Egor Alekseev, graduate of the Institute of Engineering and Technology, training area "Technological machines and equipment"
"My acquaintance with SUSU began at school. In the 10th grade, I attended career guidance courses, successfully defended my first project of a prototype of a duo rolling cage in a team with schoolchildren under the guidance of Oleg Olegovich Siverin, a teacher at the Department of Processes and machines for metalworking by pressure. Already during the implementation of this project, I realized that there is a certain potential for professional growth if I enter this university. As a result, he enrolled in the training profile "Engineering of technological equipment". And even before starting his studies, he managed to participate in the opening of one of the first FabLabs at the university.
SUSU offers students enough opportunities for their development. Personally, over the years of studying at the bachelor's degree, I also tried a lot of things (Olympiads, engineering championships), visited the role of a technology entrepreneur and curator of an academic group, participated in a scientific conference, wrote a couple of scientific articles. But, as they say, if you chase two hares, you won't catch one. And as a result, I realized that it was necessary to concentrate my efforts on the development of one thing, and decided to focus on robotics and the design of industrial robots, which was reflected in the completion of the Final Qualification Work. In addition, this area is again becoming relevant for enterprises, and there is also an interest in its development on the part of the state. First of all, I wish SUSU to always keep up with the times and offer relevant directions that will be of interest to both students and employers. And more talented students who will move the university, the region, and the country forward.
"Angelina Shlyapina, graduate of the Institute of Media and Social Sciences and Humanities, specialty "Journalism"
"I still can't believe that my studies have been completed and now I have a diploma from a university of such a high level as SUSU. I never thought that I would study here, it seemed unreal. Dreams have come true! I have a degree from another university, and, of course, the transition to another university was somewhat unexpected and exciting. But, fortunately, I joined a large family Institute of Media, Social Sciences and Humanities of SUSU. Thanks to Lyudmila Petrovna Shesterkina, our head of "the Department of Journalism, Advertising and Public Relations”, the university has become my second home, and journalism has opened up in a completely new way. I also found a job, friends, and like-minded people here. I liked studying here, I literally moved to another level of professionalism. I recommend South Ural State University for admission to people who want to connect their lives with journalism just like me. SUSU provides not only a good base of theoretical knowledge, but also practical skills, the opportunity for constant journalistic practice at a variety of events."
Victoria Shalaeva, graduate of the Law Institute, specialty "Jurisprudence"
"SUSU taught me to communicate with people of all ages, always try to hear and understand them. And also to keep within deadlines, because when working on important projects, time sometimes slips out of sight. And, of course, to be confident in yourself and in your abilities, because you have the support of mentors and teachers in any direction behind you.
Impressions are certainly positive, SUSU opens up a lot of opportunities: creativity, science, work and much more. The main thing is to do everything in time!
I wish my university prosperity, active students and nationwide recognition. Let everyone hear about it and find out!"
Veronika Plyasovskikh, graduate of the Higher Medical and Biological School, specialty "Psychology"
"My impressions of studying at SUSU are extremely positive. It was with great pleasure that I studied at the wonderful Department of General Psychology, Psychodiagnostics and Psychological Counseling, where an excellent teaching staff of both young and experienced professionals with long experience works.
Studying at SUSU has opened up a lot of opportunities for me. First of all, I received a high-quality education. We also had interesting field classes and internships, which allowed us not only to acquire theoretical knowledge, but also to consolidate it in practice. In addition, I had the opportunity to delve into research work, which allowed me to get acquainted with our esports club and further successfully defend the Final Qualifying Work devoted to the study of psychological factors and predictors of the success of gaming activities of “Dota 2” esports players.
I would also like to note that during my studies I received a lot of impressions from various events held at the university. These were bright, unforgettable events that complemented my education.
In conclusion, I would like to wish SUSU further development and a large number of successful students, as well as the preservation of its unique culture and rich life."