SUSU Students Awarded Personalized Scholarships

KONAR Industrial Group has awarded personalized scholarships to students of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Technology of South Ural State University who showed the best results in the admissions examinations.

Four high-scoring students will be receiving corporate payments in the amount of 10 thousand roubles per month during the first semester of study, from September 2024 to February 2025.

“In order to become a professional, one should improve, constantly learn, try new things, push the boundaries all the time,” noted Head of the Centre for Development of the Innovative and Educational Environment of AO KONAR Aleksandra Grebenshchikova. “After the first session, the scholarship holders will have to prove their worth already at the university. An important point: every first-year student can count on financial incentives from the company. The path is open. Study, do your best, and we will closely monitor your ratings, grades, diligence and conscientiousness in the educational process.”

Executive Director of the scientific and technical centre, Dean of the Faculty on behalf of KONAR Dmitriy Polukhin emphasized that the company strives to have the most qualified personnel in its team and solves the issue of renewal thanks to young specialists.

“Preserve and increase your intellectual capital, do everything possible to make it useful. It is not so difficult to be the best, you just need to really want it and do everything possible to achieve it,” he advised the first-year students.

The new faculty, created this year at South Ural State University, received a name historical for the university: Mechanical Engineering and Technology. The initiator and creator was KONAR Industrial Group. The main goal of the educational project is to train engineering personnel for the KONAR company and Russian industry.

"I studied at the physics and mathematics school, in the Governor's engineering class, and graduated with a gold medal. And KONAR awarded us for the work we put into achieving our goal," said SUSU student majoring in Design and Technological Support of Mechanical Engineering Production Apollinaria Parfentyeva. "I did not decide on the university right away: the decisive factors were my parents' arguments, especially my dad’s, who is involved in engineering. He explained to me the current demand for this profession, that engineers are the ones who have the main merit in the birth of the "technical" civilization, and that they act as the support of the technical progress. The creation of infrastructure, any devices or mechanisms, the design of buildings, gas pipelines, enterprises: this is what engineers do, and perhaps I will do something new and useful. In order to do this, you need to get a reliable job, and not graduate from the university with a beautiful diploma and useless knowledge. What do I expect from the faculty? New acquaintances, immersion in the atmosphere of science, research and creativity."

“I got 90 points in Computer Science in the Unified State Examination, but I chose not to become an IT specialist. I think this field is overrated. I am sure that the future belongs to foundry engineers. This field will become even more relevant in the near future. And in general, metal is eternal, it was, is and will always be out there. I want to bring back respect for the profession of an engineer. And I am very glad that my fellow students think the same way. We have a large group, 29 people have entered the state-funded program,” shared his impressions student in the System Engineering of Metallurgical Technologies programme Timofey Skripov.

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