Students of Trade and Economic Faculty organized New Year holiday for kids from Orphanage No.5

It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye. These words of Little Prince quite suit the most sympathetic students of Trade and Economic Faculty. The most active students remembered that wonderful date 12.12.12 thanks to their visit to Orphanage No. 5.

Before the visit to Orphanage the students spread the word at the Faculty. And many sympathizing people responded. As the result they raised 10 050 rubles! This sum of money was spent by the students for the gifts: candies, colorings, office requisites, shampoos, soap, toothpaste, mittens and socks. All the candies and sweets prepared for the kids were put in a huge sack. If only you could see those happy eyes of children when the presents from Father Frost sack were given to them!

The special scenario was prepared for that trip: at first kids were welcomed traditionally by Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, and then there was a cheerful start up: children were jumping over rope, ran behind the snowballs and had fun.

According to Kirill Gerasimov and Darya Shnuryaeva, students who took part in the event, said that they got an incredible charge of kind and light impressions while communicating with those children!

We need just to make very few efforts to present the New Year fairy tale to the children and the children’s eyes shining with sincere pleasure are worth it!
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