Learn and create: schoolchildren were told about promising areas of study

As part of the XV Open Championship in Project Management for the Chelyabinsk Region Governor's Cup PMCup, a round table was held entitled "Chelyabinsk Business: Successes and Challenges in the Development of Industrial Enterprises".

The round table should demonstrate the attractiveness of the region as a whole and the industrial enterprises of the region for continuing education and personal professional growth for young people, interest schoolchildren in staying to study in the Chelyabinsk region, at the South Ural State University and subsequently find a decent job.

"There are a large number of enterprises in the Chelyabinsk region that are leaders in their industry. And the city itself, in my opinion, is very comfortable for living and studying. Today, the industry is at the stage of changing technologies: new tools and approaches to organizing work are emerging. And in order to implement these tasks, we need bold ideas, people who understand how to do this. We really have very high hopes for you. During your studies at school, at the university, working at Chelyabinsk enterprises, you will be able to accumulate the necessary potential of knowledge that will allow our enterprises to become leaders. And I am talking about leadership not all-Russian, but global. Therefore, guys, everything is in your hands. And participation in the championship already demonstrates your motivation and the correctness of the chosen path! " - said the rector of SUSU Alexander Wagner .


Participation in the round table will provide an opportunity to interest schoolchildren and demonstrate the possibility of getting targeted training at the leading enterprises of the region. In addition, in order to best inform schoolchildren about the potential of the region, a competition for the development of an information and advertising presentation of one of the enterprises from the standpoint of the attractiveness of employment and work there in the future was included in the championship for the first time.

"Our beloved schoolchildren and students, today we are holding such an event for the first time in 15 years. It is to introduce you to the leading enterprises of the Chelyabinsk region. We also wrote information and advertising materials that would be interesting for schoolchildren and students. And I must say, we have grounds for this - our enterprises are developing very quickly and effectively ," - said the head of the championship, Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of Industrial Economics and Project Management Leonid Baev .


Representatives of industrial enterprises of the region took part in the round table: JSC Automobile Plant URAL, OOO Ozersky Plant of Electrical Equipment, STC Privodnaya Tekhnika, Industrial Group Metran, OOO Neft-Servis and others. They told future specialists about their companies and the advantages of working for them.

"Such cooperation yields good results. After all, the media provides very little information for young people about the future. For example, about how ready our industry is to accept personnel for production. Plus, we have this echo of past years that production is something dirty. Now modern production is clean, and students who study engineering specialties are really welcome. They are in demand, and, having taken a job, they will receive good material and social conditions for life," says Sergey Kashigin , head of the Chelyabinsk regional branch of the "Union of Machine Builders of Russia".

The round table will help provide school project teams of students in grades 9–11 with the initial information for developing such a presentation. This championship competition is mandatory for each of the 20 teams and is included in the overall competition score.

"We were working on a project to create a modular mini-computer Linker. It represents several blocks of a regular computer that combines the functionality of laptops, nettops and computers, and meets all user needs. From the project we want to gain knowledge on how to best create such projects. In the future, we are thinking of launching this computer into large-scale serial production, and perhaps starting cooperation with enterprises that will be interested in us," shares the idea Ekaterina Khivintseva , a team member from the 82nd Lyceum in Chelyabinsk.


Ангелина Шляпина, фото Сергея Качко
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