School Pupils from Snezhinsk Visited SUSU Sport Science Research Centre

As part of learning more about the scientific activities conducted at SUSU, school pupils of a chemistry and biology class of the “Secondary General Education School No.125 with Advanced Study of Mathematics” of the city of Snezhinsk visited the Sport Science Research Centre of the Institute of Sports, Tourism and Service.

The school pupils could not only learn about the specifics of the laboratory equipment, but also conduct a small study on themselves. The following equipment and examination methods were presented during the excursion: ergospirometry, body composition analysis (TANITA scale), stabilometry, 3D scanner of the musculoskeletal system, topographer, etc.

“It is nice to see young people who are interested in science, including the sports one. This event has been aimed at broadening the horizons in the field of modern scientific research, improving knowledge in the field of anatomy, biomechanics and, of course, developing the scientific potential of students,” shared Olga Makunina, Candidate of Sciences (Biology), Associate Professor, Director of Sport Science Research Centre.

To wrap up the event, the students received branded gifts from the SUSU Institute of Sports, Tourism and Service and information leaflets about the admissions plan and the necessary examinations for the 2025 university admissions campaign.

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