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Trade and Economic Faculty invites children and grandchildren of SUSU employees to celebrate New Year!

After the most long-awaited night of the year, from December 31 to January 1, the holiday activities at Trade and Economic Faculty will continue. On January 5 in SUSU building No.8 the New Year Performance for the children and grandchildren of SUSU employees will take place.
The Faculty staff prepared for the kids a lot of surprises. The miracles will happen right at the entrance. Here the children will be met by the students dressed in the life-size puppet's costumes.

Students of Economics and Management Faculty are the prize holders of International Competitions

In December the students of Economics and Finance Department of SUSU Faculty of Economics and Management: Egor Maltsev, Polina Klimova and Andrey Suvorov took part in the elimination round of International Competitions in solving business cases in Ekaterinburg. The Competitions were organized by KPMG International Audit Company (KPMG's International Business Case Competition 2013).

Competitive selection for an academic teaching position

On December 28, 2012 in "TeknoPolis" Newspaper the compatitive selection for an academic teaching position was announced.

The application period is from 28.12.2012 to 27.01.2013. The following documents should be attachted to the application:

Professors of Economics and Management Faculty are the prize holders of competition "We are Chelyabinsk Region!"

Evgeny Vladimirovich Iogolevich, Associate Professor of Economics and Finance Department, Candidate of Science (Economics), and Darya Andreevna Gromova, graduate student, became the prize holders of the competition of youth projects "We are Chelyabinsk Region!" and were awarded with the diplomas for the 1st place in the nomination "Best Legislative Proposal". This competition is held annually and its organizer is Legislative Assembly of Chelyabinsk Region.

Awards of SUSU Activists

On December 18 in Concert Hall named after Prokofiev S.S. a significant event for South Ural State University will take place. On this day the most active students will get their award “SUSU Activists 2012”.

Associate Professor of Ancient History and Eurasia Ethnology Department became the winner of State Prize

Gayaz Khamitovich Samigulov, Associate Professor of Ancient History and Eurasia Ethnology Department, became one out of ten men of art and culture who were awarded with State Prize of Chelyabinsk Region.
Mikhail Yurevich, Governor of Chelyabinsk Region, underlined that the State Prize had a special sense: "The prizes in the sphere of culture and art are not the grants for the projects. They have different status and value. This is the recognition of merits and high evaluation of long-standing creative activity".

Happy Birthday, dear University!

December 14 South Ural State University celebrates its 69th anniversary! This day at 15:00 in SUSU Assembly Hall the vivid and spectacular celebration with participation of professors, students and creative teams of SUSU will take place. All friends will meet together to congratulate the University with its birthday and wish all the best!

Alexandr Leonidovich Shestakov, Rector of SUSU, will open the event with his congratulatory speech.

Master Class "Conception of Pension Reform in the Russian Federation"


Employment and Social Law Department organized and held the master class with the participation of Vladimir Petrovich Galaganov, Professor of SUSU Employment and Social Department, honoured lawyer of the Russian Federation, corresponding member of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.

Students of Trade and Economic Faculty won the competitions in passing norms of Ready to Work and Defense

“GTO badge can be seen on his chest, Who is the guy, it can hardly be guessed…” – these words of Samuil Marshak about an unknown hero can be referred to the most active students of SUSU Faculty of Trade and Economic. Now these badges are proudly shining on the chests of Lina Gileva, Gulnaz Nizametdinova and Artur Gasparyan. But unlike Marshak and his unknown hero, we know much more about the students of Trade and Economic Faculty.

All-Russian Sports Event of Sports Complex "Ready to Work and Defense" at SUSU was organized at high international level!

December 14 in the capital of South Ural Region the first International Festival of Sports Complex "Ready to Work and Defense" in Russia has started on the basis of our University. This sports event is devoted to the 100th anniversary of Pokryshkin A.I., three times Hero of the Soviet Union, and to the 69th anniversary of SUSU.

New building for the Faculty of Military Education


December 14 at 10:00 the opening ceremony of the new building of Military Education Faculty will take place. Now the Faculty will be located near by the regional hospital with  the address at Marat St., bld. 8.

SUSU will hold Interuniversity Students Research and Practice Conference "Regional Aspects of World Politics, Economy, Language and Culture"

International Communication Department of SUSU International Relations Faculty invites to take part in Interuniversity Students Research and Practice Conference “Regional Aspects of World Politics, Economy, Language and Culture” which will take place in April, 2013.

SUSU Institute of International Education invites to celebrate New Year!

December 27 at 13:00 SUSU Institute of International Education invites everybody to celebrate New Year!

The event will take place in the conference hall "Sigma" (2nd floor).

The program of the event will comprise the performances prepared by the students of IIE Preparatory Division.

Automobile and Tractor Engineering Faculty congratulates its winners in competition "SUSU Faces - 2012"!

December 18 in the Concert Hall named after Prokofev S.S. the awarding ceremony of the winners and prize holders of the competition "SUSU Faces - 2012" took place.
This year Automobile and Tractor Engineering Faculty took part in three nominations.
We would like to congratulate Vera Uzorova, Evgenia Pyregova with the first place in the nomination "Best Project" and Elena Mineeva who took the first place in the nomination "Best Students' Curator".

Present from SUSU Photo School!

"Well-bred young people like battle brotherhood"

December 25 from 14:00 to 16:00 in SUSU Assembly Hall the event devoted to the anniversary of Russian National Non-Governmental Veterans Organization "Boevoe Bratstvo" / "Battle Brotherhood" will take place.

Students of Automobile and Tractor Engineering Faculty took part in project devoted to road crossing rules observation by school children

In our city the great efforts are made to prevent traffic injuries of children and also to reduce the number of road accidents with the involvement of children and decrease the consequences. The students of Automobile and Tractor Engineering Faculty personally dealt with that issue and taught school children how to cross the road correctly.

SUSU will celebrate the accomplishment of innovative university structure development program

From December 19-21 at the University building Sigma the events devoted to the accomplishment of the program "Development of Innovative Infrastructure of South Ural State University through Creation of Management, Consulting and Marketing Structures of Innovative Projects" will take place. Within last 3 years a lot of work had been done and the results of that work are worth to be proud of. The innovative infrastructure created in the framework of the program gave a powerful impetus to the further development of the University and created innovative enterprises.

Kyshtym Branch of SUSU invites students to take part in Second Regional Competition of Students' Term Papers

The acceptance of works for the Second Regional Competition of Students’ Term Papers has been already started there. The organizer of Competition is the branch of FSSFEI HPE "South Ural State University" (National Research University) in Kyshtym.

Competition purposes:

• creation of the global information environment which will allow to make business contacts between Radiotechnics Department of the branch and departments of other branches and universities of the same specialties and fields of study;

Lawyer's Day in English

On Lawyer’s Day the professors of Foreign Languages Department (Makurina I. Y., Shrayber E.G., Associate Professors and Bundina K.V., Senior Professor) held the annual conference in English among students of Faculty of Law. This year the theme of the Conference was: "Contemporary Lawyer: Young Generation's View".

The strongest guys of University Campus

The competitions in powerlifting among the students of University Campus took place. The strongest and bravest guys decided to take part in the competitions and fight for the Champion title. First of all the participants had to pass the weight control then they were divided in accordance with their weight categories. Finally the sportsmen had to handle the barbell!

Faculty of Journalism students are leaders of Interregional Competition in Public Relations and Advertising

The Institute of Public Administration and Enterpreneurship of Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Eltsin held the first Interregional Competition in Public Relations and Advertising dedicated to the 15th anniversary of PR-education in the Ural region.

Dmitry Yun, student of TE Faculty became silver medallist of World Students Championship in Boxing

At the end of November in Baku (Azerbaidzhan) Dmitry Yun, Master of sports, student of SUSU Trade and Economic Faculty, became the silver medallist in the V World Championship in Boxing among students. At the World Championship 2012 there were students from 10 countries: Russia, the Ukraine, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Nigeria, Tadzhikistan, Georgia, Estonia and Azerbaidzhan.

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