
International News

SUSU International Office Received Recognition in the Global Student Satisfaction Awards

The International Office of South Ural State University has been highly appreciated by international students and received recognition at the Studyportals global online platform in the Global Student Satisfaction Awards nomination.

Studyportals is the only student social survey website which collects feedback on: student’s life and satisfaction with studying process at international universities.

SUSU International Students Win 2020 Foundation Awards

The first lady of the Chelyabinsk Region Irina Texler handed out awards of the Foundation for Social, Cultural and Educational Initiatives to 50 students whose projects were named the best by a panel of experts. The winners included South Ural State University students Gulnara Khodzhieva and Dilrabo Tozhikulova.

University of Science and Technology Beijing Invites SUSU Students to Take Part in the Online Summer School

University of Science and Technology Beijing invites SUSU students to take part in the 2021 online summer school in the following fields:

Data Science and Big Data Technology

Duration of the programme: 2 weeks (48 hours), August 9th through August 22nd

Tuition fee: 1,000 yuan (about 11,000 roubles)

You will study:

The 2nd URAL FEST Ural Forum for International Students and Alumni to Be Held at SUSU

The big-scale URAL FEST Forum will be held at South Ural State University April 25th through April 29th, 2021. The Forum is dedicated to supporting and developing the international student and alumni community within the Ural Federal District and nearby regions. Registration is open until April 10th.

International Students from 25 Countries Allowed to Return to Russia

In accordance with Resolution No. 639-p by the Government of the Russian Federation as of March 16, 2021, international students, postgraduates, medical residents, and students of preparatory faculties from 25 countries are allowed to return to Russia to continue their studies.

More than two thousand international students from 56 countries, most of them from Egypt, China, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, and Iraq, are studying at South Ural State University.

Beijing Institute of Technology Announces Competition for Chinese Government Scholarship Program

Beijing Institute of Technology announces competition for the Chinese Government Scholarship for the autumn semester of 2021!

The program is open to Master’s degree students and postgraduates.

The program covers the costs of:

1. Education;

2. Accommodation on campus or off campus (subject to availability);

3. Comprehensive system of health insurance and security;

4. Monthly payments: for Master’s degree students 3,000 Yuan (485 US dollars); for postgraduates 3,500 Yuan (565 US dollars).

A Meeting Between Students from Uzbekistan and Consul General of the Republic of Uzbekistan Held at SUSU

A meeting between the Consul General of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Ekaterinburg Abdusalom Khatamov with the students from Uzbekistan was held at South Ural State University. The event was organized within the framework of planned visit of the universities of the Ural Federal District, in which Uzbek students are studying.

SUSU Students to Study in China

Centre for International Education of South Ural State University invites 4th-year Bachelor’s students planning to enrol in the Master's degree programme at SUSU and freshmen of the Master’s degree programme to participate in the programmes of academic mobility in the People's Republic of China (autumn, autumn-spring 2021-2022).

Students from Russia Can Receive Education in Romania

Universities in Romania are opening their doors for international students. You can apply until the end of April.

The scholarship program is organized by the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Romanian Ministry of National Education. The country’s higher education institutions are prepared to accept students, postgraduates, and doctoral students in the new 2021-2022 academic year.

English Speaking Club Opens at SUSU

Foreign language over a cup of tea: the South Ural Association of International Students and Alumni is launching a new project.

An English Club is opening at South Ural State University. The organizers have stated that everyone who wishes to join is invited, but they note that it is better to have at least an A2 level of English (basic English).

Yaro Abubakar: “They Welcome Me with a Smile at the Department Every Day”

For 1.5 years now, a student from the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire has been taking training to major in a Master’s degree programme at the Department of General Psychology, Psychodiagnostics, and Counselling at the Faculty of Psychology of South Ural State University. In this interview, Yaro Abubakar spoke on studying at the Russian university, grasping psychological science, linguistic adaptation, and life in Chelyabinsk.

– Yaro, why did you choose the Faculty of Psychology?

Applications for Studying or Internship in Slovenia for the 2021-2022 Academic Year Open

Students and postgraduates of South Ural State University are welcome to send in their applications for studying or taking internship in Slovenia for the 2021-2022 academic year.

In order to enrol, you need to choose a university in Slovenia, write to this university, receive an invitation letter, prepare and send a package of documents for the Russian and Slovenian sides, after which the candidates will be selected on the basis of a competition.

Language of instruction: English (Slovenian is not necessary).

Scholarship covers:

SUSU Team Wins BRICS Contest

South Ural State University has become the winner in the Education Nomination of the contest of business initiatives, which is held to stimulate developments aimed at improving the quality of life in BRICS countries.

SUSU Postgraduate from Tajikistan Achieved Friction Reduction in Reciprocating Engine Units

A method to improve the efficiency of reciprocating engines was proposed by a SUSU postgraduate. The results of the many-years’ research were presented in his dissertation for the Candidate of Science degree, which he successfully defended in the end of 2020. The developments will help engine corporations to improve their products.

Applications Open to Study in the Czech Republic

Applications have been opened to study in the Czech Republic for one semester in the 2021-2022 academic year.

Atyrau University and SUSU Invite Students to Academic Mobility Programs

Khalel Dosmukhamedov Atyrau State University, Kazakhstan, and South Ural State University are inviting students to participate in virtual academic mobility programs in the spring semester of the 2021 academic year in the following fields:

  • Management;
  • Economics;
  • Ecology;
  • Mathematics;
  • Pedagogy and Psychology;
  • Foreign Languages.

Within this program, students can study for one semester at Atyrau University free of charge. At the end of their studies, they receive a certificate.

Media Communications in English: Admissions to a Master’s Programme in Journalism Starts at SUSU

The Master’s degree programme on Media Communications (in English) has been elaborated by the SUSU Department of Journalism, Advertising and Public Relations in cooperation with International Office and the European Journalism Training Association and includes such special subjects as:

  • Media Communications in the Modern Society;

  • Media Research;

  • Intercultural Communication;

  • Management in Media Companies;

Scientists have increased the solubility of drugs using supercritical technologies

Modern solid-formed drugs can be more efficient if their solubility increases. The international team of researches verified supercritical technology that are applied in pharmaceutic for solubility enhancement of poorly soluble drugs and revealed ways which can be used for design of preparation of nanomedicines at industrial scale. The research was published in the highly ranked journal “Nature Scientific Reports”(Q1).

International Postgraduate of the Department of Financial Technology Successfully Defended His Dissertation

At the end of December, two defences for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (Economics) were held at the Dissertation Council of South Ural State University.

International Students Wish a Happy New Year!

New Year is a practically universal holiday that's often celebrated with fireworks, parties, and a toast to a happy and healthy year to come. SUSU international students want to congratulate the university and the staff and say some words about the way they celebrate New Year at their homes. 

Alisherzhon Mamadaliev, Uzbekistan

Tianjin University Invites to Take Part in Winter School of Chinese Language and Culture

On December 22th, a meeting was held at South Ural State University, where the problems of the BRICS countries and issues of their interaction with international partners were discussed. The meeting involved three committees, who considered international cooperation in health care, education and economy, the impact of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic on these fields, and future prospects.

Tianjin University Invites to Take Part in Winter School of Chinese Language and Culture

Tianjin Foreign Studies University invites SUSU students to take part in the Winter School of Chinese Language and Culture, which will be held online February 1 through February 9, 2021.

Course disciplines:

- Listening and Colloquial Chinese;

- Chinese Culture;

- Culture and Art of Tianjin, and more.

Upon successful mastering of the course and completing all the assignments, you will receive a certificate from Tianjin University. Tuition is free of charge. Applications are accepted until December 31, 2020.

SUSU Association of International Students Celebrates its 7th Anniversary

The Association of International Students was founded on December 23, 2013. The main goal of the AIS is to help international students adapt, help them solve issues related to their studies, accommodation, and entertainment, and introduce them to the Russian culture. The activities of the AIS support the development of intercultural communication and personal growth of each student.


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