As part of the 4th International Scientific and Educational Forum entitled “Communication Leader of the 21st Century”, which is being held at SUSU with the support from the European Journalism Training Association, the results were announced for the Media Planet international contest and festival of school and student mass media.
South Ural State University took part in the 4th Annual National Exhibition and Presentation entitled “EXPO – 2019 Russian Educational Exhibition” held in the capital of Mongolia, the city of Ulan Bator. Represented at the Exhibition were leading higher education institutions and secondary vocational education institutions of Russia.
“Fact-Checking and New Media” was the title of a roundtable discussion that took place within the 4th International Scientific and Educational Forum called “Communication Leader of the 21st Century”, which is being held at SUSU under support of the European Journalism Training Association (EJTA).
March 18th through 24th is the Week of the Institute of Engineering and Technology held at South Ural State University. In the frameworks of the Week, a scientific-and-entertaining event called MetalQuest and organised for students by the Faculty of Materials Science and Metallurgy Engineering was held.
Studentship is one of the most eventful periods in each person’s life. South Ural State University provides students with multiple opportunities for self-fulfilment and development of leader’s qualities. Extracurricular activity of SUSU students closely related with development of soft skills, which include the ability to be a leader and work in a team, be communicative, master the art of time management, and many other things. Students can learn all of this at SUSU!
Presentation of a research monograph entitled “Modern Media Space as a Motivator for Society’s Humanization” was held within the 4th International Scientific and Educational Forum called “Communication Leader of the 21st Century” organised at SUSU under support of the European Journalism Training Association (EJTA).
On February 1st, as part of the project-based learning the Institute of Linguistics and International Communications launched an interdisciplinary project, the main goal of which is the development of the concept and technology of organising and holding of Youth Forum of the SCO. The grounds for the fulfilment of this project is the need to discuss the topical issues of the world’s politics, economics and culture at the students’ community level.
There are tons of fun things you can do in Chelyabinsk. Below, we’ve picked some exciting events the city has to offer this weekend. It’s time to get some tickets and make those freedom evenings count! Don’t forget to leave your comment about the events on Vk and Facebook.
March 19, Presentation of Master’s Degree Programmes of the School of Economics and Management took place at South Ural State University. University applicants and future graduates of Bachelor’s degree studies could learn about prospects of undertaking Master’s degree studies and the specificity of new educational programmes.
March 21 is a special day for those who cannot imagine their lives without books as the planet celebrates World Poetry Day. The best way to spend this day is, of course, to immerse yourself in reading your favourite poets and discover some new ones. It is impossible to make the ultimate list of the most talented and prominent poets of all time, as it all depends on who you ask. Below, we have devised a list of Russian “word masters’, well-known and admired in Russia and abroad.
Within the 4th International Scientific and Educational Forum called “Communication Leader of the 21st Century”, which is being held at SUSU under support of the European Journalism training Association (EJTA), an online master class on fact-checking was held by lecturers Frederic Moraine from Artesis Plantijn University College(Belgium). The topic of their reports was “International fact-checking technologies”.
South Ural State University has opened a school on training volunteers for the international events of 2020. The school will be held March 18th through April 5th of 2019.
The school was organised by the Volunteer Centre of South Ural State University, with support from the Team 2020 regional project, the SUSU Extracurricular Activities Department, the SUSU Volunteer Activity Office, the United Primary Trade Union Organisation and the United Student Council of South Ural State University.
It is for the fourth time that SUSU becomes the venue for holding the largest International Scientific and Educational Forum called Communication Leader of the 21st Century”. The event is to be held at the university from 18th till 24th of March of 2019 under support of the European Journalism Training Association (EJTA). Since 2016, SUSU has been an institutional member of EJTA which unites more than 70 leading centres of journalism training in Europe, and successfully cooperates with European universities.
President the European Journalism Training Association (EJTA) Nico Drok has come to participate in the 4th International Scientific and Educational Forum entitled “Communication Leader of the 21st Century”, and this is his third visit to SUSU.
University for the 20th time. 11 young poets participated.
This year, the Ascending Parnassus contest celebrated its 20th anniversary. In honour of this event, the participants on the improvised stage of the March 13th event included not just new students, but also graduates still involved with the literary arts. The participants performed for a jury, which included members of the Union of Writers of Russia.
South Ural State University students have become prize-winners of the regional round of the 2018-2019 statistics poster competition among the university and school students (being held once every two years since 2007).
The contest was announced by the International Association for Statistical Education (IFSE) and the International Statistical Institute (ISI) as part of the International Statistical Literacy Project (ISLP).
Five teams of Bachelor’s students from three Chelyabinsk universities took part in the regional round.
Within the International Scientific and Educational Forum entitled «Communication Leader of the 21st Century, ISSH students majoring in Advertising and Public Relations and in Journalism held an information-and-intellectual battle called “A Hero’s Profile”. The creative educational project elaborated jointly by academics and students provided for such contest stages as pedagogic inventiveness, situational modeling, and a creative experiment.
Formal ceremony of opening the International Scientific and Educational Forum entitled “Communication Leader of the 21st Century” was started at the Activity Hall of the SUSU Main building with a colourful multimedia project entitled “SUSU – The University of Digital Transformations which United Europe and Asia”. While making a welcoming speech before participants of the Forum, the Rector of SUSU, Aleksandr Shestakov, noted:
On March 12th at South Ural State University, a united career day was held for senior pupils from Chelyabinsk schools. The event was organised by the SUSU Faculty of Pre-University Education and the Municipal Centre of Occupational Guidance for the City of Chelyabinsk.
On March 15, a ceremonious awarding of winners of Russian language contests took place in Sigma academic building. Students from China got awarded with certificates and memorable prizes.
In 2018-2019 academic year, students from People’s Republic of China took part in four Russian language contests: Russian Writing Contest, International Online Olympiad on Russian as a Foreign Language, a contest of projects called “Russian Language in the Sphere of Digital Transformations”, and a photography contest called “Russia and China: Country – Language – Culture”.
On March 22, plenary session of the 4th International Science-to-Practice Conference of scientists, postgraduates and representatives of entrepreneurial institutions entitled “Problems of Economic Security and Customs Regulations: the Search for Efficient Solutions” is to be held at South Ural State University.
Today, the 18th International Youth Congress on Advertising and Public Relations called “Media PROFILE” started its operation at SUSU within the Communication Leader of the 21st Century Scientific and Educational Forum.
On March 21st a celebration of Nowruz will be held at South Ural State University. The attendees will learn about the traditions of the Turkic peoples and will see the performances by SUSU international students in national garments.
Nowruz is the most important holiday of the year for many nations in Asia celebrating the coming of spring and of the New Year under solar calendar. It coincides with the vernal equinox, which falls on March 20th-21st every year, and symbolizes the beginning of new life and nature rejuvenation.