Students of "Heart of the Urals" Advanced Engineering School Met with Representatives of Partner Enterprises

The first meeting of students of the "Heart of the Urals" Advanced Engineering School of Engine Building and Special Equipment with representatives of partner enterprises took place at South Ural State University. The event was held as part of the introduction of Master's degree students to future employers and discussion of cooperation prospects.

The Master's degree students were greeted by the Director of the school, Sergey Taran. He noted that the Advanced Engineering School (AES) is a collaboration of universities and industrial partners:

"Such meetings allow us to better understand each other, hear the wishes of the university staff and students of AES, understand what the enterprise lives by, what tasks it solves, how we can integrate the educational process into its work. The meetings will be aimed at discussing general plans and interim results, looking at what formats of interaction between the university and the enterprise can be used."

Representatives of the following industrial partner enterprises came to meet the young people: the URAL Automobile Plant, AO Kurgandormash, ChTZ-Uraltrak, and Ural Diesel Engine Plant.

"You have received the foundation of an engineering specialty and have chosen a path in the best profession for yourself. The "Heart of the Urals" Advanced Engineering School, which was founded only in December last year, provides a unique chance to become a full-fledged engineer in two years or even faster, depending on your efforts. You are the first students in the history of AES, and this will remain in memory for a long time," emphasized in his speech General Director of AZ "URAL", Chairman of the supervisory board of the "Heart of the Urals" AES Pavel Yakovlev.

He spoke about the opportunities that open up for students who choose AZ URAL for their internship: everyone will be assigned a mentor and will be provided with free accommodation in a hostel and meals.

"We have set preliminary tasks that we are ready to solve together within the framework of scientific research and experimental design work. There is a lot of everything, but we are sure that it will be interesting! We expect that some of these guys will become our employees in the future," says Sergey Kislenko, chief engineer of Kurgandormash.

Chief designer of ChTZ-Uraltrak Maksim Starunsky highlighted the main current areas of the plant's activities in his presentation and also emphasized:

"Today, ChTZ-Uraltrak faces big challenges: we continue to produce and modernize serial engines for special purposes, we develop promising models and do not forget about the development of civilian products. Therefore, there are challenges for today, tomorrow and the future. We are waiting for specialists, and we are ready to work with all participants of AES, to find an individual approach to work with each one."

By completing a Master's degree programme at the Advanced Engineering School, a student will have special advantages for building a successful career.

"Everything is very interesting, the students have the best conditions to develop their ideas and work. One can only dream of such a thing. I hope that AES will continue to develop next year. These meetings are 100% useful, because students get a real picture of what the employer requires, what they want from them," shares his emotions AES student Kirill Gontarev.

Such meetings with employers will be held regularly. This will allow future specialists to better understand what skills and competencies are most in demand by employers, and will also provide an opportunity to assess their career prospects in the chosen field.

The Advanced Engineering Schools federal project is being implemented within the framework of the Russian Federation state program "Scientific and Technological Development of the Russian Federation".

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