I Became a Scientist while Still at School

Yadviga Helal has repeatedly surprised her colleagues and students with her professionalism. She also surprises with her hyper-responsible approach to work. Suffice it to say that her maternity leave ended when her baby was only two months old. The academic secretary of South Ural State University likes it when everything is well-organized. And this applies not only to documents. She also loves working with Chinese students, knows how to answer unexpected questions from foreigners about foul language, conducts interviews with migrants and enjoys exploring the linguistic picture of the world.

Brief information

Yadviga Helal is the Secretary of the SUSU Academic Council, Associate Professor at the Department of Russian as a Foreign Language, Candidate of Sciences (Philology), Associate Professor. In 2003, she graduated with honours from Chelyabinsk State University with a degree in Philology. She took part in five grant projects for the development and preservation of the Russian language in Russia and abroad. From 2014 to 2022, she headed the Pushkin Institute Research, Education and Coordination Centre. She was awarded a letter of gratitude from the Governor of the Chelyabinsk Region A. Texler for her active long-term work as part of the Council for Russian Language and Russian Literature, and an honorary certificate from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation for significant achievements in education and conscientious work. She is the author of over 70 scientific publications.

Unusual status

— My path to science began when a teacher of Russian language and literature suggested that I take part in scientific conferences. So I became a scientist while still at school [Yadviga recalls with a smile]. I studied at the 82nd Lyceum. The class was humanities-oriented, with in-depth study of the Russian language, literature and history. I became interested in the language later, at first I studied literature.

My first works were related to the works by Vladimir Nabokov and Joseph Brodsky. I remember how interesting it was to read scientific literature that the teacher gave me. Naturally, the school curriculum did not provide for mastery of such vocabulary. And of course, at first it was difficult to understand scientific articles, but the terminology captivated, absorbed and the unusual status inspired. You are a schoolchild and suddenly there is a scientific work. And not just at the lyceum, but you are invited to the leading universities of Chelyabinsk.

I presented reports at conferences every year at Chelyabinsk State University and South Ural State University along with serious scientists. I remember even participating in two conferences on one day at different venues with different reports. Of course, it was interesting. Once I attended a planning meeting in the academic council hall at South Ural State University. I was surrounded by professors and very impressed…

Participation in science-to-practice conferences, following which my reports were published in journals, is one side. And the second is participation in Olympiads at all levels. I prepared for them thoroughly. At Chelyabinsk State University, I studied literature with Galina Vardugina, who later became my colleague. At the Pedagogical University, I analyzed complex philological examples with Galina Ivanenko. At school, I was an excellent student. But I did not receive a gold medal because of Bs in mathematics and physics. So the choice of the direction of further education was predetermined. I decided that I would be a philologist.

— And when did you make the choice in favour of the Russian language?

— Almost immediately, when in my first year I started writing my term paper under the guidance of a Teacher with a capital letter T - Lyudmila Shkatova. She taught us a course called "Linguocultural Studies". The professor always addressed us, students, as "colleagues".

In my fourth year, Lyudmila Shkatova suggested that I get a job as a laboratory assistant. On her initiative, the university academic laboratory of intercultural communications was created. The atmosphere was unforgettable. I saw how PhD candidates came to Professor Shkatova, how she communicated with colleagues. I set a bar for of me that I had to strive for.

It's amazing how fate brings people together. Professor Shkatova is the mother of Elena Kharchenko, my mentor at SUSU. We are developing the scientific directions that Lyudmila Shkatova was involved in. The Shkatova-Kharchenko scientific dynasty played a big role in my professional life.

Amazing China

— You work with international students. What makes them different?

— These are very motivated people. No one forces them to go to cold Russia and study Russian. They consciously overcome difficulties and show good results. When you have classes every day, you see how your students grow. Initially, they do not speak Russian at all, but literally after three months of studying in the program of preparation for admission to a university, they can express their thoughts. I have been working with foreign students since 2006, more than 10 years of which were at SUSU. In 2013, I worked as a teacher of Russian in China.

— Have you studied Chinese?

— I started learning, even studied with a teacher. I could explain myself in casual speech, go to a store on my own. When there is no practice, you forget a lot. But even now I understand what Chinese students talk about among themselves, especially in grammar terms. And I can say something myself. And then the guys look at me with surprise: "Does our teacher speak Chinese?"

— Is China fascinating? What struck you most there?

— It is fascinating indeed! I was amazed by the scale and discipline. I remember that they started to build a high-rise next to the 30-story building where we lived. I went to Chelyabinsk for the New Year holidays. And when I returned, the building was already built.

I could see the institute where I taught from my window. The Chinese, all in the same uniform, started doing exercises at the stadium at seven in the morning. I arrived a few minutes before the class that started at eight in the morning, they already all were sitting in the classroom. They were not allowed to come in after the teacher. No matter how sick, tired, sleep-deprived students were, they had to attend classes. Their dormitory was closed during the period of study since everyone had to be at the institute. They did their homework there after classes. They would only come to the dormitory in the evening to sleep, and at 10 p.m. their electricity would be turned off. That's how persistent and hard-working the Chinese are. So when they come to us, they can say they relax a little. There are no parents here.

I gained a unique experience in China. And I realized that one year is enough, otherwise you might not want to leave. I turned over this fascinating page and got a job at South Ural State University.

This academic year I teach two groups, and one of them has Chinese students. I love them very much for their productivity. In one of the groups there are Russians, Chinese, and Turkmens. It is interesting that at the end of the semester, 80 percent of the Chinese get an automatic pass based on the results of the point-rating system for assessing the students' work. They show amazing diligence.

A gift for the dictation quiz

— You conducted the Nationwide Dictation Quiz for foreigners. Could you please share your impressions?

— We were among the first in Chelyabinsk to create a separate platform for foreigners and conduct the “Labour” test as part of the “Nationwide Dictation Quiz” educational campaign. I remember that SUSU students were told about this mass event, invited to take part in testing their knowledge of the Russian language, and explained to that this was not an exam since this word frightens foreigners a bit. About forty people responded. But in fact, twice as many students came. There was no free space in the auditorium, some people had to sir on the stairs.

The event is held once a year. And things progressed later. Two hundred people gathered when the Pushkin Institute Research, Education and Coordination Centre was created at SUSU, our partners from China also participated. The guys wrote the dictation quiz in their country, and our representative coordinated their activities.

The dictation quiz for foreigners consists of two parts. The first is a test. For example, it was suggested to match a picture and an inscription. And the second part is the most difficult - writing a fragment of the dictation. Imagine: the text is not adapted for foreigners, while elementary students also took part in the quiz.

— But you did not give grades, right?

— Of course not. The points were recorded in certificates, and the kids were very happy. And we always encouraged the students, and not only the excellent ones. We tried to identify in each group those who had done a good job, and with the certificates we also presented gifts. We motivated them to continue participating in such events. In general, it just turns out to be a mass celebration of the Russian language.

To be continued.

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