Students of Huanghe Professional Hydroengineering University (China) successfully completed the courses of the Russian language at the Department of Russian as a Foreign Language of ILIC. They celebrated their successful admission to the university in the city of Miass.
Center for Sociocultural Adaptation organized an excursion with an extensive program: the students visited Ilmen State Nature Reserve named after V.I. Lenin and Museum of Pelmeni which is the only in the country, as well as had a wonderful rest on the shores of Lake Turgoyak.
South Ural State University is gaining in popularity among international applicants. Almost 2000 students from 48 countries have already chosen SUSU; that is why the University continually works on facilitating and supporting the learning experience of those who might face culture shock and other study abroad problems.
The unique 2018 Global Smart Industry Conference is to be held on November 13 through 15 of 2018 at South Ural State University (Chelyabinsk). As of today, internationally acknowledged scientists from more than 10 countries from USA to China have already confirmed their participation in the Conference.
The Pushkin Institute Research, Education and Coordination Center together with the Department of Russian as a Foreign Language of SUSU’s Institute of Linguistics and International Communications invites to get supplementary competencies in the sphere of teaching Russian as a foreign language based on two specially elaborated programs.
66 students from China completed their study at Summer School of South Ural State University's Institute of Linguistics and International Communications.
South Ural State University unites students from 48 countries of the world. Among SUSU students, there are representatives of different religious denominations. Students from the Arab and Asian countries told how they celebrate one of the main Muslim holidays — Kurban Bayrami.
Its title refers to the history of Prophet Ibrahim’s faith act. This year the holiday is celebrated on August 21-25. It begins in 70 days after another important Muslim event — Uraza-Bairam (Eid al-Fitr), which marks the end of Ramadan.
South Ural State University is rightfully viewed as a multicultural institution. Almost 2 000 international students from over 48 countries are currently doing their studies at SUSU. Many of them have listened to the advice of those who had already received their degree at South Ural State University. Naji Abdullah Mezaal received a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering in Baghdad. Several years later he decided to continue his studies abroad when Naji’s friend recommended him to apply to South Ural State University.
Delegation from South Ural State University carried out a number of events in the countries of Central Asia. Vice-Rector for International Activity Olga Yaroshenko, Deputy Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Yulia Bolotina and an Analyst of International Affairs Office Mikhail Rukhtin. SUSU representatives visited 6 educational establishments of Tadzhikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan in order to establish contacts and to promote the University in these countries.
The academic mobility program is one of the most attractive forms of education for students. Its participants can gain unique experience and learn the basics of their future profession in a different language and cultural space.
One of these programs is being fulfilled jointly with L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University in Astana (Kazakhstan). Students of the journalism field will study at the foreign university for a semester, after which credits for the subjects they passed will be transferred to SUSU.
68 Chinese students who completed their second year of education at the Huanghe Professional Hydroengineering University have arrived at the SUSU Institute of Architecture and Construction. During two months, the students will be studying subjects of their field and improving their knowledge of the Russian language.
Today the world leading higher educational establishments actively develop dual diploma programs. Such a form of studying gives students special possibilities which consist not only in studying foreign languages in authentic environment but also in the way to successful career.
From June 20th through 22nd, and International Conference of Russian language specialists was held at the University of Barcelona, where Professor of the SUSU ISSH Department of Russian Language and Literature, Doctor of Sciences (Philology) Tatiana Fedorovna Semyan presented a report on the topic representing the sphere of research of the Department’s scientific school: “Visual nature of modern literature: from typography to media poetry”.
Josef Bednařík, a student of the Brno University of Technology, came to SUSU one year ago as an exchange student to complete his study in master’s program in the specialty of “Mechatronics and Robotic Engineering”. Now the time of his studying in Russia is coming to an end, and we decided to ask Josef what was memorable about Russia and the time that he spent at South Ural State University.
– Why did you decide to choose a university precisely in Russia?
Scientists from South Ural State University held a seminar on geoinformatics at the University of Guantanamo (Cuba). After this seminar the representatives Russia and Cuba will discuss the possibility of creating a geoinformation observatory.
“Creation of a geoinformation observatory will allow Cuba and Russia to continue collaboration in the field of geoinformatics,” reports Berenice Servantes, Director of the Russian-Iberoamerican International Center of RSSU.