Participant of the Special Military Operation and SUSU Student Took Part in the Patriots of the Urals Forum

The second forum Patriots of the Urals was held in Miass, at the initiative of the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of Russia in the Ural Federal District Artem Zhoga. It was also attended by the Governor of the Chelyabinsk Region Alexey Texler, and Andrey Kuzovlev, a student of SUSU, volunteer of the Special Military Operation and a holder of two Orders of Courage.

"Patriots of the Urals Forum is an important event demonstrating the unity and solidarity of the Ural Federal District in supporting our soldiers and strengthening our country. It unites the efforts of all who strive to contribute to the common cause. I am confident that the initiatives presented at the forum will find their practical application and bring real benefits," said Alexey Texler.

More than 800 applications for the participation in the forum were submitted by public figures, volunteers and activists who support the Special Military Operation, from 18 regions of Russia, as well as Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.

"The program of the second forum was designed to develop effective solutions on four of the most pressing topics: rehabilitation and socialization of Operation participants, organization and logistics of humanitarian aid, support for civil activists, and the work of the people's military-industrial complex. A colossal amount of work was done, and the results of the work of many sections were summarized," explained Andrey Kuzovlev.

The forum presented unique technical products for the army: combat and cargo drones, promising developments in control systems and video signal transmission, new technical solutions in electronic warfare systems and electronic reconnaissance, new solutions for drone warheads and special ammunition for drops, as well as an armoured skirt for protecting the waist and hips, electronic warfare systems.

In particular, they visited the section dedicated to the people's military-industrial complex and military technology, which was held by the Deputy Head of the Executive Committee of the People's Front Boris Podolny. He spoke about the work of the Technical Council of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation and the People's Front. The meeting was held in the format of an open dialogue. The developers asked questions and presented their initiatives.

At the closing of the Patriots of the Urals Forum, the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of Russia in the Urals Federal District Artem Zhoga thanked the volunteers for their hard work and stated that one of the main goals of the Special Military Operation has been achieved: people have united and are helping our military servicemen bring victory closer.

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