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Master’s Degree Students from Iraq Represented SUSU at the Student Conference


The SUSU master’s degree students from Iraq have made reports in English at the II Scientific and Practical Student Conference Language, Culture and Communication in the Modern Society at the South Ural State Medical University.

1000 People Applied for Participation at the International Forum "Communication Leader of the XXI Century"


On March 21-26, the II International Scientific and Educational Forum "Communication Leader of the XXI Century" will be held at the premises of the Institute of Social and Humanitarian Sciences of SUSU. The scale of the event is impressive because more than a thousand talented schoolchildren and students from all over Russia, as well as from near and far-abroad countries stated their willingness to become participants of the Forum.

Competition for the future: SUSU results in the Project 5-100 were estimated in Moscow


On March 18 the delegation of the University submitted the report on project implementation to the Council for increase in competitiveness of leading universities of the Russian Federation among the leading world scientific and educational centers.

SUSU Partners with Kaspersky Lab to Establish Science and Education Center

Chelyabinsk, March 27, 2017 – Kaspersky Lab Science and Education Center (SEC) «Information Security» is to be opened at SUSU. The Center opens on the basis of School of Electronics and Computer Science, SUSU; its work will focus on providing security of information systems, including information security of key government installations.

SUSU in 2020. Most Interesting Things Have Just Started


Being the youngest SUSU Vice-Rector, 36 year-old Alexander Dyakonov has extensive research experience in metalworking techniques, construction, and digital production. He took the position of SUSU Vice-Rector for Research a month ago. Alexander Dyakonov told about his perspective on the university research development, the importance of publishing in Scopus and WoS journals, and how Project 5-100 is of benefit to the university entrants.

SUSU innovative projects entered the National Technological Initiative programme


On 14-15th of March, two major innovative projects of the South Ural State University were successfully presented at the strategic session on the national technological initiative in Chelyabinsk IT-park and entered the “road map” for the implementation of the National Technological Initiative program on the territory of our region in 2017-2019.

SUSU young scientist has developed a unique project to create new single-crystal structures


A young scientist, the head of the Crystal Growth Laboratory, is working on a project to create single crystals based on barium hexaferrite. Unique material will be in demand in industry not only in our country, but all over the world. The scientist has already managed not only to develop theoretical methods, but also to create the material itself and to analyze its unique properties.

MOOC at SUSU: the New Format of Education of the Future


In 2014 UNESCO named massive open online courses (MOOC) as one of the 30 prospective tendencies for developing education up to 2028. Today open courses can be found across the world for practically any internet user’s search.

Elite Education at SUSU: We’re Raising Leaders!


In the fall of this academic year work began at South Ural State University work began at the SUSU Center of Elite Education for high-achieving students who try to realize their intellectual potential to the maximum. The project was realized within the 5-100 Russian Academic Excellence Project.

A New Window to Europe: Selection Opens for the Academic Mobility Program at a University in the City of Nitra


South Ural State University, the Erasmus+ program, and the Slovak University of Agriculture in the city of Nitra are inviting SUSU students, professors, and staff to take part in the contest program of academic mobility. Take note, the grant includes coverage of airfare, education, and living costs.

SUSU Enters the Top-600 Best World Universities


SUSU has entered the top-600 best world university for the first time according to the Worldwide Professional University Rankings RankPro 2016/2017 (RankPro).

A View from the Stars: How Modern GIS Help Solve Social and Governmental Issues


Researchers from South Ural State University are developing super-modern GIS. New technologies allow them to improve the infrastructure and optimize the work of agricultural, manufacturing, and other sectors of the economy.

SUSU International Students Take Part in Russian Language Game


The awards ceremony for the game “The Language of the Country You Live In” was held at the Institute of Linguistics and International Communications.

Participants of the contest were international master’s students of SUSU’s institutes and higher schools as well as students of the Russian as a Foreign Language Department studying in the program entitled “Preparation for university admissions”.

Get Acquainted: the SUSU Professor’s Lounge


There is a new section opening on the South Ural State University site - the Professor's Lounge. Academic and business partners, Russian and international applications and their parents, students, post-graduates, staff, employers, and media representatives can now get acquainted with the scientific elite of our university who have been recognized by the Russian and international scientific society.

SUSU Engineering Center: Car Technology of the Future Is Being Born in the Urals


In June 2016, South Ural State University won the open competition for the state funding of pilot projects and established the SUSU Computer Engineering Center.

The main aim of creating Engineering Centers in Russia is the development of innovative research projects in the field of car and transportation engineering. The strategic development program of the SUSU Center was developed with the active support of the largest Russian automobile corporation KAMAZ.

The SUSU Institute of Open and Distance Education Accepts Students from All Corners of the World


A program of distance education, e-learning, has been working at South Ural State University for ten years already. Education is carried out by the Institute of Open and Distance Education.

E-learning is a system of education using the newest informational and internet technologies as well as multimedia. South Ural State University has been using these distance technologies actively since 2003.

Foreigners in Russia: feels like home


The SUSU Center for Social and Cultural Adaptation for foreign students have been functioning for almost half a year. To make the stay in Russia truly valuable and memorable, the Center staff and volunteers create a special environment for foreign students.

SUSU Researchers Analyze Suicidal Comments on the Internet


Around the world, the number of suicides exceeds that of deaths in combat, murder, and vehicular accidents. The active development of informational technologies gives the topic of suicide wide notoriety and in doing so increases the number of people drawn into this topic, passively or actively,  and also increases the number of people involved in discussion about it.

The SUSU International Research Council Approves the Results of the University’s Work in 2016


In the beginning of March, the leadership of South Ural State University discussed the most important results of the university’s first year of work in the 5-100 Project and the summary of the university’s activities in 2016 with the members of the International Research Council through on a teleconference.

Guests from China will participate in Odyssey of the Mind-2017


South Ural State University is holding 27 region competitions for participants of the international program for developing creative thought and team spirit, Odyssey of the Mind, on March 11th-12th with support from the Chelyabinsk Atomic Energy Informational Center.

For the first time, teams from the Republic of Tatarstan will be participating. More than 30 teams from Chelyabinsk and the Chelyabinsk Oblast will represent their solutions to difficult invention tasks. A team from the People’s Republic of China will be special guests to the competition.

SUSU Hackathon: 2 Days and 1 Night of Coding


Hackathon was held at SUSU on the first weekend of March. In just 2 days and 1 night, 7 participants learned new technologies and built programs from scratch within the Internet of Things concept, which involves the independent communication of items with the internet without human interaction.

Hackathon began with a 2.5 hour lecture prepared by Napoleon IT, the event’s partner. The lecture explained the new technologies the participants needed to apply to their developments. After the lecture, the participants began developing their product per an assigned topic.

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