
International News

SUSU International Students Visited Exhibition "Russian Life. Painting of Second Half of Nineteenth to Early Twentieth Century"

A group of SUSU international students from China, Syria, Tajikistan and Afghanistan visited the Chelyabinsk Museum of Fine Arts and painted Dymkovo toys (moulded painted clay figures of people and animals).

SUSU International Students Take Care of Environment

SUSU is one of the most famous and important universities in the South Ural. SUSU can give future scientists lots of opportunities to carry out research in different fields of science. It has 3 strategic research directions and one of them is ecology.

Students of Institute of Linguistics and International Communications Participate in RFBR Project

Today much has been said about the young generation of Russian science and its future, but convincing examples to illustrate it are hardly found. Meanwhile, this future lives among us.

International Applicants Choose SUSU

More and more international students choose SUSU to pursue their higher education. In the 2019-2020 academic year, SUSU is home for over 2300 international students from 56 countries. Most of them are from China, Egypt, Iraq, Kazakstan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan. Every year SUSU expands its geography and recruits international students from new countries. For example, this year we expect new coming students from Canada, Haiti, Mali, and Burkino Faso.

"SUSU Gave Me Knowledge and Invaluable Experience!": Student from Turkmenistan Tells a Story of Her Success

Gulnara Khodzhieva is a second-year Master's degree student of the Department of Linguistics and Translation Studies at the Institute of Linguistics and International Communications of South Ural State University. According to the girl, the university has been giving her unlimited opportunities for self-fulfilment for five years now. That is why she is an exemplary student and actively takes part in the extracurricular life of the university.

Association of International Students Presented Interesting Events to Students from Different Countries for the Entire Academic Year


The Association of International Students of South Ural State University in cooperation with the International Office has developed a plan of cultural and leisure events for the 2020-2021 academic year for the international students, where everyone will be able to find something to his/her liking.

South Ural State University celebrates Halloween

Students of South Ural State University always take part in celebrating Halloween. Our international students from different schools and institutes make decorations and prepare bright costumes of witches, ghosts, pirates, monsters, skeletons, vampires, and many other creepy characters. Their makeup is very colorful and convincing.

SUSU Helps to Study Online

South Ural State University is one of the leading Russian multidisciplinary universities with the fundamental scientific basis and high standards of specialist training. The university is multinational and nowadays is a home for more than 2,300 international students from 58 countries.

SUSU Students and Postgraduates Can Go on Exchange Study to Slovakia

Within the frameworks of the National Scholarship Programme of the Slovak Republic applications for scholarships are being accepted for the participation in the exchange study and research in the spring semester of 2021.

Who qualifies to participate?

  • Bachelor’s and Specialist degree students (who have completed two years of studies);
  • Master’s degree students;
  • Postgraduates.

Scholarship includes:

Scientist from Pakistan Studies Multiphase Flows Jointly with SUSU Colleagues

Thanks to Project 5-100, the SUSU university staff has multiplied its intellectual potential. More and more international scientists tend to participate in the university’s research work.

SUSU Students and Postgraduates Can Go on Exchange Study to Slovakia

Within the frameworks of the National Scholarship Programme of the Slovak Republic applications for scholarships are being accepted for the participation in the exchange study and research in the spring semester of 2021.

Scientist from Pakistan Studies Multiphase Flows Jointly with SUSU Colleagues

Thanks to Project 5-100, the SUSU university staff has multiplied its intellectual potential. More and more international scientists tend to participate in the university’s research work.

Institute of Linguistics and International Communications Invites Students to Master Classes

A “Such Different Translations” open master class on will be held on October 7th.

The guest speaker is Yaroslav Pisarev, Candidate of Sciences (Pedagogy), translator and interpreter for the major international events.

SUSU Students Invited to Participate in an Online School in Beijing

Beijing University of Technology invites students to participate in their online international winter school in Chinese in two programs: Intercultural Practical Course, and Intensive HSK4 Training.

In the intercultural practical course, you will discuss the etiquette, food, and traditions of China, the science and economics of the Celestial Empire, and international students from all around the world will share on the unique features of their home countries. As a bonus, you will take an online tour of the Great Wall of China and the Forbidden City.

ENISE – SUSU: 15 Years of Joint Training of Specialists

For 15 years, the Department of Metal Forming has been cooperating with the National Engineering School of Saint-Étienne (ENISE), France. During this time, the department and the university have developed a good mutually beneficial relationship both in scientific and educational spheres.

Why Celebrate the International Translation Day?

Each year, translators, interpreters and terminologists celebrate International Translation Day on 30 September. The International Federation of Translators chooses a unifying theme of the holiday. This year it is “Finding the words for a world in crisis”. The theme is used to promote the day and join together in celebrating the professions.

SUSU Celebrates the Day of European Languages

Each year since 2001, the Day of European Languages is celebrated on September 26th to support linguistic diversity, the bilingualism of every European, and the development of the teaching and learning of various languages around the world.

SUSU to Celebrate International Translation Day

International Translation Day is celebrated September 30th. The holiday was officially established by the International Federation of Translators (FIT) in 1991. In 2017, Resolution No. A /RES/71/288, in which the role of professional translation in connecting nations and fostering peace, understanding and development is recognised, was unanimously adopted at the 71st session of the UN General Assembly, and September 30th was declared the International Translation Day, celebrated within the framework of the UN.

Final of the Prometheus Russian Olympiad Held at SUSU

The Final of the Prometheus Russian Student Olympiad in English was held in the SUSU Sigma building in the end of last week.

The Olympiad has first been organized in 2012, and since then it is held annually. Participants include students in their first and second year of full-time study. Contests are held throughout the whole academic year on various topics, including foreign languages.

BRICS Young Scientist Forum Opens

The participants were greeted online by the Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation Natalia Bocharova, Governor of the Chelyabinsk Region Alexey Texler, SUSU Rector Aleksandr Shestakov, as well as the heads of delegations of the five participating countries.

SUSU-Freiberg: Scientific and Educational Bridges

The closing ceremony of the German-Russian Year of Academic Partnerships 2018-2020 was held on September 20th. Within the framework of the event, the winning projects of the competition "Russia and Germany: Scientific and Educational Bridges", jointly held by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs, were announced.

Two Postgraduate Students from Iraq Defended Their Dissertations at SUSU

Postgraduate students of the Department of Machines and Processes of Pressure Metal Working Al-Khuzaie Ahmed Saleem Oleiwi and Al-Jumaili Mohammed Jasim Mohammed successfully defended their dissertations on topics related to the pipe rolling industry. Their research was carried out under the guidance of Professor of the Department of Machines and Processes of Pressure Metal Working, Deputy Director General for Research of the Russian Research Institute of the Tube and Pipe Industry (RosNITI), Doctor of Sciences (Engineering) Aleksandr Vydrin.

Information for International Students Currently Unable to Enter Russia

Due to a number of requests, we would like to inform all international students (unable to enter the territory of the Russian Federation due to the restrictions caused by the coronavirus pandemic) and their parents that the educational process will be organized with the use of distance learning technologies up until their arrival to Russia.

Educational Process for SUSU International Students Starting September 1st


Currently, more than 2000 students from 56 countries are obtaining their education at SUSU. These students represent countries of the near abroad, China, African and Arab countries, and some – Europe and America. The SUSU Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Andrey Radionov explained how the educational process will be organized for these students starting from September 1st.

– Some of the international students did not leave Russia and stayed in Chelyabinsk. So, they will begin their studies on September 1st as usual, along with other students.

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