Innovations in Japanese style: SUSU acquired the patent on the unique biotechnology

On November 10 South Ural State University acquired the patent on a unique method of bakery yeast production. The new technology is aimed at optimization of grain processing manufactures, comprising workshops of bake production. The technology has successfully passed the first approbation at the factories of Orenburg region. The author of this innovation is Ramil Zainutdinov, applicant of Applied Biotechnology Department of Trade and Economic Faculty. The development was carrying out under the supervision of Doctor of Agricultural Science, Professor Maxim Borisovich Rebezov.

The patented method allows to use minute grain particles - milling dust, which is a by-product during flour making, as the basis for yeast production. The method will allow the grain processing companies to implement full-fledged resource-saving technology, which will significantly increase the business efficiency.

“Implementation of innovations is not just a modern trend. It is a state policy intended to economy modernization based on high technologies. All the scientists of our Department, postgraduates and applicants are actively involved in the development of all-new food products and optimization methods for food industry”, – says Maxim Borisovich Rebezov, Professor, Head of Applied Biotechnology Department. – In Japan the resource-saving technologies have been implemented for more than 40 years, meanwhile we have this process in its beginning, but entities’ owners get more interested in the economic efficiency maximization of their businesses. That is why it is so important that we must train our students for the new production standards and new business needs now. By implementing the results of researches into study and teaching how to create biotechnology innovations, we train really high-demanded by the market specialists in the field of Food Products in Food Engineering.”

We would like to congratulate Ramil Ravilevich and Maxim Borisovich with receiving the patent and wish them progress in innovations development in the field of biotechnologies!
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