October 22nd-25th, a big scientific forum on quantum technologies, David Klyshko Seminar, will be held at the Convention Hall of the Council of South Ural State University. This event is being organized by SUSU jointly with the Quantum Technology Centre, Department of Quantum Electronics of the Faculty of Physics of the Lomonosov Moscow State University, and with the support from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation. Thanks to the funding by the sponsors – ETM Photonics and L-optics companies – all the participants are relieved of paying the organization fee.
This seminar will be held in Chelyabinsk for the first time. Earlier it was ten times organized at Moscow State University (MSU), and once at Zavidovo located near Moscow. Leading experts in quantum physics from Moscow (including from MSU, Skoltech, and the Kurchatov Institute), Saint Petersburg, Kazan and other Russian regions, as well as the Urals, will gather in the capital of our region.
The conference topics include the quantum optics and quantum optical technologies, atomic optics, quantum algorithms, and the interaction of radiation with quantum systems.
To put it simply, specialists will be discussing both the scientific problems of quantum technologies and the potential for their application, and the creation of computing systems of the future. In dealing with huge amounts of data, quantum computers will be many times faster than the currently operated ones. According to various forecasts, such computers will appear in about 30-50 years, but already today scientists hold disputes on the algorithms and principles of their operation. In addition, among the seminar’s topics there will be quantum tomography, quantum cryptography, supersensitive sensors, and other technologies of the future.
A “cherry on top” of the seminar topics will be the discussion of creating the Interuniversity Quantum Network, its prospects and possibilities, including when it might appear in Chelyabinsk and what role SUSU will play in it.
Around 100 people will be among the seminar’s participants. The program will include 50 in-person reports and 15 poster presentations. Only two reporters will be speaking in an online format, so no communication breakdowns will be able to interfere with the discussions of scientists working at the forefront of comprehending the quantum realm.
Another matter of principle: all the seminar reports will be delivered in the Russian language.
David N. Klyshko is a prominent scientist in the field of quantum optics and a founder of the similarly-named scientific school in Russia. While overcoming the border-lines and passovers in science, he also conquered real mountain tops – he was a USSR master of sports in rock climbing.
Date of event:
Tuesday, October 22, 2024 at 09:00 through Friday, October 25, 2024 at 18:00