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Exhibition of Automobile and Tractor Machinery to Be Held on the Occasion of the 75th Anniversary of SUSU

Due to the celebration of the 75th Anniversary of South Ural State University and the Automobile and Tractor Faculty, an exhibition of automobile and tractor machinery will be held July 3rd through 13th. It will be organized on the square in front of the university’s main building.

“Beauty has Always Ruled the World, and it Should be in Everything,” – Georgiy Kalyagin on the Development of Industrial Design

On June 29th, the Industrial Design Day was celebrated for the tenth time. On this day in 2007, the International Association of Industrial Designers was founded. These are specialists who work on the aesthetic features of various devices and industrial pieces. At SUSU, a huge amount of technology is created, including teaching equipment, for external appearance of which there are special requirements. Director of the Academic Equipment and Technology Research and Development Institute, Georgiy Kalyagin, told us about this.

Power Engineering Students to Start Their Academic Year in China

The Double Degree programs is a great chance not only to gain an international experience, but also to obtain a prestigious education in two universities simultaneously. Five freshman students of the SUSU Polytechnic Institute this year will also become Master’s students of North China Electric Power University.

Small Innovative Enterprises at SUSU: University Supports Venturous Inventors

On the last Saturday of June the Day of Inventor and Innovator is celebrated in Russia. This holiday, which this year is celebrated on the 30th of June, was introduced late in the 50s of the past century at the initiative of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and is celebrated every year, but was made official in 1979. South Ural State University actively supports students and graduates, who work on inventions.

SUSU Professor to Read a Course of Lectures for Students of Namangan Engineering Technology University

The Head of the Department of Production Technology and Catering Organization of the Institute of Sport, Tourism and Service Abduvali Dzhabarovich Toshev was invited to Namangan Engineering Technology Institute, Republic of Uzbekistan for participation in an International Conference and delivering a course of lectures for students of the Food Products Technology specialization.

SUSU is to Hold a Global Forum on Digital Industry

International Global Smart Industry Conference (GloSIC’2018) at South Ural State University will bring together leading professors of the world. The global scientific forum is to be held from November 13th through 15th of 2018.

Participants will discuss achievements in the sphere of innovative models development, methods and techniques for digital industry, as well as the experience of their implementation in large transnational and domestic industrial companies.

Postgraduate Student of SUSU Received a Bounty from the Legislative Assembly of the Chelyabinsk Region

Each year before the Youth Day, a ceremony of awarding a bounty in the sphere of youth politics is held in the Legislative Assembly of the Chelyabinsk region. Head of the Extracurricular Activities Department of South Ural State University, postgraduate student Yakov Ermoshkin, received the bounty.

Agreement on the Opening of a Program for Studying the Internet of Things Signed by Samsung

South Ural State University is working with the international leader in information technology and radioelectronics – Samsung Company. On Tuesday, June 26th, SUSU Rector Aleksandr Shestakov signed an agreement on the opening of the Samsung IoT Academy program and the unique training laboratory for studying technologies of the Internet of Things at the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.

Self-identification and Priceless Experience: Interview on Extracurricular Activity of SUSU Students

On June 27th a national holiday is celebrated in Russia, which is relevant to the majority of students — Youth Day. South Ural State University pays much attention to working with students: here each one of them can get help whenever they need it, reveal their talents and find their path in life. Head of the Extracurricular Activities Department Svetlana Yudochkina shares on what opportunities are provided for SUSU students besides studying.

SUSU Scientists are Developing a Project of Energy Efficient House

At South Ural State University, work is being done on the project of an energy efficient house. Scientists from Polytechnic Institute and the Institute of Architecture and Construction together with the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science are developing a unique project.

Strengthening of International Relations of ISSH Literature Scholars: a Report by SUSU Professor Presented in Barcelona

From June 20th through 22nd, and International Conference of Russian language specialists was held at the University of Barcelona, where Professor of the SUSU ISSH Department of Russian Language and Literature, Doctor of Sciences (Philology) Tatiana Fedorovna Semyan presented a report on the topic representing the sphere of research of the Department’s scientific school: “Visual nature of modern literature: from typography to media poetry”.

Heritage of the Nation: Best SUSU Graduates in 2018

Each year, more than a thousand students from various majors graduate from South Ural State University. A few of them earn the honorable title of best graduates from SUSU – their academic background includes research articles, grants, certificates, medals, and active participation in extracurricular life of the university. A few of them shared their success story with us.

“We are Following the Motto of Uniting Europe and Asia,”: on the International Activities of SUSU in Journalism

Throughout the 2017/2018 academic year, the Department of Journalism and Mass Communications of the ISSH Faculty of Journalism actively developed its international connections.

SUSU Scientists are Researching Plant Extracts in Cooperation with a Leading Bulgarian University

A delegation from South Ural State University visited the Medical University of Varna (Bulgaria). The goal of the visit was to start cooperative research in the sphere of biologically active extracts.

Singing of an Agreement on the Opening of Samsung IoT Academy Program to be Held at SUSU

The signing of an agreement on the opening of Samsung IoT Academy program at the South Ural State University School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science will be held on June 26th at SUSU.

This agreement is the result of successful selection of SUSU’s application to participate in a project on the development of a center of expertise on the Internet of Things and data mining being realized by Samsung Company in the leading universities in Russia.

“I Have Always Wanted to Visit Russia”: Josef Bednařík about Russia and Studying at SUSU

Josef Bednařík, a student of the Brno University of Technology, came to SUSU one year ago as an exchange student to complete his study in master’s program in the specialty of “Mechatronics and Robotic Engineering”. Now the time of his studying in Russia is coming to an end, and we decided to ask Josef what was memorable about Russia and the time that he spent at South Ural State University.

– Why did you decide to choose a university precisely in Russia?

SUSU Took Part in NAFSA 2018 International Conference in the USA within Project 5-100

An international conference and exhibition of the National Association for Foreign Student Affairs NAFSA 2018 took place in the USA. Russia was represented by leading universities of the country, participants of Project 5-100, South Ural State University among them. Within the event, domestic universities were given the opportunity to establish relations with universities of Northern America, as well as with universities of Europe and Asia.

SUSU Students are Constructing an Electric Race Car with Unique Electronic Transmission in the Framework of Project-Based Education

In 2018–2019, the program of project-based education has been officially launched at South Ural State University. However, this educational technology has already been implementing in a number of university’s subdivisions for many years. In particular, SUSU students have been working on construction of race cars since 2012 in the frameworks of Formula Student engineering competition among university students, organized by the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), which nowadays includes 570 teams representing higher education institutions from around the world.

The 500th Applicant of SUSU is an International Postgraduate Student

Admission campaign in one of the leading universities of Russia is in the full swing. The 500th applicant of South Ural State University is an international student from China, Jing Tao, who is getting enrolled for postgraduate studies program taught in English at the SUSU Polytechnic Institute.

Future SUSU Students Learned How to Check Products’ Quality

Check the fat content of cottage cheese, find out whether milk is complying with the GOST, and discover your favorite cookie’s true composition. Students of the SUSU Summer School visited laboratories of the School of Medical Biology and carried out a series of experiments over products.

According to the children, checking food quality turned out to be not only interesting but also healthful.

The Department of Applied Mathematics and Programming Celebrates Its 45th Anniversary

The Department of Applied Mathematics has been established on June 23 of 1973 upon Decree No.241 of the CPI Rector as part of the Faculty of Instrument Engineering upn an initiative of its first Director, Vladimir Tsygankov.

It was the first department of the South Urals that preformed training of specialists in programming, mathematical methods application and computational equipment for various spheres of science and technology.

SUSU Rector Aleksandr Shestakov Took Part in Talk Show The Round

On June 20, admission campaign started in universities all around Russia. In this regard, representatives of the leading universities of the Chelyabinsk region were invited to the new episode of Talk Show The Round, South Ural State University among them.

The topic of discussion was prospective professions, advantages of contract-based and state-funded education forms, and the employability of alumni.

SUSU Student to Participate in the Construction of an Atomic Energy Station in Bangladesh

As a result of a competitive selection among service members of student labor unions across Russia for the right to participate in international construction projects, the commander of South Ural State University’s Headquarter of Student Labor Unions, 5th year student of the Institute of Architecture and Construction, Semen Glushenko is to travel to the Ruppur Atomic Energy Station in South Asia.

International Students Received International Russian Language Certificate

In 1990, upon initiative of Cambridge University and the University of Salamanca, the Association of Language Testers in Europe (ALTE), which presently conducts integrated control when organizing certified exams in foreign languages, has been created. ALTE includes 19 national testing systems.

Russia as an associated member of the ALTE is represented by the Russian state system of testing Russian as a foreign language for foreign citizens. ALTE accepts the Russian State Certificate that certifies results of testing.

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