Majid Naseri. Chapter 2. Life

What Russian national food do you prefer? 

Russia has plenty of delicious traditional dishes to try. I'm often surprised at the variety and flavors of Russian cuisine, which are influenced by Russia's connections to Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. The most classic Russian recipes are made of veggies and wheat, such as soups, porridges, and stuffed dough. I like Borscht with a dollop of fresh sour cream on top. Also, Pelmeni, Blini, Beef Stroganoff, and Paskha are my favorite foods in Russia.

What sights or corners of nature of South Ural (or Russia in general) do you admire most of all?

Lake Turgoyak is one of the most beautiful lakes in South Ural. Fringed by the century-old walls of the Kremlin, with St. Basil’s Cathedral at its center and a view onto the Moscow River, the Red Square is Moscow’s most breathtaking site. Also, walking along Nevsky Prospekt from beginning to end is the best way to get to know St. Petersburg and to check its pulse while being able to stop at the many shops and restaurants on our way.

What do you think about Russian people? Is it comfortable for you to communicate with Russians? What do you think about "mysterious russian soul"? Do you agree, that Russians usually have specific character traits? Or it is stereotype and it's not true?

At first sight, they seem to be very harsh because they do not smile. But, in fact, they are very warm and kind. To my mind, people in Russia do not care much about little things. If Russians want to go to the beach when it’s raining, they do it. Because of the frosty climate and lots of difficulties the nation had to go through, Russians developed amazing mental strength. It seems that the pressure and stress they experience make their families, work, and life itself more precious for them. Anyone familiar with Dostoyevsky knows about the mysterious Russian Soul. I think The Brothers Karamazov serves as the best introduction to the Russian Soul for outsiders. For me, it’s something akin to the gentleness of Sonya and Levin, but with the innocence of Prince Myshkin and also a bit mysterious like Father Zossima. The Russian soul enwrapped in mystery has characteristics such as being loving, caring, humane, respectful, gentle, quaint, slightly superstitious, well educated, chivalrous, enigmatic, a bit gloomy, generous, and having a knack for thrills and a penchant for experimentation.

What do you think about climate in Russia? Are you used to such a cold climate? Or may be nowadays this kind of climate is comfortable for you?

Before coming to Russia, I had been warned about Russian winters. Whenever I told my family that I would be here for 2 or 3 years, a typical response referred to the freezing conditions I would have to endure. Due to Russia’s huge size, the weather varies greatly across different regions. Although Russia can be described as having a continental climate, the weather in Saint Petersburg and Moscow is much milder than further east, in Siberia. So, if you want to see a true Russian winter, I would recommend my friends come at the start of the year, either in January or February.

What country is more comfortable and interesting for you? Russia or South Korea? 

For me, Russia is more comfortable and interesting. In Russia, academic mobility programs stimulate the creation of vacancies for young scientists, and their work in new teams contributes to the formation of new scientific areas and interdisciplinary research. In terms of innovation development experience, South Korea and Russia’s include their success in commercializing academic outcomes and quick scaling of innovations. These are areas where world-wide organizations have an opportunity to learn. My future plan is for Iran, and I’m sure that my scientific activities in Russia will be a valuable supporting for this goal.

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