The Institute of International Education of South Ural State University two times a year (in September and January) organize an admission to the joint Russian-American Master's programmes with Clark University (Massachusetts, USA). The cooperation of universities lasts for about two years and during this time there were four admissions to the programme. Recently the first graduates of the programme got the Master's Degree of the American university.
On the 22nd of November at 15:30 in SUSU Hall of Arts (76, Lenin Ave.) the exhibition of Valentin Valentinovich Kachalov, modern painter of Ural Region, will take place. The exposition will show an unkown plane of the painter's creative work.
On the 16th of November Vladimir Andreevich Markovsky, Professor of Trade Economics Department ofTrade and Economic Faculty, has successfully defended Candidate thesis in Economic Sciences in St. Petersbourg State University of Economics and Finance. The thesis supervisor is Irina Yurevna Okolnishnikova, Dean of Trade and Economic Faculty, Doctor of Science (Economics).
The peak performance of the supercomputer based on Intel® Xeon® processors and with Intel® Xeon Phi™ coprocessors SE10X is equal to 236.8 TFLOPS and its energy efficiency has enhanced previous record in Russia and CIS over 2.5X times achieving level of 995 MFLOPS per Watt.
On the 19th, 20th and 21st of November atFaculty of Journalism there will be the demostrations of the movies done by the young filmmakers within the competitive programme of XXXII International Festival of All-Russia State University of Cinematography Named After S.A. Gerasimova (VGIK).
Faculty of Journalism together with SUSU Institute of International Education presented a program "School of Journalism in Prague" for the students who study in the sphere of journalism, advertising, public relations and philology.
Within the framework of realization of Free Legal Assistance Law from 13.11.2012 for the convicts of Penal Colony No.5 of Rissian Head Department of Federal Sentence-Implementation Service in Chelyabinsk Region a meeting aimed at increase of law knowledge anomg special squads took place.
SUSU Faculty of Economics and Entrepreneurship held the regular round of the annual innovative educational project called "SCHOOL OF UPPER FORMS STUDENTS" which was organized in SUSU camp "Nauka" within three days from the 2nd to 4th of November.
Mass Communication Department ofFaculty of Journalism held the event called "Tour in Mexico". The main purpose of this corporate project is the introduction of first year students who study at Advertising and Public Relations to the traditions of Mass Communication Department.
On the 15th of November, Thursday, at 17:00 in room 140/3 (SUSU movie hall) the movie club "Zhivoe Kino" will show the movie "Black Swan" by Daren Aronofski and then hold a discussion of it.
On the 12th of November in the conference hall of Chelyabinsk Central District Administration prior to consideration of the bill by the State Duma of the Ferderal Assembly of the Russian Federation "Protection of People's Health from Consequences of Smoking" there were public consultations in the form of official game called "Parliamentary Debates".
On the 24th of November at 12:00 in the hall on the 3d floor of the main building there will be the opening ceremony of children's art exhibition called "Mommy's Giving the World to You and Me" which is dedicated to International Mother's Day.
The sponsors of the contest-exhibition are SUSU Union, Extra-Curricular Activities Department and University Administration.
In this contest the children aged from 1 to 15 years old are involved.
The judges will estimate the creative works in accordance with 4 age categories:
On the 23d of November at 14:00 in the university building “Sigma” Faculty of Psychology will organize “Psychological Festival” dedicated to National Psychologist Day!
The participants: psychologists, members of psychological institutions and students.
Everybody who is interested in Psychology is invited!
January 25th 2007 South Ural State University and Coca-Cola Hellenic in Russia впервые заключили соглашение о сотрудничестве, и вот уже пять лет крупнейший вуз Южного Урала и Coca-Cola Hellenic реализуют совместные программы по поддержке талантливой молодежи.
The lists of enrolled students have already been published, which means it is time to dive into university life. The first year of studies is the beginning of adulthood, which must be approached fully armed. How to begin completing research, what is the Faculty of Military Training, and what is the Trade Union Committee for? Senior-year students told us about all this.
Project activities are rapidly developing at SUSU. Over the last three months, our students obtained more than 10 grants which are to be implemented within the academic year.
Venue number one was the all-Russian contest of youth projects for natural persons. Experts have chosen the initiatives of our students: Aleksey Kosarev, Valeria Chachina and Kirill Chernoshvets.
The massive event is to take place on May 11th through 15th of 2019 in the city of Sian (China). South Ural State University is planning to sign a number of contracts on cooperation with higher education institutions of Shenxi province, and present a report on the topic of an integrated project entitled “Ecology”. This report summarizes ecological problems relevant for the two territories (Chelyabinsk region and Shenxi province), which are water, air and soil pollution with industrial wastes, and offers possible ways for their solution.