Head of SUSU Department Included in Presidential Council for Civil Legislation of Russia

President of Russia Vladimir Putin approved new members of the Council for Codification and Enhancement of Civil Legislation, including Tikhon Podshivalov, Head of the Department of Civil Law and Civil Legal Procedures, Deputy Director for Research of the Institute of Law of South Ural State University.

The corresponding Decree No. 744 as of September 2, 2024 was published on the official Internet portal of legal information.

Pavel Krasheninnikov, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on State Building and Legislation, was appointed Chairman of the Council. Lidiya Mikheeva, Secretary of the Public Chamber of Russia and Evgeniy Sukhanov, Head of the Department of Civil Law of Lomonosov Moscow State University, became his deputies.

The Council also includes Assistant to President Larisa Brycheva, Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation Yuriy Ivanenko, retired Supreme Arbitration Court Judge Vasiliy Vitryanskiy, Constitutional Court Judge Larisa Krasavchikova, Head of the Department of Civil Law of Ural State Law University Bronislav Gongalo, retired Constitutional Court Judge Gadis Gadzhiev, Presidential Envoy for the State Duma Garry Minkh, Rector of Kutafin Moscow State Law University Viktor Blazheev, Governmental Envoy for the State Duma Aleksandr Sinenko, Vice President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation Vadim Chubarov, and other prominent scientists and government officials. The regions of Russia are represented by only three members in the Council, among whom is Tikhon Podshivalov.

“I am glad to represent the science of the Chelyabinsk Region and my university in the Council for Codification and Enhancement of Civil Legislation under the President of the Russian Federation. Joining the Council has become the result of many years of scientific work and an assessment of my contribution to civilistic science as a whole. I would like to thank my Council colleagues for recommending me. There is a lot of work ahead since the Council is actively participating in the evaluation of bills, and the field of private law is vast and the number of submitted projects is impressive,” said Tikhon Podshivalov.

The Council for Codification has been operating since 1999. It is an advisory body to the President of Russia which ensures interaction between federal and regional government bodies, public organizations and scientific institutions when considering issues related to changes in civil legislation.

Biographical information

Tikhon Podshivalov is a Candidate of Sciences (Jurisprudence), Associate Professor. He works at South Ural State University. Since 2019, he has been working as Deputy Director for Research of the Institute of Law, and since 2021, as Head of the Department of Civil Law and Civil Legal Procedures.

He is the author of more than 180 scientific works, including ten monographs and textbooks published by federal publishing houses; he wrote 62 articles in journals recommended by the State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles, and 9 articles in editions indexed in the Web of Science and Scopus international bibliographic databases.

For the book Negatory Action: Problems of Theory and Practice (2019), the author was awarded a special prize of the 2019 German-Russian Law Prize (Deutsch-Russischer Juristenpreis). For the book The System of Real Claims: Doctrine and Law Enforcement (2023), he was awarded the 2023 Juris Prudents prize.

Tikhon Podshivalov is a Chairman of the Panel of Arbitrators of the Arbitration Centre under the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.

Information about the Council under the President of the Russian Federation:


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