Milk products help to lose weight and this fact is proved by the researches of American scientists. The scientists of Applied Biotechnology Department of Trade and Economic Faculty create for the Russian market the products which allow to balance weight wihtout abandoning lovely sweets. In November 2012 South Ural State University got the patent for fermented milk beverage with low carb. The new product will suit not only children's taste but also the taste of all the candy men who are trying to keep fit, besides, this product will suit the diabetics. The technology had been successfully tested at Sibay Milk Factory. At the present time the innovative milk product is at the stage of preparing for the commercial introduction: the product undergoes the conformity assessment and the developers prepare all necessary normative documentation.
The author of technology for production of innovative fermented milk product is Guzel Alkhamova, postgraduate of Applied Biotechnology Department, Specialist in the sphere of foods of animal origin. The supervisor of the scientific project is Maksim Borisovich Rebezov, Doctor of Agricultural Science and Professor.
The product is of regular stiff consistency, delectable flavour and aroma. The peculiarity of a new formula is the usage of natural sweetener - stevia extract. During hundreds of years the Indians who lived in the territory of Brazil and Paraguay used some kinds of stevia which they called "sweet grass" as a sweetener for mate or other medical sorts of tea. For more than 30 years stevia is widely used in Japan as a natural sweetener in the production of food and non-alcoholic beverages; in USA and Canada – as food additive.
"At the present time the successful business is a business based on innovations. Innovations in marketing, management, technologies. We orient towards this tendency training our students-technologists - says Professor Maksim Borisovich Rebezov, Head of Applied Biotechnology Department. - All the scientists of our Department take an active part in developing new food products and methods of optimization the food production. The results of our researches are taken as the basis of educational programs. That is why is can say that the Faculty delivers specialists who are really in demand at the market in the sphere of food production".
We would like to congratulate Guzel Kiramovna and Maksim Borisovich with getting the patent and we wish them good luck in developing innovations in the sphere of biotechnologies!