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SUSU Celebrates the Day of Russian Science with Large-Scale Scientific Forum

On February 4-12, 2016 “Science of SUSU” large-scale scientific forum coincided with the Day of Russian Science will be held in the University. The main goal of the Forum is to strengthen research activity and promotion of scientific achievements of the University in the framework of 5-100 Project of competitiveness growth. Scientific Forum has united the complex of events called to demonstrate the level of scientific developments of the University to business circles, specialists and community of the South Ural.

Master Thesis of a Graduate Student of the Department of Accounting and Finance Was Highly Praised by the Ministry of Education of Iraq


Master thesis of a graduate student of the department of accounting and finance, a native born Iraqi Ahmed Abd Zaid Abdulwahid, who completed his studies in 2015, has been highly praised in the historic homeland of the master student.

48 hours for development of video games – Global Game Jam at SUSU again

On January 29-31 the largest international competition Global Game Jam will be traditionally held at the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Informatics of SUSU. GGJ participants have 48 hours to organize a team and develop a computer game on the given topic from the scratch simultaneously with more than 20 000 programmers, artists, game designers and simply game fans from dozens of countries.

Graduates of Joint Master’s Degree Program of SUSU and Clark University Defended Their Master’s Theses


South Ural State University has been cooperating with Clark University (the USA), which is located in the city of Worcester (the State of Massachusetts), for over four years. During this period a number of commencements have been held: two in Russia and three in the USA. More than 100 students have completed this program. Upon completion of this program the defense of “Capstone” graduate qualification work is conducted. 

Join New Economic Talent 2016

The competition of economic papers New Economic Talent 2016 is open to bachelor’s, specialist’s, master’s students, as well as recent graduates in any field, who are interested in modern economic problems and want to better understand phenomena and processes that form the world economy.

To participate in the competition students should submit an interesting paper on economics or other research studies which have economic conclusions. The participants have an opportunity to get $ 1000 USD and an invitation to CERGE-EI special events.

The best young researches will be awarded on the final day of the Forum “Step into the Future - Galaxy of Youth Scientific and Technical Creativity


XXIII Chelyabinsk Youth Intellectual Forum “Step into the Future – Galaxy of YSTC” completed its work in the framework of South Ural Intellectual and Social Programme for Youth and Schoolchildren “Step into the Future …”. According to statistical data of municipal and regional schools over 7 thousand schoolchildren have participated in competitions of the Forum this year. 86 research works were sent to Moscow for a distance round of the Russian Youth Science Forum “Step into the Future”.

Philologists of the Faculty of Journalism Have Created a Calendar of the Russian Literature Female Characters as a New Year’s Present for SUSU


'Gallery of Russian Literature Female Characters’ is a unique calendar characters which were represented by students-philologists of the third year of education of the Faculty of Russian language and Literature of SUSU. It was created as part of an innovative practical training course ‘Basics of Providing Professional Communication’ as an art object for reading lovers, as well as for ‘beginner readers’ to arouse their interest in studying the heritage of centuries of Russian culture.

$ 2000 for Best Essay in English

Unplag plagiarism checker announces an essay competition on the topic of combating plagiarism. Students of at least 18 years of full-time education of any educational institution are invited to participate. The author of the best essay will receive a prize of $ 2,000. Money will be transferred to the institution of the contestant and can be used as payment for his studies.

Participants should reflect their vision of counteraction to fraud and technologies that can stop the plagiarism in the future.

Requirements for essays are the following:

Archeologist of SUSU Entered Editorial Board of International Journal Indexing Scopus

New calendar year for SUSU has already been inaugurated by one important event – Andrei Epimakhov, Chief Researcher of Scientific and Educational Center of Eurasian Research, Doctor of Historical Sciences has received the invitation to enter the International Editorial Board of “Archaeological Research in Asia” journal. 

Application Process for Journalists Scholarship Program Has Started

 German-Russian Forum has announced a competition for participation in the scholarship program ‘Internship for Young Journalists in 2016’.

The unique methods of monitoring of engineering specialists training quality have been developed and introduced at the University

The monitoring of technical specialists training quality is topical for modern economy.

South Ural State University has developed methods for monitoring of employers contentment with the students training quality and has been successfully approving it for the last 5 years. The University members question employers, who hire students for practical training, and specify the most important for employers professional competencies. The adjustment of courses contents is made on the results of the analysis.

The academic staff of Xuchang University passed professional development program in SUSU


On the 12th of January, 2016 the academic instructors from China Li Hexiang, Shan Shiyu, Xia Zhenwei, Yang Xiaobo, Zhang Xiaobo and Li Peirui were awarded certificates for passing the professional development program “Innovative technologies in the world education”. The certificates were awarded by the head of the program, Doctor of Pedagogy, the Director of “Pedagogy of Continuing Education” Scientific and Educational Center, Professor Irina Kotliarova.

Memorandum on Cooperation between South Ural State University and University of Mendel (Brno, Czech Republic) Has Been Signed

During his official visit to the Czech Republic at the end of 2015 head of the Department of Applied Biotechnology of the Institute of Economics, Trade, and Technology, Professor Maxim Borisovich Rebezov has signed a memorandum on long-term cooperation between South Ural State University (National Research University) and University of Mendel (Brno).

Master Students of IETT Has Successfully Defended Their Dissertations on Economic Analysis and Controlling of Enterprises

At the end of the outgoing year defense of master's theses on the program ‘Economic Analysis and Controlling of an Industrial Enterprise’ was held on the Department of Business Evaluation and Competitiveness of the Institute of Economics, Trade, and Technology. Most master students work at large enterprises of the city and the region. They have chosen post graduate education consciously with the aim to improve the skills and career development.

Rector discussed the future of “Smart University” with young scientists

On the 28th of December on the square of “Sigma” the presentation of competitive growth program of SUSU in the framework of the Project 5-100 “Smart University for Sustainable Development” was held.

The presentation has become a concluding chord of the year 2015 in the course of meetings and discussions of the Rector Aleksandr Leonidovich Shestakov with the staff of the University for a full discussion of the strategic program of the University’s development.

Bachelor and Master Students of IETT from China Have Started to Pass the First Russian Exams

Bachelor and master students from China studying at the Institute of Economics, Trade, and Technology of SUSU at the double degree program successfully began to pass first exams at our university.

Nine bachelor students of the first year of the double degree program studying at the Department of Equipment and Technology of Food Production with the major in ‘Technological Machinery and Equipment’ has successfully passed pass/fail exams.

Dear colleagues! Congratulations on the New Year’s Eve and Christmas!

New Year is a wonderful holiday with which the brightest expectations are connected. Events of the outgoing year are recalled and the plans for the ongoing year are made. Let the year of 2016 be the year of new achievements, discoveries, and victories. Let all the new ideas be fulfilled, and let the bravest intentions and projects be realized! I wish you and your relatives joy, health, and well-being!

International scientific victory of Philology students from the Faculty of Journalism

The research activity of the Department of the Russian Language and Literature of the Faculty of Journalism was crowned with the important international victory on the New Year ’s Eve.

Chelyabinsk branch of the Association of Foreign Students celebrates 2nd anniversary

The Chelyabinsk branch of the Association of Foreign Students celebrated its second anniversary on December 23.

A great number of events happened during this period. It’s become traditional to celebrate Nowruz, Chinese New Year and the International Sports Festival which unite students from many countries. The information day is held annually. The most important issues are discussed during this day. 

International Student Round Table ‘Middle East: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow’ Was Held in South Ural State University

On December 28, 2015 international student round table ‘Middle East: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow’ was held in South Ural State University, where Arab and Russian students discussed topical issues of the Middle East region and the possibilities of cooperation of the Russian Federation and South Urals and Middle East, as well as exchanged experiences in the field of Oriental Studies.

International Student Round Table ‘Middle East: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow’ Will Be Held in South Ural State University

On December 28, 2015 international student round table ‘Middle East: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow’ will be held in South Ural State University.

The program includes coverage of topical issues of Middle East politics and economics, as well as discussion of forms and methods of cooperation with the countries of the region. Among the participants SUSU students from Syria, Yemen, Iraq, as well as the students of CSU, and orientalists of Chelyabinsk region can be named.

Strategic session on the roadmap of 5-100 Project in the format of a business game

The regular strategic session was held on December 22 in the framework of development of the so-called “roadmap”, i.e. a strategic long-term plan of SUSU development for the period of 2016-2020.

The topic of a new session was development of possible scenarios of the Project budgeting. The search for solutions was organized in the form of a business game with the maximum plunge into reality.

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