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“The Medal is My Gratitude to SUSU”: Bronze Medalist of Olympic Games-2018 Completed her Master’s Degree Studies

Anna Nechaevskaya, who became bronze medalist of the Winter Olympic Games–2018 in Pyeongchang, defended her dissertation dedicated to the study of physical education effect on development of troubled adolescents. The Olympic medalist completed her master’s degree studies at the SUSU Institute of Sport, Tourism and Service in the program of “Physical Education”. The athlete expressed her gratitude to the university for the support during her study.

SUSU Delegation Visits the First Coordination Meeting for the Erasmus+ Project, ASIAXIS

A delegation from the university, including Associate Professors of the Department of Combustion Engines and Automotive Electronic Systems of the Polytechnic Institute Georgiy Lomakin and Viktor Shishkov and analyst of the International Scientific Collaboration Department, Yuliya Balakina visited the first coordination meeting for the ERASMUS+ project entitled “Improvement of university training on heat and power systems for cleaner environment and advanced training for PhD (ASIA

Invitation to Double Degree Programs from Leading Finnish University and SUSU

Master’s and postgraduate students of the SUSU School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science have the unique opportunity to study in two universities at one time and obtain two degrees – one from South Ural State University and one from Lappeenranta University of Technology (Lappeenranta, Finland). In the new academic year, SEECS is once again inviting applicants to joint Russian-Finnish master’s and postgraduate programs.

SUSU to Create Joint Programs of International Collaboration with Universities from Kyrgyzstan

South Ural State University staff visited three academic institutions in the Kyrgyz Republic. The delegation participated in meetings with representatives of international universities to strengthen and create contacts with SUSU May 18th through 23rd. The Head of the SUSU International Affairs Division Olga Yaroshenko speaks about the agreements the parties came to.

– Who was part of the delegation from South Ural State University?

“All Fashionable Diets are Useless”. A SUSU Expert about Healthy Nutrition and Psychoregulation

The Day of healthy diet and excess food refusal is celebrated in Russia starting from June 2 of 2011. It reminds us that we should have a conscious approach to eating in order to be healthy and beautiful. But in the modern pace of life with office hours, overloaded schedule and constant stress, food often becomes not just a source of energy but a cult. Senior expert of SUSU’s Research and Development Center of Sport Science, Professor Tatiana Vladimirovna Popova told us how to find a right approach to food.

— What is healthy nutrition?

“They See in SUSU a Reliable Strategic Partner”: the University Started Cooperation with a New Chinese University

South Ural State University keeps expanding the boundaries of international cooperation. Guangdong University of Foreign Studies and International Trade, whose delegation visited our university on May 24th and 25th, expressed the willingness to become a partner of SUSU for the first time. Representatives of the educational institution had a glimpse at the possibilities that SUSU can give to its students.

“Excellent Practice!”: Students of SUSU SEM Get Real Work Experience in the Largest Companies

Students of the SUSU School of Economics and Management undertake internships in the leading enterprises of Chelyabinsk and the region. More than a hundred of enterprises provide future economists and managers with the opportunity to carry out financial calculations and operations, analyze indicators and results of business and financial performance, and implement development of project and managerial decisions under conditions of real-life production.

SUSU’s Pushkin Institute Center Invites to Celebrate the Great Poet’s Birthday

Pushkin Institute Research, Education and Coordination Center invites everyone to Sigma Education Building (Room 309) on June 6th at 13:00 for a celebration event on the occasion of Alexander Pushkin’s Birthday.

“Play and Progress”: SUSU’s Small Innovative Enterprise Teaches Kids through Augmented Reality

Children’s Day is celebrated around the world on June 1st. South Ural State University pays special attention to developing modern technologies, which facilitate intellectual and physical development of people of various ages. Innovations for Kids Company (StandUp Innovations LLC) is a successful SUSU’s small innovative enterprise, which jointly with the university employees is working on creating unique programs for interactive complexes. The company’s Director Dmitry Andreev shares on their developments which do not have analogues either in Russia, or abroad.

World Milk Day: SUSU Scientists Told How to Drink the Product That We Know Since Our Childhood

June 1 is the World Milk Day. The idea to make the first summer day the official celebration date belonged to the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). We know this product since our childhood, nevertheless nowadays there are many various opinions about whether it is healthy and how to drink it correctly.

Unique Virtual Laboratory for Materials Science is Created at SUSU

A team of authors of South Ural State University created the newest virtual laboratory for materials science which has no analogues in Russia. The use of the virtual laboratory eliminates the need to buy expensive equipment for training of high-level specialists.

SUSU and Samsung to Launch Project-based Education on the Internet of Things

One of the most promising fields of development for South Ural State University is the active implementation of project-based education in the academic process. In the near future, this practice will appear in each of the university’s faculties. A vivid example of project-based education of the work of the SUSU School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science is its partnership with the company Samsung Electronics. In April 2018, SUSU’s application won a contest for the fulfillment of the program IoT Academy Samsung at the SUSU SEECS.

SUSU Invites to Take Part in the Conference “A University of the 21st Century in the System of Continuous Education”

The SUSU Institute of Supplementary Education under support of the Apparatus of Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Ural Federal District, the Union of Directors of Institutions and Subdivisions of Supplementary Professional Education and Employers, the Council of University Rectors of the Ural Federal District, and the Russia’s Journalism Training Association is to hold the 4th international science-to-practice conference entitled “A University of the 21st Century in the System of Continuous Education” on October 11th through 12th of 2018.

Russia and China Discussed Interaction of Languages and Cultures at SUSU Conference

From the 28th through the 30th of May, within celebration of the 75th anniversary of South Ural State University, the International Conference on Interaction of Languages and Cultures organized by SUSU and Tianjin Foreign Studies University (China) took place.

This year, as noted Director of the Institute of Linguistics and International Communication Elena Yaroslavova, profile language education of SUSU celebrates its 20th anniversary:

SUSU Representatives Took Part in QS WORLDWIDE Summit

QS WORLDWIDE is one of the most important international events targeted at enhancement of universities’ competitiveness. In 2018, the summit was held at Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia. Representatives of 128 universities of the world from 27 countries discussed possibilities of internationalization and ways of cooperation between the leading educational institutions.

SUSU Student Took the Bronze at Archery World Cup

The second stage of Archery World Cup took place in Turkish Antalya. Anton Bulaev, a student of the SUSU Institute of Sport, Tourism and Service, competed in the division of “Compound bow, men” and took the bronze medal as part of the National Team Russia.

A Program to Create Perfect Photonic Crystals has been Elaborated at SUSU

Scientists of South Ural State University created the newest program for optimization of photonic crystals’ structure. The program allows for solving the problem on optimal atom arrangement and accelerating the process of creation of a ‘perfect’ photonic crystal.

Imitating Nature: SUSU’s Postdocs Simulate Biomineralization Process in Laboratory Conditions

Within the frameworks of Project 5-100 Competitiveness Enhancement Program being fulfilled at SUSU, new format researchers – postdocs – are being attracted to work in our university.

Polytechnik Hockey Club Offers Students the Chance to Design the New Team Uniform

The SUSU Polytechnik Hockey Club in association with the university’s Trade Union Committee announces a contest among students for a new design of our university team’s hockey uniform.

Contest projects must be sent till June 11 of 2018 to profcomsusu74[at]gmail[dot]com. In subject line of the letter write Contest POLYTECHNIK Surname.

Terms and requirements are available here.

SUSU Opens Summer Schools–2018

Summer schools start at South Ural State university on June 4; school students of 8-10 grades of Chelyabinsk’s education institutions are to take part in the project. Organizer is the SUSU Faculty of Pre-university Training.

Delegation from China Got a Glimpse of SUSU’s Possibilities

A delegation from Guangdong University of Foreign Studies visited SUSU. On March 21, representatives from China signed a memorandum on mutual understanding; and within two days, on May 24th and 25th, they were getting familiar with South Ural State University.

SUSU’s Jazz Band Head Was Awarded with Golden Treble Clef for His Contribution into Music

Sunday, May 27th a concert of the SUSU’s Jazz Band Head Georgy Anokhin was held at Chelyabinsk State Philarmonic Hall. The performance was organized on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the musician. His friends and colleagues came to congratulate the composer.

“Today we are united by one mutual feeling – the feeling of love and joy. Today is a real celebration, birthday of one of the most interesting and talented musicians –Georgy Anokhin,” says Natalya Rikker, music historian.

Scientific Dynasties: Co-Founder of the SUSU School of Hydraulics, Professor Paley

In the course of its 75-years-long history, South Ural State University passed a long way of development and reforms, and several generations of brilliant scientists were fostered within its walls. Nowadays the university is represented by entire scientific dynasties. The founder of one of them is Gilya Elyevich Paley.

More than half a century among the university’s best scientists

A Meeting with German Designer and Programmer Benedikt Groß Will Be Held at SUSU

On May 28th at 18:00 a meeting with German designer Benedikt Groß will be held in Gallery OкNo, where he will share on his projects, on computational and speculative design, as well as on why modern designers need programming.

Benedikt Groß is a German designer and programmer, Professor at HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd, and Director of Design at moovel lab.

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