Assistant of the Department of Theory and Methodology of Physical Culture Elena Prokopchik and assistant of the Department of Sports Perfection Natalia Pavula presented their report on “Development of Student Snow Volleyball in the Chelyabinsk Region” at the 3rd All-Russian Science-to-practice Conference with International Participation “Student Sports in the Modern World”.
The event brought together leading experts and scientists from various regions of Russia and abroad, who discussed current issues in the development of student sports and innovative types of physical activity.
“The conference gave us an opportunity to learn more about new types of sports. Thanks to the development of digital technologies, it has become necessary to adapt traditional sports to increase the interest and motivation of students to engage in physical education and sports. Such events are necessary for exchanging experiences with our colleagues and jointly searching for new ways to develop modern sports,” noted Elena Prokopchik.
The conference began with an open meeting of the St. Petersburg Regional Branch of All-Russian Public Organization “Russian Student Sports Union”. The issues of developing innovative types of sports were discussed in the format of a round table chaired by Dmitriy Zhdanovich, Deputy Head of the Department for the Development of Student and Adaptive Sports of the Federal State State-funded Institution Federal Centre for the Training of Sports Reserves.
The conference also included such master classes as “Phygital Tactical Training Ground, Unique Laser Tag Systems and Devices” and “Tactical Fire Complex for Shooting Simulations”. Participants were able to learn about cutting-edge technologies and their application in sports activities.