SUSU Students Helped Combat the Impacts of Ecological Disaster

Volunteers from the SUSU Dobro.Tsentr have completed their work on mitigation of consequences of the ecological disaster in Anapa and are now returning to Chelyabinsk.

As part of the "Helping the Sea Together" national project, a group of student volunteers from the SUSU Dobro.Tsentr went to the Krasnodar Territory to help in the mitigation of the emergency consequences of the fuel-oil residue spill in the Black Sea. Volunteers Sergey Yarin, Anna Kutikova, Aleksandr Tsimerman and Ivan Borovkov joined the big-scale coast cleaning operation.

"I enjoyed working in such a tightly-knit team of volunteers, who were very enthusiastic and result-oriented. There were many volunteers of different age and from various cities! All the guys are very good and kind. We were united by our faith in that we would definitely succeed in combating the consequences of this disaster and help clean our planet," shared his impressions the head of the volunteer delegation and student of the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science Sergey Yarin.

By participating in the volunteer operation, SUSU students not only help recover the region’s ecology, but also set an example of a proactive attitude of a citizen of our country. They have made their contribution to combating the impacts of this ecological disaster. We are very proud of our guys and thank them for their hard work and help to nature.

The "Helping the Sea Together" national project is being fulfilled with the support from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.

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