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Pieces of Advice to SUSU Freshmen from Senior-year Students

The lists of enrolled students have already been published, which means it is time to dive into university life. The first year of studies is the beginning of adulthood, which must be approached fully armed. How to begin completing research, what is the Faculty of Military Training, and what is the Trade Union Committee for? Senior-year students told us about all this.

SUSU at the Forum Campaign of Summer 2019

Project activities are rapidly developing at SUSU. Over the last three months, our students obtained more than 10 grants which are to be implemented within the academic year.

Venue number one was the all-Russian contest of youth projects for natural persons. Experts have chosen the initiatives of our students: Aleksey Kosarev, Valeria Chachina and Kirill Chernoshvets.

SUSU is to Take Part in the Fourth International Silk Road EXPO in China

The massive event is to take place on May 11th through 15th of 2019 in the city of Sian (China). South Ural State University is planning to sign a number of contracts on cooperation with higher education institutions of Shenxi province, and present a report on the topic of an integrated project entitled “Ecology”. This report summarizes ecological problems relevant for the two territories (Chelyabinsk region and Shenxi province), which are water, air and soil pollution with industrial wastes, and offers possible ways for their solution.

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