16th PMCup Open Championship in Project Management Started at SUSU

For the sixteenth time, schoolchildren teams from all over the Chelyabinsk Region are gathering at South Ural State University to present new ideas for important socio-economic projects for our region to the expert committee. The Championship allows participants to compete for the opportunity to receive strategic and financial support for their ideas from the Governor and partners of the event.

Every year, children come to the university to ask for support with such significant and useful ideas as organizing a new comfortable co-working area at their schools, improving their native villages, creating favourable conditions at a factory, in a region, or in a district.

"We help proactive schoolchildren develop their projects so that these can be presented at higher levels and even apply for real financial support," says Natalia Dzenzelyuk, Head of the Department of Industrial Economics and Project Management. "On one hand, this is "administrative-moral" assistance, and on the other hand, we help the best projects to be implemented. The main goal of the Championship is to show children that they can develop and realize themselves in their home region. Any dream can become a successful project if you approach it correctly and organize it correctly; and we are ready to provide children with all possible support."

The PMCup Open Championship in Project Management, organized by the SUSU School of Economics and Management, with the participation of partners, includes three rounds.

At the opening ceremony of the Championship on February 7th, schoolchildren were trained in developing project concepts in the university's academic building. Two weeks later, they will present their finished concepts to the jury, and the jury will select the top twenty teams that will continue to participate in the second round of the Championship. In March, the participants will go to the Karagaisky Bor sanatorium, where they will be trained in the basics of project management and take part in a series of team competitions. At the third round (in April), the teams will take part in a round table with representatives of State Industrial Development Fund of the Chelyabinsk Region, finalize their projects and defend them before experts. The summing up of the results and closing ceremony of the Championship will take place in June.

The main prize that will go to the winning team is the Chelyabinsk Region Governor's Cup. In addition to the main prize, each member of such a team will receive benefits when entering the SUSU Department of Industrial Economics and Project Management. Prize-winning teams and their leaders will be awarded cash prizes, and all the others will receive certificates of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Chelyabinsk Region, as well as special valuable prizes from the partners of the PMCup Championship.

"At school, we teach children to set goals and objectives," says Tamara Sidneva, Deputy Director for Academic Affairs at the "CHOMLI" State Budgetary Educational Institution. "And PMCup allows them to learn how to manage projects and work in a team. Therefore, such a Championship is an excellent addition to school knowledge, and the skills acquired here are much more valuable than those that the school program can provide. An important indicator for us is that our lyceum has been participating in competitions for more than eight years now, and the lyceum team has repeatedly reached the finals."

More than one hundred schoolchildren from Chelyabinsk, Troitsk, Zlatoust, Trekhgorny, Yuzhnouralsk, Magnitogorsk, the villages of Borisovka and Berezovka, and other settlements attended the opening of the 16th PMCup Open Championship in Project Management.

The Championship traditionally finds active support from real businesses and business partners. The general partner of the Championship is Sberbank of the Russian Federation; among other partners are the National Project Management Association "SOVNET", "Proektnaya praktika" Group of Companies, MFK Lime-Zaim, ANO Centre for Development of Project Activities, and others.

The organizers of the Championship were the Ministry of Education and Science of the Chelyabinsk Region, Ministry of Economic Development, Ministry of Industry, New Technologies and Natural Resources, the Department of Youth Policy of the Chelyabinsk Region, Chelyabinsk and the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "South Ural State University (National Research University)" (Department of Industrial Economics and Project Management, School of Economics and Management).

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