Trade and Economic Faculty brought into operation training simulator "pasta factory"

Within the framework of re-equipment program of South Ural State National Research University with the latest hi-tech equipment in December 2012 a special training simulator “Pasta factory” was installed in one of the laboratories of Applied Biotechnology Department. At the present time the simulator is brought into operation and actively involved into the course of laboratory works.

The training simulator was produced in a special division of South Ural State University – Scientific and Production Institute “Training Equipment and Technologies”. It represents a system which includes functional physical model of production area and software and hardware package: training simulator of pasta production automated line and academic provision.

According to Vladimir Bogan, Head of Biotechnology laboratory, “Pasta factory” complex is destined mainly for training the future technologists and engineers of pasta production and for training the specialists like production equipment servicemen, technologists, production line operators and engineers of technical control department.

In particular, with the help of simulator the students can “in reality” study such automated line area like raw materiel receiving and sorting, preparation, dough kneading, dough pressing, forming, drying, cooling (normalization), separation and packaging, production quality control.

The training simulator makes it possible to create your own new recipes of pasta products. At the present time the students have four figured forms for production of different types of pasta products.

Besides the students of full-time education, here the technologists and engineers of operating plants can undertake the qualification upgrading courses and re-qualification.

This unique and super modern complex allows modeling and virtual testing on computer training simulator the operation modes of automated production line. Thanks to the training simulator testing it is possible to improve the effectiveness and productivity of the pasta production equipment. And thanks to the improved equipment its self cost is significantly less.

The complex allows collecting the received in the course of the laboratory and research works data, their processing and systematization.


Event date: 
Monday, 8 April, 2013 - 14:30
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