What Specialists Are In Demand in the Labour Market Today?

Less than two jobseekers tend to apply for an open position of an engineer. At the same time, employers are ready to pay specialists with a rare engineering profile over 200 thousand roubles. Such data are provided by a study by the MIREA - Russian Technological University and HeadHunter.

Obtain a profession of the future for free

The profession of an engineer remains one of the most important and high-in-demand professions in Russia and the world. And it is namely this speciality, surprising as it may seem, that experts call the profession of the future.

But in today's industrial frameworks, the requirements for engineers are changing. The fourth technological revolution, which is called Industry 4.0, has become a reality. Together with it, such concepts as artificial intelligence, Internet of things, big data, virtual and augmented reality appeared. In parallel with the digitalization of industry, the training of those specialists who will be working in the 21st century is also changing.


The Institute of Engineering and Technology of South Ural State University is the biggest institute of the university. It unites everything relevant to the basic branches of industry: from metallurgy to the aerospace industry. Namely here the engineers of the future are trained.

This year, 1112 state-funded places were allocated for the Institute of Engineering and Technology in 24 programmes. The Institute of Engineering and Technology comprises faculties, such as Faculty of Automotive Engineering, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Energy and Power Engineering, Faculty of Materials Science and Metallurgy Engineering and Part-Time Studies. Integration of educational, scientific and other resources among the faculties helps to spread advanced traditions, teaching experience, maximize research and human potential, and as a result, bring the quality of education to an even higher level.

“Upon obtaining a degree in engineering at SUSU, I was able to get into the cosmonaut corps,” says testing cosmonaut of cosmonaut corps of the Roscosmos State Space Corporation Dmitriy Petelin. “On average, the path from a desire to become a cosmonaut to a candidate for cosmonaut takes 9 to 10 years, and there is strong competition during the selection process. The knowledge that I received at the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering greatly helped me during this period and in my future professional activities.”

Find a dream job while studying

The Institute of Engineering and Technology actively collaborates with universities around the world. Among its partners are universities in France, Finland, the USA, China and other countries. The institute is developing a system of project-based learning which complies with demands of the modern labour market. Students participate in real projects of such companies as Siemens, Emerson, Roscosmos State Space Corporation, State Atomic Energy Corporation ROSATOM, Rostec, and other industrial giants. As a result, SUSU trains new-level graduates and enterprises receive ready-made specialists. All faculties of the Institute of Engineering and Technology are actively involved in the work of the World-class Ural Interregional Research and Education Centre for Advanced Industrial Technologies and Materials (UIREC), which was created by the authorities of three regions: Chelyabinsk, Sverdlovsk and Kurgan regions.

“As early as 3-4 years ago, we foresaw, anticipating the demands of the industry, that the industry would need specialists who have practical skills in design. We introduced project-based learning, and now students, starting from the second year of the Bachelor's degree programme, have the opportunity to solve real problems of enterprises,” says Director of the Institute, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), Professor, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Rocket and Artillery Sciences Sergei Vaulin. “Today, we have two youth design bureaus functioning at the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering and the Faculty of Automotive Engineering, which conduct interdisciplinary projects. The Faculty of Materials Science and Metallurgy Engineering, the Faculty of Energy and Power Engineering and the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering provide the implementation of developments. The professional skills of young students are mastered during the work on the projects of youth design bureaus. In addition to strong basic theoretical training and laboratory work, they gain practice of working on serious projects, going all the way from initial development to commissioning. Thanks to the recently created UIREC, we are expanding this practical component, as more and more enterprises want to join this project.”

Already during the learning process, many students are contemplating on creating their own start-up, which they can implement thanks to the rich material base of the university: scientific and technological laboratories and centres with cutting-edge equipment, relevant to diesel engineering, rocket and space technology, materials science, and robotics.

Do not miss your chance to obtain a profession of the future at the SUSU Institute of Engineering and Technology!

Applicant Consultation Centre: +7 (351) 267-91-47

Admissions Committee: 8 800 300-00-55 (free within the Ural Federal District)

E-mail for general questions: prkom[at]susu[dot]ru


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