two inventions under the Federal Target Programme for the Development of a Set of Process Engineering Solutions on the Production of New Metallic Materials for the Manufacture of Radioactive Waste Containers with the Improvement of the Method of Vitrification. Patents No. 2737906 "Method of Degassing of Molten Metal in a Ladle" and No.

SUSU Institute of Supplementary Education Actively Participates in the Undertakings of UIREC

Last year, South Ural State University became a partner university of the World-class Ural Interregional Research and Education Centre (UIREC) for Advanced Industrial Technologies and Materials.

One of the main activities of the UIREC is the development of the competencies of heads of scientific, scientific and technical projects and laboratories, who are engaged in applied scientific research and developments of the world level.

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