Postgraduate Course Admission Started at SUSU

Acceptance of applications for admission to SUSU postgraduate course started on July 1st.

The first applicant was Evgeni Ptytsin, applicant for specialty «Geosciences», and Artem Kim, applicant for specialty «System analysis, management and information processing, statistics». The have been presented a memorable souvenirs with university symbols.

«This year there are 54 budget places at postgraduate course. Our applicants have an opportunity to choose a field of future researches as a part of preparation in 65 scientific specialties, including 7 English-speaking programs. I want to wish to pass entrance examinations and become postgraduate alumni of our university», - notes a Head of the Postgraduate Department Natalya Shaburova.

The full list of programs can be found on the website.

Remind you about the dates of admission campaign:

• Documents acceptance under the competition to the budget places will last until July 12.

• Documents acceptance for fee-paying education – until 23 August.

• It is available to submit an application in person – at Office 504, Main University Building, or distantly via the portal for applicants.

Entrance examinations for government-funded education will be held from July 15 to July 28 2024, for applicants for fee-paying education from August 24 to August 30 2024.

You can ask questions by phone: 267-64-64, 272-32-10.

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