From Russia to India: SUSU Students Given a Chance to Study in Universities in India

Indian Council for Cultural Relations offers scholarship programs for the citizens of Russia within the frameworks of the exchange for the 2019/2020 academic year.


  1. Excellent/good academic performance;
  2. Aged 18 to 30;
  3. Knowledge of English;
  4. Language of studies – English;
  5. Studies and accommodation are free of charge, and monthly scholarship payments.

To enrol, you need to choose a university in India, prepare the package of documents for the Russian and Indian parties, and after that the candidates are selected on a competition basis.

Deadline for submitting the documents to participate in this programme is before February 13, 2019.

For a detailed information about the programme and the list of documents, please visit:

List of universities: 

General information in English:

For the Indian party, it is required to register in the system, fill out a questionnaire and upload the documents

For a detailed information, please contact the Centre for International Education,

Room 161 of the main university building, +7 351 272 32 22

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