Applicant 2024: SUSU Invites to Unique Master’s Programme

The Department of Industrial Economics and Project Management of the SUSU School of Economics and Management invites you to a new Master’s degree programme in the "Management" field of study in the 2024/2025 academic year.

The educational programme “Management of Projects and Programs of Scientific and Technological Development” was developed jointly with the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin” and the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Kurgan State University” in accordance with the action plan for the implementation of the program of activities of the Centre for the Development of Managerial Competencies in Scientific, Research and Technology Projects and Laboratories of the World-class Ural Interregional Research and Education Centre for Advanced Industrial Technologies and Materials (UIREC).

It is aimed at teaching modern requirements for project management in the scientific, technological and production spheres in the interests of developing priority areas of UIREC and research and technology development of the Russian Federation. Industrial partners and organizations of participants of the Ural REC are involved in the educational process.

A special feature of the programme is the formation of students’ competencies to support projects at life cycle stages and the development of management competencies of managers of academic, research and technology and infrastructure projects. The combination of active teaching methods, project activities and fundamental training in economic sciences ensures the training of management personnel for a high-tech economy ready to implement the priorities of scientific and technological development of Russia.

Advantages of the programme:

  • partnership of three universities;

  • combining training in project management and administration with current professional activities;

  • opportunity to work on your own project, agreed upon with the employer;

  • leading teachers are certified specialists in the field of project management and have experience in developing and maintaining projects;

  • possibility of mastering online courses with subsequent re-crediting in Master's degree disciplines;

  • organizational and methodological support for students.


The mode of study is full-time (modular planning of classes in the evening), 5 state-funded places, 15 contract places (tuition cost is 154 thousand roubles).

Representatives of enterprises participating in the REC are considered a priority for enrolling to this programme.

Acceptance of documents ends on July 25th (state-funded places) and August 20th (contract-based places).

More detailed information about the training and the application process can be obtained from the programme manager, Head of the Department of Industrial Economics and Project Management, Nataliia Dzenzeliuk by phone: +79058319309 (any messenger) or by e-mail: dzenzeliukns[at]susu[dot]ru


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