Young SUSU Scientists Become Winners of the Russian Science Foundation Competition

Four young scientists from South Ural State University, working within the framework of the Priority 2030 program, became winners in two categories of the RSF competition.

Among the best scientists in the direction "Research by Scientific Groups under the Guidance of Young Scientists" of the presidential program of research projects were Olga Zaitseva (branch in Zlatoust, "Engineering and Technology", "Industrial and Civil Engineering") and Iuriy Kapeliushin (Institute of Engineering and Technology, Research Laboratory of Physical Chemistry Problems and Gas Dynamics of Propulsion Systems of Reusable Launch Vehicles).

Olga Zaitseva, within the framework of strategic project No. 2 "Fundamentals of the Synthesis and Operation of Non-conventional Materials", is studying the structure and properties of new high-entropy compounds with a fluorite structure. Iuriy Kapeliushin, within the framework of strategic project No. 1 "Intelligent Manufacturing", is developing modern integrated scientific solutions for processing electric arc furnace dust and oily scale. Scientists will receive from 3 to 6 million roubles annually for their research.

In the category of the RSF competition "Conducting Initiative Research by Young Scientists" of the presidential program of research projects, the winners were Semyon Voroshin (Institute of Media, Social Sciences and Humanities, Cultural Theory and History Research and Education Centre) and Ekaterina Shchurova (Institute of Engineering and Technology, Department of Automation Engineering). In this category, the size of one grant is up to 1.5 million roubles annually. Semyon Voroshin is a specialist in the late Middle Ages in the culture and art of the 16th–17th centuries, he studies the philanthropic activities of the Stroganov family. Ekaterina Shchurova, within the framework of strategic project No. 1 "Intelligent Manufacturing", is engaged in joint numerical geometric and physical modelling of elements of technological systems.

RSF grants are allocated for the implementation of scientific, research and technology programs and projects selected based on the results of a competition, providing for fundamental scientific research and exploratory scientific research.

The implementation of the project is aimed at consolidating young scientists in the scientific and educational sphere, providing targeted assistance to young talented researchers at the beginning of their scientific career, as well as stimulating scientific mobility.


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