Get two diplomas from SUSU with a unique program "Digital Departments"

“Digital Departments” - a joint project of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation, aimed at the formation of competencies necessary to perform a new type of professional activity, the acquisition of new qualifications in the field of information technology.

We talk about one of available programs of education - "Engineering product design in the “Compass 3D” program”. The head is Ekaterina Usmanova, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Engineering and Computer Graphics.

In the process of mastering this discipline, students participate in the development of a project to create an assembly unit of a machine-building product by mastering 3D design technology and building a drawing based on the modern “Compass 3D” package. Students perform 3D models of all parts included in the assembly unit, create a 3D model of the assembly unit, draw up an assembly drawing and specification.

In the production practice, students will master the elements of industrial design of the finished products of the enterprise. The partner of the direction is "NPO "ELEKTROMASHINA" OAO.

The program is aimed at the development of drawings and parts of assembly units by means of computer-aided design; development of skills in design documentation according to ESKD standards; mastering elements of industrial design; shaping lines and surfaces based on curves of the 2nd order. After training, graduates will be awarded the qualification of "Specialist in engineering of machine-building production".

Graduates will acquire competencies such as:

– the ability to use 3D modeling;

– skills in working with special technical CAD/CAM design programs;

– knowledge of computer modeling tools.

The future profession will allow you to work as:

– a design engineer;

– a process engineer;

– design engineer;

– an industrial design engineer.

"While studying at the “Digital Department”, I learned how to work in such an automated programming system as “Compass 3D”, studied the Artison Rendering program, in which you can give any detail a bright color, background, add lighting and much more. I learned to think spatially and translate thoughts into 3D details. "Digital departments" differ from basic education: the teacher's approach to communicating information, interesting work both in full-time and during homework. I also really liked our practice at the “Elektromashina” plant, where I made a model of an electric filling station," says the graduate.

The following can become participants in the project:

– undergraduate students of at least the 2nd year, specialist students of at least the 3rd year of study, master's students who do not belong to the IT profile, studying full-time (full-time) at the expense of budgetary funds or under contracts for the provision of paid educational services.

– bachelor's degree students of at least the 2nd year, specialist students of at least the 3rd year of study, who belong to the IT profile, studying full-time (full–time) at the expense of budgetary funds or under contracts for the provision of paid educational services.

The Digital Departments project is being implemented within the framework of the federal project "Development of human resources in the IT industry" of the national program "Digital Economy of the Russian Federation".

To get acquainted with the project and its programs, you can apply on the website (


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