Meeting with Translator and Diplomat Nikolai Duplensky Was Organised for Students of the Institute of Linguistics and International Communications

As part of the activities of the Youth Centre for Intercultural Integration of the Institute of Linguistics and International Communications, a webinar with famous translator and diplomat Nikolai Duplensky was organised at SUSU. The event was held in a mixed format.

Nikolai Duplensky, one of the founders and current member of the board of the National League of Translators and Interpreters, gave an interactive lecture on “23 Business Tips for Interpreters”, focusing on the aspects of the ethics of interpretation. Students studying in translation programmes and students of continuing education of the Institute of Linguistics and International Communications attended the event and received valuable pieces of advice on how to succeed in the profession of an interpreter.

“The lecture was very useful and interesting. Nikolai Duplensky emphasized that the professionalism of a translator lies not only in the knowledge of a foreign language, but also in the ability to maintain trusting relationships with customers and colleagues. These skills are extremely important for future professionals, and the issues raised by the lecturer made the students think about how important it is to take these aspects into account in their professional activities,” noted the Head of the Youth Centre Ekaterina Shefer.

The lecturer highlighted the importance of ethics in the work of a translator, shared examples from his personal experience and the experience of his colleagues about how a translator can, should and should not behave in the process of work. He explained in detail that the profession of a translator requires, in addition to linguistic skills, also a high degree of responsibility and the ability to maintain confidentiality. The importance of these aspects was especially important to convey to students who are just starting their career in the field of translation.

“The meeting turned out to be very useful for me as a future translator. I learned about the skills necessary to work as a simultaneous interpreter, as well as the requirements for people in this profession. After the lecture, only positive emotions and new knowledge remained,” shared Master’s degree student Kseniia Petina.

In the course of the meeting, the audience took part in the discussion and received answers to their questions. The webinar participants highly appreciated the knowledge they received.

“I especially enjoyed the fact that Nikolai Duplensky gave a lot of examples from his personal practice and provided a large number of links to literature to improve professional skills. Thank you for organizing a lecture with such a big professional,” expressed her gratitude a student of Lingatech Centre for Continuing Education Marina Zolotykh.

The participants of the meeting expressed their hope to continue the dialogue with this experienced specialist in an offline format in the future.

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