Institute of Linguistics and International Communications Took Part in All-Russian Scientific Conference

The Institute of Linguistics and International Communications took part in the All-Russian Scientific Conference with international participation "Theoretical Semantics and Ideographic Lexicography: Dictionary. Discourse. Corpus", dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Department of Fundamental and Applied Linguistics and Text Science of the Ural Federal University (UrFU), where the event was held. 

South Ural State University and Ural Federal University have a long-standing friendship and common scientific interests in studying the phenomena of language and speech. 

The conference was organized by UrFU, the Russian Society of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature, and the Consortium of Federal Universities "Digital Practices in Linguistics and Education". Among the conference participants were famous doctors of sciences from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Tomsk, Tambov, Omsk, Samara, Kemerovo, Perm and other cities. 

Professor of the Department of Linguistics and Translation Olga Turbina acted as the chairperson of the plenary session and presented her report on the topic of “Vector Analysis of Text Semiosis and Text Perception”.

"At the plenary session, which I chaired, among the renowned professors from SUSU (M. Krongauz, N. Malysheva, E. Dzyuba, A. Plotnikova, and others), there were me with my report and professors from the SUSU Department of Linguistics and Translation, and Department of International Relations, Political Science and Regional Studies O. Solopova and N. Koshkarova. They presented their report on the topic of their grant project. N. Koshkarova was also the head of one of the sectional sessions. In general, the conference was held at a high level and in the mode of active discussion of the materials presented by the participants," shared Olga Turbina. 

During the conference, SUSU scientists presented the results of the study carried out within the frameworks of the project funded by the Russian Science Foundation grant 24-18-00049 "Modelling the Image of Russia in the Media Discourse of the BRICS Countries: Frames, Metaphors, Stereotypes" (project manager O. Solopova). The global objective of the project is to study the image of Russia in the media discourse of the BRICS countries, which seems to be an important task, especially at the present stage of the history of civilization, when humanitarian scientific knowledge is called upon to solve current problems of socio-political development. 

Professor of the Department of International Relations, Political Science and Regional Studies Nataliia Koshkarova and Professor of the Department of Linguistics and Translation Olga Solopova presented the history of the emergence and current state of this metaphor based on information resources in five languages (Portuguese, Russian, Hindi, Chinese, and English) in their report on “The Functioning of the Metaphor of the Family in the Discourses of the BRICS Countries” delivered at the plenary session of the conference. 

Senior lecturer of the Department of Linguistics and Translation Anna Lovchikova presented a report on the topic of "Dictionary Entry for a Discursive Dictionary of Political Metaphors (based on the Chinese language)". The study was also conducted within the frameworks of the grant of the Russian Science Foundation No. 24-18-00049. 

"I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the Department of Fundamental and Applied Linguistics and Text Science of UrFU for the opportunity to speak at the All-Russian Scientific Conference. The conference became a unique platform for me to exchange knowledge and ideas with leading experts in linguistics. I was impressed by the high level of the presented reports, which covered a wide range of topics, from the theoretical foundations of semantics to the practical aspects of lexicography," said Anna Lovchikova. 

SUSU and UrFU are members of the big scientific family too! We congratulate our Urals colleagues on the department's anniversary and wish them good health, prosperity, new achievements and victories! 

The Institute of Linguistics and International Communications thanks the Department of Fundamental and Applied Linguistics and Text Science of UrFU and hopes for continuous fruitful cooperation. 

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