19th Immunology Readings Will Be Held at SUSU

From September 9th to 14th, the next 19th All-Russian Conference "Immunology Readings in Chelyabinsk" with international participation will be held at South Ural State University.

This year the conference is dedicated to several dates at once: the 300th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the 80th anniversary of the academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Sciences (Medicine), Professor Valery Chereshnev, and the 70th anniversary of one of the founders of this conference school, Doctor of Sciences (Biology), Sergey Khaidukov.

In addition, the conference will include a China-Russia Symposium on Modern Immunology.

Traditionally, the conference will begin with the school on the "Flow Cytometry in Clinical and Laboratory Diagnostics", where young scientists will have an opportunity to master the skills of using a modern device − cytofluorimeter. At the input, the device receives a human blood sample, lines up the cells in a chain, and, illuminating them with a laser, counts how many immune cells of a particular type are in the sample. This technique allows diagnosing or confirming the clinical diagnosis of hundreds of diseases. A rare but very important device, the Beckman Coulter flow cytofluorimeter is at the disposal of the China-Russia Research and Education Centre for System Pathology of South Ural State University (National Research University).

As in previous years, the school will operate for the first three days, and the conference itself will begin its work on the following three days – from September 12th to 14th.

The conference will include reports summarizing the fundamental principles of immunology and those covering the latest scientific achievements. Issues such as the effect of antibiotics on the formation of immune response to bacterial infections, lymphocyte activation markers, the role of TREC and KREC indicators and CD markers, early diagnosis of primary immunodeficiencies, features of mild, moderate and severe Covid-19, the results of the pandemic, the formation of post-Covid-19 immunodeficiency syndrome in people who have recovered.

The conference will be useful for scientists and doctors, postgraduates and medical residents, students and interns working in the field of biophysics, biochemistry, immunology, allergology, and laboratory diagnostics.

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