What to Do on Holidays: Contests for Students

In their free time students can implement their ideas by presenting projects in various contests and festivals. Catch up and read our review here: perhaps, it is your application that we are still missing!

Student tourism

The Youth and Student Tourism Program is an excellent opportunity for students, postgraduates and young professionals to travel around our country, staying at university dormitories.

From June to September 2024, 6 unique contests for students and young people are held in a distance format. Based on the results of the contest, each winner will be awarded travel certificates from the general partner under the “More Than Just a Trip” Rosmolodezh program.

University students or young professionals 18 to 35 years old, employed in the Russian Federation, can take part in it.

In order to take part in the competitive selection, you should, within the specified time frame:

– post a contest work on the Internet (in your publications, provide an active link to one of the social networks);

– fill out an online form with information about the participant and their competition work using this link;

– e-mail the contest work materials at pr[at]mst22[dot]ru;

– subscribe to the official Telegram channel.

Nominations and detailed information are in this document.


“Chelyabinsk Region Is Us!”

The Legislative Assembly for the Chelyabinsk Region jointly with the Youth Public Chamber traditionally hold a “Chelyabinsk Region Is Us!” Contest of Youth Projects. Citizens of the Russian Federation aged 14 to 30, residing in the Chelyabinsk Region, can take part in it.

The contest is held in six nominations: Best Social Project, Best Legislative Offer, Best Business Project, and more. Participants, who win in it, will be awarded laureate certificates and cash prizes.

To participate in it, you need to send your projects no later than October 10, 2024 at: Legislative Assembly for the Chelyabinsk Region, 114 Kirova Street, Chelyabinsk. More information is on the website.

Big Festival of South Ural Volunteers

Autonomous Non-commercial Organisation South Ural Association of Volunteers is organizing the Big Festival of South Ural Volunteers. It will become a platform that will unite practicing volunteers and volunteer activity leaders, and residents of the cities in the Chelyabinsk Region.

Each participant will have an opportunity to feel like a volunteer in practice in various areas of activity. The festival will feature more than 15 venues with various areas of volunteer activity, a series of master classes, and a useful program in which anyone can participate in separate collection of plastic bottle caps, batteries, waste paper for further recycling and donate pet food. The festival will be held on the territory of the Art Square in Chelyabinsk on August 24, 2024 from 12:00 to 16:00.

Students, parents and teachers of general education, professional and higher educational institutions can take part in the festival. Detailed information about the festival is available via this link.

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