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SUSU International Laboratory: Research for the Electronics of the Future

Molecular Electronics International Laboratory was created at SUSU within Project 5-100. The goal of the laboratory is the studying and creation of components and devices based on mesophase materials with high spatial symmetry.

Humanitarian Education at SUSU: Universal Competencies for a Successful Career!

SUSU’s Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities performs training of specialists in the sphere of PR (public relations), and advertising, as well as universal journalists, philologists, historians, theologists, art experts, psychologists and sociologists.

Digital Twin of Athletes: SUSU Is Opening New International Research Laboratory

Today, 8 international scientific laboratories headed by the leading foreign scientists from the USA, Canada, Mexico, Great Britain, France, Slovakia, and India are successfully operating at South Ural State University.

Online Summer School under Erasmus+ FARmER Project

July 1st through July 14th, the International Online Summer School on Sustainable Agriculture, with teaching in the English language, will be held.

Professors from universities in Germany, Italy, Slovakia, Russia, and Iran will introduce you to some topics of a new-to-Russia Master’s programme on Agromechatronics, which is being prepared to be launched in September of 2019.

Kilometers and Barriers: Students of the SUSU Faculty of Military Education Took Part in the Race of Heroes

On June 22nd, students of South Ural state University took part in the Race of Heroes, a new team-based military sports game, well-known throughout Russia. Students of the Faculty of Military Education conquered a 10-kilometer track with obstacles on the Chebarkul military training grounds in the qualifying round of Cadet Surge.

SUSU International Laboratory: Technologies for Digital Twins and Smart Cities

The International Laboratory of Problem-Oriented Cloud Computing Environments opened in 2016 and supervised by Professor at the Centre for Scientific Research and Higher Education at Ensenada, Mexico, Andrei Tchernykh is dealing with breakthrough research in the fields of distributed computing and cloud technologies in order to meet the challenges of Industry 4.0 and Big Data.

Official Website of the EJTA’s Conference on Building of a Eurasian Bridge in Journalism Education Starts Its Work

On October 15th-16th of 2020, an International Science-to-practice Conference on Building of a Eurasian Bridge in Journalism Education will be held at South Ural State University. It is being organized by the European Journalism Training Association (EJTA-Belgium). Since 2016 SUSU has been an institutional member of the European Journalism Training Association, which units about 70 educational journalism centres in the leading universities from 30 European countries.

From Emerson to Rakuten: Companies where Students of the SUSU School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science are In-Demand

University applicants, who intend to work at international corporations in the sphere of automation and information technology, are getting enrolled to the leading higher education institution of the country.

SUSU Took Part in the 3rd Seminar and Meeting of the Association of International Students

On June 14th of 2019, the 3rd Seminar and Meeting of the Association of International Students (AIS) was held at Russian State Geological Prospecting University (previously known as Moscow Geological Prospecting Institute (MGRI)). The event is organized jointly with universities, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the Border Guard Service.

SUSU International Students Took a Trip to Taganay

On June 16th, the staff of the Sociocultural Adaptation Centre organized an excursion to Taganay National Park and to AiR arms manufacturing company, Zlatoust, for the international students.

Professions of the Future: Why University Applicants Get Enrolled in SUSU’s Institute of Sport, Tourism and Service

Alumni of SUSU’s Institute of Sport, Tourism and Service are not used to “sitting on the sidelines”. Alumnus of ISTS takes prize-winning places at high-ranked sport competitions, takes part in conceptual projects of the region, organises status contests and festivals, and has an active life stance.

SUSU Institute of Law Organizes a Science-to-practice Seminar

On June 28th a science-to-practice seminar on the Personal Bankruptcy – Some Issues of Theory and Practice will be held at South Ural State University.

Private (personal) bankruptcy is the priority scientific development by the Department of Civil Law and Civil Legal Procedures of the Institute of Law of South Ural State University.

SUSU Students Are Invited to Participate in the Contest for the Presidential Scholarship for Studying Abroad

Students and postgraduates of South Ural State University are invited to participate in the contest for the Russian Federation Presidential Scholarship for studying abroad.

SUSU International Laboratory: Migration Studies at the Intersection of Europe and Asia

The Research Laboratory for Migration Studies, created at South Ural State University within the fulfilment of Program 5-100, aims at developing the scientific-and-research cluster for studying migrations by using innovative cross-disciplinary methods. The laboratory is headed by Professor of Carleton University, Canada, Jeff Sahadeo. On behalf of SUSU, it is supervised by Doctor of Sciences (History), Professor Olga Nikonova, who shared on the work being carried out by this international laboratory.

SUSU to Discuss the Possibilities of Collaboration with Higher Institute for Applied Sciences and Technology in Syria

One June 24th-26th South Ural State University will be welcoming a delegation from Higher Institute for Applied Sciences and Technology, located in the capital of the Syrian Arab Republic. Within the frameworks of this meeting, professors and research fellows of the university from Damascus will be discussing the prospects of collaborating with SUSU in different fields.

Happy Journey! SUSU Graduates to Be Awarded Their Diplomas

On June 29th at 10:00 the ceremony of awarding diplomas to the 2019 SUSU graduates will be held on the university square. Around four thousand students of South Ural State University will be awarded diplomas of one of the leading Russian universities. Honoured guests are invited to participate in the ceremony.

Students, who have completed their studies in 2019, have become witnesses to important events:

Master’s Students Participating in the Eurofactcheck Project Defended their Final Projects with Excellent Marks

Master’s students of the Department of Journalism and Mass Communications of group СГ-216, which participated in the Eurofactcheck international journalism project of the European Journalism Training Association over the year. As part of the project-based learning offered at SUSU, Master’s students worked on a pan-European portal to verify information related to the 2019 elections for the European Parliament and gained special professional skills which allow them to work successfully in the global media space.

Experts of THE Ranking Agency about SUSU: ‘You’re Stepping up to a New Global Level’

A seminar by Times Higher Education (THE), one of the most authoritative ranking agencies assessing the development of the world’s universities, has been held at South Ural State University.

World-class Education in the Heart of Eurasia: SUSU Reinforces Its Standing in the QS Ranking

On June 19th, British consulting company Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) published its World University Rankings 2020, which included the top universities from around the world. South Ural State University preserved its standing in this ranking (place 801-1000) and improved its results in several important indicators, what proves that the university is developing according to plan and is becoming more competitive.

SUSU Researchers Developing Digital Twins for Electric Motors

Within the groundbreaking field of industrial digitization, researchers from South Ural State University are developing digital twins for electric motors for a big Russian industrial metallurgical company. These developments are unique and have no analogues in Russia or abroad.

International Vector: SUSU Opening Unique Master’s Programmes in Political Science and Management

South Ural State University is launching new Master’s programmes which will expand the possibilities for development for specialists in the global arena. The unique programmes in political science and management will be offered by the Department of International Relations, Politology, and Regional Studies of the SUSU Institute of Linguistics and International Communications.

SUSU Students and Postgraduates Present Their Projects at Magnitogorsk Rolling Practice 2019 Conference

Students and postgraduates of South Ural State University took part in the 4th International Youth Science-to-practice Conference Magnitogorsk Rolling Practice 2019. Students of the Department of Machines and Processes of Pressure Metal Working of the SUSU Institute of Engineering and Technology delivered presentations along with young scientists from different universities of our country and from around the world.

SUSU International Laboratory: “Our Projects Will Allow to Create the Materials of the Future”

The SUSU Multiscale Modelling of Polyfunctional Compounds Laboratory was created in 2016 within Project 5-100. It is headed by Ph.D., Professor of University of Central Florida, USA, Artem Masunov. The laboratory is conducting research in the intersection of chemistry, materials science and informatics, which aims at studying the properties of chemical bonds and intermolecular interactions.

SUSU Invites International Applicants to Study in Mechatronics and Robotics Master’s Programmes

South Ural State University is once again offering openings for the English-language Master’s programme on Mechatronics and Robotics. This programme is being fulfilled since 2016 and is becoming more and more popular among international students.

Learning English Language for SUSU Students is as Customary as Learning the Multiplication Table

Contemporary world is dynamics, motion, unstoppable and exciting flow of information. Today, SUSU students hold leading positions regarding being in-demand on the labour market of not only the region but the country as well. This is due to the fact that students at SUSU not just get high-quality professional education but also have prospects in supplementary development and education. One of such key opportunities is advanced linguistic training. Students not only study foreign languages, they use them to think, speak, and carry out negotiations and correspondence.

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