Programmed for Success: SUSU Welcomes Young IT Specialists

The Sigma Conference Hall of South Ural State University hosted the “Enter IT” (“Voyti v IT”) student conference, where representatives of 18 IT companies, ready to share their experience with future programmers, gathered.

The future professionals were greeted by Deputy Minister of Information Technologies, Communications and Digital Development of the Chelyabinsk Region Elena Lukashina:

"It is nice to see so many young, aspiring IT specialists ready to adopt knowledge in this field and become the best version of themselves today. The government of the Chelyabinsk Region pays great attention to supporting and developing talented youth in our region so that more startups and innovative projects grow into strong, successful IT companies. Today, there are more than one thousand IT companies operating in the Chelyabinsk Region that are engaged in various big-scale, interesting developments."

The event was attended by representatives of the Association of IT companies of the Chelyabinsk Region: INTEC, GIGASCHOOL, X-PAGE, and other companies.

Vasily Tyumentsev, Regional Director of the Technology Block at Sber, came to SUSU from Yekaterinburg. He told the guys about our future and present life with neural networks.

"I wanted to convey to the guys that artificial intelligence is one of the universal skills of the future. And no matter who they work as, most likely, their future will be inextricably linked with AI technologies," the speaker concluded.

Yaroslav Golub, Chairman of the Council of the IT Association in Memory for the Chelyabinsk Region, noted:

"For me, these conferences have always been a very strong motivator. And in general, for IT specialists, in my opinion, such events are an important part of life, because here we get a boost of energy and make good contacts."

The main organizer of this event was the Sber-established School 21. Four parallel sections covering the sphere of information technology and cybersecurity were held at their venue.

"Today we've offered a great opportunity for applicants to learn about our project. I've talked about how to enrol, what the deadlines and requirements are. In honour of the opening of the conference, a special "One day offer" campaign was held ‑ for everyone who wants to enrol in the nearest pool of School 21, by passing all the tests in just one day," said Yulia Muzhagitova, Senior Community Manager of the project.

School 21 provides an opportunity for any candidate over 18 years old who successfully passed the selection stages to master a popular IT specialty for free. Training is conducted at the School's campuses located in 9 cities of Russia, where about 4.5 thousand people from 70 regions of our country study. All graduates successfully find jobs in the largest Russian IT companies and startups. You can become a student, too: read more here.

At the end, there was a quiz with many gifts from partners. The organizers asked not only professional questions, but also funny ones, for example: what holiday does not exist in reality.

Ангелина Шляпина, фото Сергея Качко
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