SUSU Students Became Prize Winners of Pitch Session among Youth Startups

Students from the SUSU team became prize winners of the United Pitch Session among Youth Startups of the Ural Region organized by Sber and took the second place.

The United Pitch Session among Youth Startups of the Ural Region was held in Sber's Technohub in Yekaterinburg, in which graduates of the SUSU Accelerator took part.

That day, 75 participants presented their projects to the expert jury. 3 projects out of 12 belonged to SUSU students.

Following the presentation at the pitch session, the SUSU team took the second place with their "Kipish Management" project. Earlier, the team of this project had become the winner of the "Student Startup" competition and won 1,000,000 roubles for the development of their project.

Our congratulations to the SUSU students! We wish them further success!

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