South Ural State University has opened a school on training volunteers for the international events of 2020. The school will be held March 18th through April 5th of 2019.
The school was organised by the Volunteer Centre of South Ural State University, with support from the Team 2020 regional project, the SUSU Extracurricular Activities Department, the SUSU Volunteer Activity Office, the United Primary Trade Union Organisation and the United Student Council of South Ural State University.
Students will attend a number of lectures aiming at development of soft skills, mastering of business etiquette, as well as learning the culture and history of the SCO and BRICS countries. The experienced volunteers and organisers of major events across the Chelyabinsk Region will share on the competences, which volunteers of the events of such high level must have.
Studying at the school will be held in the form of lectures, which will provide information on the main qualities of a volunteer, the motivation, responsibility and the rules of official protocol (the procedure of holding official events). Besides lectures, the attendees will also take a practical course, where they will gain experience of team work, learn to set goals, and will get an opportunity to improve their English.
Upon finishing this school, the participants will have more chances to be involved in the organisation of the 2020 events, since they will acquire relevant competences.
You can register for the school by attending a scheduled class. For more information on the school on training volunteers, please contact the SUSU Volunteer Centre group, Room 337 of the main university building (76 Lenin Pr.), or call at: 267-90-24.