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“Rector’s Hour”: Aleksandr Shestakov Speaks to Applicants about the Advantages of Education at SUSU

At South Ural State University on Sunday, July 8th, a meeting was held with Rector Aleksandr Shestakov for applicants and their parents in which the head of SUSU answered the most important questions on applying to university in the 2018-2019 academic year and the prospects of education.

20 Years of МВА in Russia: Graduates of SUSU Business School Are Awarded Diplomas

On July 6th a ceremony of awarding diplomas was held at South Ural State University for 37 graduates of the Presidential Program on training management specialists in such fields as Strategic Management, and Project Management at an Enterprise.

Presidential Program for Top Managers

Excellent Internship: SUSU Students Create Plots for STS-Chelyabinsk Television Channel

Students of Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities do practical work on STS-Chelyabinsk television channel as journalists. The television channel has been cooperating with SUSU for several years. Students of different years of study do an internship there and many of them work with the channel not for the first year.  

STS-Chelyabinsk PR-manager Aleksandr Kazantsev told what kind of work the trainees do.

SUSU Students Will Be Able to Participate in the International Insurance Olympiad

In October 2018 Strakhovoy Broker Sberbanka LLC (Sberbank Insurance Broker) with support from Lomonosov Moscow State University will launch a project called International Insurance Olympiad. Through this project our company wishes to focus attention public and business circles on the necessity to improving the level of insurance culture in our country.

SUSU Postgraduate Wins in Two Contests

A student of the 2nd year of postgraduate studies from the Institute of Natural Sciences and Mathematics of South Ural State University Ekaterina Anikina has become a winner of two contests. As a result she became a participant of Summer School Hermes-2018 on Computer Modeling in Great Britain and a holder scholarship under Visby program.

SUSU to Present Its Developments at the International Exhibition INNOPROM-2018

The international industrial exhibition INNOPROM, which has been held annually since 2010, will be held July 9th through July 12th in Yekaterinburg. South Ural State University will also take part in this large event.

Each year, over 50,000 participants from more than 95 countries attend the INNOPROM exhibition. Around 1,500 journalists from around the world cover this significant event in the industrial field.

SUSU Researchers in an International Team Determine How the Ancient Virus Hepatitis B Spread

Thanks to viral traces in the genomes of ancient people, researchers from South Ural State University were able to determine that man has been suffering from Hepatitis B since at least the Bronze Age. The results of their archaeological digs were part of a project for international collaboration between researchers, which has for several years been analyzing DNA of the remains of ancient people found in areas from Mongolia to Europe with the goal of tracing the path of how some of the ancient illnesses spread and to determine how they might behave in the future.

Smart System Will Predict Any Car Breakdown

Scientists of South Ural State University (the university being participant of Project 5-100) created a unique smart system for land transport. It can predict which of the car units might fail and it may “extend” the car’s life by one quarter.

GIS Clone Our Reality: 5 Years at the Forefront of Science

UralGIS LLC, a SUSU’s small innovative enterprise celebrates its 5th anniversary, and over the course of these years the scientists have been performing online monitoring of territories by using WEB cartographies and GIS technologies. Over this period the company has fulfilled and keeps developing a number of strategically important projects for governmental authorities and enterprises of Russia,as well as of Cuba, Abkhazia, India, and other countries around the world.

Ceremony of Awarding Diplomas to Presidential Program Graduates to Be Held at SUSU

On July 6, 2018 a ceremony of awarding diplomas will take place in Sigma academic building 15:00 to 16:30 for 38 graduates of the Presidential Program on training management specialists in such fields as Strategic Management, and Project Management at an Enterprise.

Master’s Program of the SUSU Institute of Law: the Key to a Successful Career

The Criminal Law, Criminology, Criminal and Penal Law Master’s program is being successfully fulfilled since 2009. The irreplaceable head of this program is Doctor of Sciences (Law), Professor Yuri Aleksandrovich Voronin.

SUSU Master’s Student and Postgraduate Student Win Scholarships to Study in France

The all-Russian open contest is held annually as part of the program of the Russian Presidential Scholarship for students and postgraduate students to study abroad.

Centre for Cultural Adaptation Invites International Students!

A warm welcome to our freshers!

We hope you will have a truly unforgettable experience at SUSU. If you start feeling homesick, lonely or overwhelmed, we are here for you!

SUSU Opens Motor-and-Tractor Equipment Exhibition Devoted to the University’s 75th Anniversary

On July 3 opening of a motor-and-tractor equipment exhibition took place on the SUSU’s main building square. It was devoted to the 75th anniversary of South Ural State University and Automobile and Tractor Engineering Faculty. Here organizations and companies which employed the graduates of the university presented new models of automobile and tractor equipment.

Andrey Shmidt, SUSU Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs says on the significance of event:

“A Fusion of Art, Science, and the Highest Technologies”: SUSU Professor Becomes Honored Guest of the Opening of a Hologram Exhibition

On July 2nd, an optoclone exhibition was opened at the State History Museum of the South Ural Region. Optoclones are ultra-realistic full-color holograms, which show images of the Diamond Fund and the State Fund of Precious Metals and Precious Stones of the Russian Federation.

Summer School in Reginas Company

Summer school has been functioning at the SUSU Department of Cars and Car-caring Service since 2016. It was organized jointly with Reginas Motor Vehicle Complex, which is the biggest operator of the Ural motor vehicle market, and the base enterprise for the Department.

The Head of the Department of Cars and Car-caring Service Aleksandr Rulevsky shares on who attends the school in Reginas, what activities take place there, and whether its participants like it.

– Who is the summer school in Reginas intended for?

SUSU Scientists Develop Smart- and Green-Technologies in Architecture and Construction

Ecological architecture and city-planning ecology are the most intensively developing directions of research, the importance of which is caused by the critical environmental situation and the world’s natural resources depletion. In the meantime development of smart-technologies is of great urgency. Both directions are connected by one of the unique South Ural State University projects.

Association of International Students in Questions & Answers

Association of International Students warmly welcomes SUSU freshers! We have prepared a list of key questions & answers so that you can get your first impression of our Association!

1) What is Association of International Students (AIS)?

SUSU’s Wind Turbines Located on the Shore of Barents Sea

Generation of energy using alternative sources is one of the topical tasks of modern science. Today for that purpose we use electromagnetic radiation of the Sun, movement of water in rivers and oceans, as well as kinetic energy of the wind. Scientists of South Ural State University are working in this field: a wind turbine engineered at the university will be improved in the future and will be able to generate more energy.

Make a Scientific Career at SUSU’s Postgraduate Program!

The successful completion of a Master’s program is not a reason to stop moving forward. Many students prefer to move to the next step of the academic stairs called postgraduate studies. Earning an academic degree gives you a chance to not just work in research, but also to expand the horizons of your future. South Ural State University has everything you need for this.

Wunderkind or Innovator? SUSU Researchers Have Come up with a Concept for Developing Children’s Aptitude

The study of creativity has a long history. Creative people include those who have the potential to offer progressive ideas, modernize, and implement innovations. Over 16 years, South Ural State University researchers have kept track of the pupils of a Chelyabinsk lyceum. This multi-year research allowed researchers to test the concept of developing children’s aptitude and determine resources which allow children to maintain and develop their intellect and creativity for many years.

Mohamed Wahballah: Don’t miss your chance to take the best out of SUSU!

With his Master’s studies behind, Mohamed Wahballah is ready to start the next chapter of his life. Having earned a degree in database technology, Mohamed has ambitious plans for the future and is determined to become successful.

– How did you learn about South Ural State University?

75 Years – 250 Thousand Graduates: Graduation Ceremony Was Held at SUSU

Graduates of the 2018 academic year were awarded their degrees at South Ural State University on Saturday, June 30th. Around four thousand SUSU students in graduation caps and gowns were awarded the documents proving completion of their education at one of the leading universities in Russia.

SUSU-TV to Hold the “For You, 2018 Applicants” Telemarathon

On Tuesday, July 3rd, SUSU-TV will hold the annual telemarathon “For you, 2018 Applicants”.

Throughout the day, live broadcasts will be held from the registration center and the SUSU-TV studio. Students of the Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities will tell applicants about enrolling at SUSU and SUSU’s history in an online format.

Heritage of the Nation: Best SUSU Graduates in 2018.Part II

Each year, more than a thousand students from various majors graduate from South Ural State University. A very nice tradition got formed at the university: each year we talk about our best graduates. This year there are so many of them that we divided the story about them into two parts.

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