South Ural State University
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Director Alena ZamyshlyaevaD.Sc. (Physics and Mathematics), Professor |
In 2016 SUSU entered the Project 5-100, a program for competitiveness improvement, and as a result the Institute of Natural Sciences and Mathematics was established, which in its structure combined the Faculties of Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Sciences. The Institute inherits the traditions of the Russian university education on natural sciences recognized all around the world.
Our Institute prepares specialists with the fundamental knowledge of mathematics and mechanics, applied mathematics and programming, physics and chemistry. They are able to solve a wide range of problems of natural sciences, engineering, and economics using computer technologies. The INS graduates can work as software engineers, system and application programmers, business analysts, database administrators, system administrators, web-analysts, web-designers, chemists, physicists, experts in electronics and nanoelectronics, and in other fields.
Among the main advantages of the Institute are the Department of Exclusive Education and Individual Educational Programs; the Center of Virtual Educational Technologies; the Specialized Center for Preparation to Academic Competitions; the Center of Professional Career; the Publishing Office conducting an exchange of experience of the editorial board of scientific journals; and the unique Museum of Visual Physics
The Institute students can perform their research projects based on the Laboratory of Supercomputer Modeling equipped with powerful Tornado SUSU and SKIF-Aurora supercomputers.
The Institute has powerful laboratory facilities. Its structure includes the Scientific and Educational Center “Nanotechnologies”, the Laboratory of Organoelement Compounds, the Laboratory of Multiscale Modeling of Multi-Component Functional Materials, Interferometry Laboratory and others.
The alumni of the SUSU Institute of Natural Sciences and Mathematics gain a wide range of theoretical knowledge and practical skills on conducting research and addressing production problems. They professionally combine their fundamental knowledge of mathematics, physics and chemistry with a creative approach and analytical mind.
By choosing the Institute of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, you get fundamental classical education, modern level of training and high computer technologies in experimental and theoretical research studies.
Structure of the Institute of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
- Applied Mathematics and Programming
- Computational Mechanics
- Ecology and Chemical Engineering
- Equations of Mathematical Physics
- Mathematical Analysis and Mathematics Education
- Mathematical and Computer Modeling
- Optoinformatics
- Physics of Nanoscale System
- Theoretical and Applied Chemistry
- Mathematical Modelling and Computer-Aided Technologies
- Mathematical Modeling of Fast Processes in Many-Component and Polyphase Environments
- Multi-Scale Modelling of Polyfunctional Compounds
- Non-Classical Equations of Mathematical Physics
- Molecular Electronics
- Applied Semigroup Research
Education programs
Interview with the Director of the Institute of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Alevtina Keller
«A Special Mentality and Strong-Willed Character: SUSU Training the Intellectual Elite»
In the news