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SUSU’s Anniversary: Schools and Institutes Showed Their Achievements

A series of celebratory events dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the university continues at South Ural State University. On the occasion of the university’s 75th anniversary, Directors of Schools and Institutes awarded letters of appreciation and honorary credentials to outstanding academics and administrative staff.

Robots and Simulators: Exhibition of the University Achievements in Research and Engineering Opens as Part of the SUSU Anniversary Celebrations

South Ural State University keeps celebrating its 75th Anniversary. In the anticipation of this big event the results were drawn on the SUSU activity in the field of science and innovations. The exhibition of achievements in research and engineering From Chelyabinsk Mechanical Engineering Institute to the University of Global Digital Transformations presents the results of the university work in this field.

SUSU Leaders 2018 Photo Gallery Opened at SUSU Scientific Library

The SUSU Leaders 2018 photo gallery opened at the SUSU Scientific Library on the occasion of the 75th Anniversary of South Ural State University.

Chelyabinsk Weekend Guide

Local’s guide on what to see and do

Dear Students!

There are tons of fun things you can do in Chelyabinsk. Below, we’ve picked some exciting events the city has to offer this weekend. It’s time to get some tickets and make those freedom evenings count! Don’t forget to leave your comment about the events on Vk and Facebook.

December 14, 18:30
Chelyabinsk State Academic Drama Theatre n.a. Naum Orlov
Evenings in Athens
2,5-hour play

Mechanical and Technological Faculty Celebrates Its 75th Anniversary

Mechanical and Technological Faculty is one of the two faculties, which South Ural State University originated from. The Faculty was established on December 15, 1943 alongside with the foundation of Chelyabinsk Mechanical Engineering Institute.

Hockey Match Between the Stars of Traktor and the Stars of Polytechnic Held in Honour of SUSU’s 75th Anniversary

A hockey match between the Stars of Traktor and the Stars of Polytechnic was held at South Ural State University on December 10th in honour of the university’s 75th Anniversary. The teams included famous hockey players, champions from Russian and international competitions of the highest level.

Rector Aleksandr Shestakov spoke about the importance of hockey for the university and the development of sport at SUSU over the recent years.

SUSU Scientists Invented Super Healthful Kefir Using Ultrasound

Nowadays, people are surrounded by various factors negatively affecting their health. In this regard, healthy lifestyle is especially important. Scientists all over the world pay close attention to healthful nutrition: at the present day, food industry is ready to offer unique food products which not only possess healthful properties but also can prevent various diseases.

The Memorial Plate Will Be Mounted at SUSU

On December 11, the memorial plate in honour of the 100-anniversary of Professor Aleksandr Timofeevich Poletsky will be mounted at South Ural State University.  

Photo Exhibition Entitled “A Bridge between the Present and the Future” is to Take Place at SUSU

On December 10, opening of an exhibition entitled «SUSU - A Bridge between the Present and the Future” dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the university is to be held at the Science and Technology of the Southern Ural Exhibition Centre (room 018 of the main academic building) at 10.00. Organisers of the exhibition are the Marketing and Strategic Communications Department and the SUSU History Museum.

“I Feel at Home Here” – Postgraduate Student from Uzbekistan about SUSU

One of the main competitive advantages of South Ural State University is its geographical location. The university is located on the border of Europe and Asia, and representatives of more than 50 countries are studying in the university’s walls today.

Real Men Play Hockey: Traktor Stars Versus Polytechnic Stars Hockey Match is to be Held on the Occasion of SUSU’s 75th Anniversary

On December 10, Traktor Stars versus Polytechnic Stars hockey match dedicated to the 75th anniversary of SUSU is to take place on the SUSU hockey arena (82 Lenin prospect, near the Student’s Hospital) at 1.30 p.m. Organiser of the exhibition match is the Physical Education and Sports Club and the SUSU Institute of Sport, Tourism and Service.

The teams include famous hockey players, winners of national and international competitions of the highest level.

Aleksandr Shestakov Took Part in the Strategic Meeting of Rectors

At the end of last week, Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, Mikhail Kotyukov, visited Yekaterinburg, where he held a number of important meetings and a meeting with Rectors of universities. Rector of South Ural State University Alexander Shestakov took part in the discussion of current trends in the development of the fields of education and science.

В Высшей медико-биологической школе обсудят достижения

On December 11, School of Medical Biology will hold an enlarged formal meeting dedicated to 75th anniversary of SUSU.

The enlarged session of the School of Medical Biology will be attended by the School’s Director, heads of Departments, heads of research and education centres, and social partners. The achievements of the School are to be announced.

The School of Medical Biology has been ranked first among other structural divisions of the University in terms of publication activity and international contracts.

SUSU Professor Named Honorary Professor at Chinese University

In November 2018, Tianjin Foreign Studies University hosted participants of the international scientific conference on Linguocultural Values in the Linguistic Consciousness and Communicative Practice, which was also attended by representatives of South Ural State University.

SUSU Smart House: From an Idea to Life

Project-based learning is being actively developed at our university today and touches upon all aspects of modern society. The Smart House project by the Department of Power Stations, Grids, and Electric Power Systems of the Faculty of Energy and Power Engineering of the Institute of Engineering and Technology is one of the most interesting projects complying with the trends of digitalization of all spheres of our life.

The Pushkin Institute Centre to Hold a Webinar for Teachers from China

Pushkin Institute Research and Education Centre of the SUSU Institute of Linguistics and International Communications is to hold a webinar dedicated to the use of visual aids in teaching Russian as a foreign language. The event is oriented towards Russian teachers from the People’s Republic of China.

SUSU Holds the UMNIK Contest of Young Innovators

On November 28-29, the UMNIK scientific innovation contest was held at South Ural State University for the 12th time. In 2019 within the frames of the contest, the owners of grants under the programme Foundation on Innovations Facilitation will be determined.

SUSU Will Establish Association of Foreign Graduates by the 75th Anniversary of the University

Foreign graduates like the Russian ones seek to maintain contacts with Alma Mater, the Russian universities and Russia as a whole. In this regard, on the initiative of International Office of SUSU and Association of Foreign Students of South Ural, the opening of Association of Foreign Graduates of SUSU will take place on December 13.

The main task of Association of Graduates is the formation of a corporate philosophy and a system of values of the university graduates. Every foreign student who has graduated from South Ural State University can become a member.

SUSU Historians Win at the Zodchestvo 2018 International Festival of Architecture

SUSU researchers’ fundamental study on the history of the Soviet city planning and architecture earned the highest award at the Zodchestvo 2018 International Festival of Architecture.

The two-volume book on the 1917-1941 History of Soviet City Planning, published in Moscow under the aegis of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences, earned the Golden Sign, the highest award of the prestigious international festival and exhibition Zodchestvo 2018.

SUSU Anniversary: Eurasia in the Ancient Times Presentation of the Studies by SUSU Archaeologists and Foreign Scientists to Be Held at the University

On December 13th at 11:30 the Eurasia in the Ancient Times presentation of the studies by SUSU archaeologists and foreign scientists, on the occasion of the 75th Anniversary of our university, will be held at Pushkin Hall (Room 244 of the Main University Building). The presentation is organized by the Eurasian Studies Research and Education Centre of the Faculty of History of the Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities.

Results of Alma Mater Contest to Be Announced at SUSU

On December 12th at 14:00 the results of the Alma Mater contest, held on the occasion of the 75th Anniversary of our university, will be announced, and the winners will be awarded in Room 1007 of the Main University Building. The contest was organised by the staff of the Rector’s Office and the Research and Innovation Services.

The leading administrative employees and academics of the university demonstrating good results in research and scientific-and-educational activities will be awarded. The winners will be announced under 12 categories:

Journey of Success: Anniversary Gala Show to Be Held at SUSU

December 14th South Ural State University will be celebrating its Birthday. All the academics, administrative staff, students, alumni, and guests will be welcome at the SUSU Activity Hall at 15:00. This time it will be a remarkable date since South Ural State University celebrates its 75th Anniversary in 2018!

Chelyabinsk Weekend Guide

Local’s guide on what to see and do

Dear Students!

There are tons of fun things you can do in Chelyabinsk. Below, we’ve picked some exciting events the city has to offer this weekend. It’s time to get some tickets and make those freedom evenings count! Don’t forget to leave your comment about the events on VK and Facebook.

December 7, 17:30
Pushkin Cinema
Sci-Fi Film Festival

1,5-hour programme

Unique Event at SUSU: ILIC Holds Economy Games in English for the First Time

Economy or economics? Second-year students of the SUSU School of Economics and Management answered this and other interesting questions. These students are part of the programme of in-depth language training under Project 5-100.

The ILIC Department of Modern Languages held the Economy Games in English for the first time on November 26th. Two teams fought to be named the winners: the B2 level group of experimental training, and the groups of the elite training zone.

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