SUSU Welcomed Its 10,000th Applicant

The Admissions Campaign at South Ural State University is gaining momentum. Today the 10,000th applicant has submitted documents to the university. Timofey Popov is enrolling in the School of Economics and Management.

Timofey chose the field of Information Systems and Technologies for himself. In the future, the graduate will be able to become a successful programmer, web designer, web developer, or professional in CRM systems.

"My older brother studied at SUSU, and I also always dreamed of enrolling here. The Admissions Committee helped me decide on a specialty and told me in detail about it. The field of Information Systems and Technologies interested me in the possibilities of subsequent employment and the high demand for specialists in this field. I think that studying at SUSU will be fun and active, the university opens up many opportunities for comprehensive development," shared Timofey Popov.

The ten thousandth applicant was personally congratulated by Anastasiia Lapo, Deputy Director of the School of Economics and Management for Education, and Iuliia Bolotina, Head of the Department for Strategic Work with Applicants. They presented the future student with memorable gifts with the university logos.

"We are very happy to welcome every applicant, and the 10,000th applicant in particular. I would like to note that the School of Economics and Management is not just a structural division of SUSU, it is a full-fledged platform that trains personnel for the economy of our region and country. We have a huge number of majors, we train bachelors, masters, specialists, each of whom finds his own unique path and builds his own career path depending on what he wants to do and how he sees his existence in this world," said Anastasiia Lapo.

The SUSU Admissions Committee Office is located in the university’s main building at the address: 76 Lenin Prospekt. For all questions on admission please call at: +7 (800) 300-00-55.

You can find out more detailed information on tuition fees and fields of study on the SUSU Applicant website and in the VKontakte group.

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