Postgraduate of Trade and Economic Faculty participated in the congress of dieticians and nitrutionists "Nutrition and Health"

Since summer 2012 when Russia joined WTO the requirements, which were put forth to the quality of Russian food products, had been toughened. Potentially exported products should comply with not only Russian standards, but with pan-European quality standards as well.

Thereby issues of quality management implementation at food industry enterprises became very urgent. SUSU Trade and Economic Faculty is always among the first to initiate its students with the latest changes in the structure of quality management systems at food industry enterprises.

In the course of acquaintance with the latest trends in quality management systems of food products Aleksey Mazayev, postgraduate of Applied Biotechnology Department, leading specialist in the field of quality management systems certification, visited the congress of dieticians and nutritionists “Nutrition and Health”, which was held in Moscow from 3 to 5 December 2012.

As Aleksey says, in the course of the congress the consumer guidelines have been stated allowing to choose a high-quality product. Thus, on a package of fat-containing product its type should be marked. In food products it is allowed to replace animal fat with vegetable digestible fat only completely, as partial replacement calls mistrust to classic milk products. In food industry only high-quality vegetable fats and oils meant for food purposes must be used.

A bit earlier on November 28, 2012 Aleksey Mazayev held the seminar “Practical Aspects of Quality and Security Management at Enterprises of Food Industry”. In the course of the seminar a necessity of quality management systems implementation at enterprises of Russian food industry had been discussed. The special attention was given to the types of modern quality management systems in Russia and abroad.

Hereafter Applied Biotechnology Department plans to hold a number of seminars on this urgent topic, in the course of which the latest changes in the contemporary quality management systems will be considered.
Event date: 
Monday, 28 January, 2013 - 10:45
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